#Save-PnPProvisioningTemplate Saves a PnP file to the file systems ##Syntax
Save-PnPProvisioningTemplate -InputInstance <ProvisioningTemplate>
[-Force [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-TemplateProviderExtensions <ITemplateProviderExtension[]>]
-Out <String>
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Force | SwitchParameter | False | Specifying the Force parameter will skip the confirmation question. |
InputInstance | ProvisioningTemplate | True | Allows you to provide an in-memory instance of the ProvisioningTemplate type of the PnP Core Component. When using this parameter, the -Out parameter refers to the path for saving the template and storing any supporting file for the template. |
Out | String | True | Filename to write to, optionally including full path. |
TemplateProviderExtensions | ITemplateProviderExtension[] | False | Allows you to specify the ITemplateProviderExtension to execute while saving a template. |
##Examples |
###Example 1
PS:> Save-PnPProvisioningTemplate -InputInstance $template -Out .\template.pnp
Saves a PnP file to the file systems