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Document: "customer-insights"

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The connector mapping resource format.

azure_connector_mapping_resource_format {
  api_version => "api_version",
  connector_name => "connector_name",
  hub_name => "hub_name",
  mapping_name => "mapping_name",
  parameters => "parameters",
  properties => $azure_connector_mapping
  resource_group_name => "resource_group_name",
  subscription_id => "subscription_id",
Name Type Required Description
api_version String true Client Api Version.
connector_name String true The name of the connector.
hub_name String true The name of the hub.
mapping_name String true The name of the connector mapping.
parameters Hash true Parameters supplied to the CreateOrUpdate Connector Mapping operation.
properties ConnectorMapping false
resource_group_name String true The name of the resource group.
subscription_id String true Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call.


The connector mapping definition.

$azure_connector_mapping = {
  connectorType => $azure_connector_type
  description => "description (optional)",
  displayName => "displayName (optional)",
  entityType => "entityType",
  entityTypeName => "entityTypeName",
  mappingProperties => $azure_connector_mapping_properties
Name Type Required Description
connectorType ConnectorType false Type of connector.
description String false The description of the connector mapping.
displayName String false Display name for the connector mapping.
entityType String true Defines which entity type the file should map to.
entityTypeName String true The mapping entity name.
mappingProperties ConnectorMappingProperties true The properties of the mapping.


Type of connector.

$azure_connector_type = {
Name Type Required Description


The connector mapping properties.

$azure_connector_mapping_properties = {
  availability => $azure_connector_mapping_availability
  completeOperation => $azure_connector_mapping_complete_operation
  errorManagement => $azure_connector_mapping_error_management
  fileFilter => "fileFilter (optional)",
  folderPath => "folderPath (optional)",
  format => $azure_connector_mapping_format
  hasHeader => "hasHeader (optional)",
  structure => $azure_connector_mapping_structure
Name Type Required Description
availability ConnectorMappingAvailability true The availability of mapping property.
completeOperation ConnectorMappingCompleteOperation true The operation after import is done.
errorManagement ConnectorMappingErrorManagement true The error management setting for the mapping.
fileFilter String false The file filter for the mapping.
folderPath String false The folder path for the mapping.
format ConnectorMappingFormat true The format of mapping property.
hasHeader Boolean false If the file contains a header or not.
structure ConnectorMappingStructure true Ingestion mapping information at property level.


Connector mapping property availability.

$azure_connector_mapping_availability = {
  frequency => "frequency (optional)",
  interval => "1234",
Name Type Required Description
frequency String false The frequency to update.
interval Integer true The interval of the given frequency to use.


The complete operation.

$azure_connector_mapping_complete_operation = {
  completionOperationType => "completionOperationType (optional)",
  destinationFolder => "destinationFolder (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
completionOperationType String false The type of completion operation.
destinationFolder String false The destination folder where files will be moved to once the import is done.


The error management.

$azure_connector_mapping_error_management = {
  errorLimit => "1234 (optional)",
  errorManagementType => "errorManagementType",
Name Type Required Description
errorLimit Integer false The error limit allowed while importing data.
errorManagementType String true The type of error management to use for the mapping.


Connector mapping property format.

$azure_connector_mapping_format = {
  acceptLanguage => "acceptLanguage (optional)",
  arraySeparator => "arraySeparator (optional)",
  columnDelimiter => "columnDelimiter (optional)",
  formatType => "formatType",
  quoteCharacter => "quoteCharacter (optional)",
  quoteEscapeCharacter => "quoteEscapeCharacter (optional)",
Name Type Required Description
acceptLanguage String false The oData language.
arraySeparator String false Character separating array elements.
columnDelimiter String false The character that signifies a break between columns.
formatType String true The type mapping format.
quoteCharacter String false Quote character, used to indicate enquoted fields.
quoteEscapeCharacter String false Escape character for quotes, can be the same as the quoteCharacter.


Connector mapping property structure.

$azure_connector_mapping_structure = {
  columnName => "columnName",
  customFormatSpecifier => "customFormatSpecifier (optional)",
  isEncrypted => "isEncrypted (optional)",
  propertyName => "propertyName",
Name Type Required Description
columnName String true The column name of the import file.
customFormatSpecifier String false Custom format specifier for input parsing.
isEncrypted Boolean false Indicates if the column is encrypted.
propertyName String true The property name of the mapping entity.

CRUD operations

Here is a list of endpoints that we use to create, read, update and delete the ConnectorMappingResourceFormat

Operation Path Verb Description OperationID
Create /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.CustomerInsights/hubs/%{hub_name}/connectors/%{connector_name}/mappings/%{mapping_name} Put Creates a connector mapping or updates an existing connector mapping in the connector. ConnectorMappings_CreateOrUpdate
List - list all ``
List - get one /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.CustomerInsights/hubs/%{hub_name}/connectors/%{connector_name}/mappings/%{mapping_name} Get Gets a connector mapping in the connector. ConnectorMappings_Get
List - get list using params /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.CustomerInsights/hubs/%{hub_name}/connectors/%{connector_name}/mappings Get Gets all the connector mappings in the specified connector. ConnectorMappings_ListByConnector
Update /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.CustomerInsights/hubs/%{hub_name}/connectors/%{connector_name}/mappings/%{mapping_name} Put Creates a connector mapping or updates an existing connector mapping in the connector. ConnectorMappings_CreateOrUpdate
Delete /subscriptions/%{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/%{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.CustomerInsights/hubs/%{hub_name}/connectors/%{connector_name}/mappings/%{mapping_name} Delete Deletes a connector mapping in the connector. ConnectorMappings_Delete