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12. merged

File metadata and controls

209 lines (169 loc) · 10.1 KB

Editing merged sites

In the previous part, we made a merger site and a merged site (hub) for our new zite, PostHere.

Creating directory for user content

First of all we have to create data/users/content.json in our hub. Nothing new here.

    "ignore": ".*",
    "user_contents": {
        "cert_signers": {
            "zeroid.bit": ["1iD5ZQJMNXu43w1qLB8sfdHVKppVMduGz"]
        "permission_rules": {
            ".*": {
                "files_allowed": "data.json",
                "max_size": 50000
        "permissions": {}
  • ignore - don't add users to files property.
  • user_contents - user-signed content.
  • user_contents.cert_signers - allowed Certificate Authorities.
  • user_contents.permission_rules - multiuser permissions.
  • user_contents.permissions - single user permissions.

...And include it to root content.json:

"ignore": "data/users/.*",
"includes": {
    "data/users/content.json": {
        "signers": [],
        "signers_required": 1

Sign content.json and then data/users/content.json.

Database schema

As usual, we will use SQLite. Add this dbschema.json to main site:

    "db_name": "merger",
    "db_file": "merged-PostHere/merger.db",
    "version": 3,
    "maps": {
        ".+/data/users/.+/content.json": {
            "to_json_table": ["cert_user_id"]
        ".+/data/users/.+/data.json": {
            "to_table": [
                    "node": "posts",
                    "table": "posts"
    "tables": {
        "json": {
            "cols": [
                ["json_id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT"],
                ["site", "TEXT"],
                ["directory", "TEXT"],
                ["file_name", "TEXT"],
                ["cert_user_id", "TEXT"]
            "indexes": ["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX path ON json(directory, site, file_name)"],
            "schema_changed": 2
        "posts": {
            "cols": [
                ["id", "integer"],
                ["title", "text"],
                ["content", "text"],
                ["date_added", "integer"],
                ["json_id", "integer references json(json_id)"]
            "indexes": [
                "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX post_id ON posts(id)"
            "schema_changed": 2
  • Have a look at version: 3. This means: json table will now have site column, too. For merger sites, site is hub address. We also use merged-PostHere directory for database. This will be described later.
  • Look at .+/data/users/.+/content.json object. It has to_json_table array with ["cert_user_id"]. json table also has cert_user_id column. to_json_table means: "take cert_user_id property from file and use it for cert_user_id column of json table for this json". cert_user_id is username.

Getting username

So, sample content is:

|                                  json                                   |
| json_id | site    | directory         | file_name    | cert_user_id     |
| 1       | 1Red... | data/users/1Cv... | data.json    | NULL             |
| 2       | 1Red... | data/users/1CV... | content.json | [email protected] |
|                                  posts                                  |
| id      | title       | content                  | date_added | json_id |
| 1       | Hello world | My first post in this... | 1234567890 | 1       |

Everything is OK until you want to get post author. For each post, you have to take json_id, then get directory column of this json_id in json table, then find a row in json table which has directory = directory of old json_id and file_name = content.json and then get cert_user_id. So, simplest DB query is:

SELECT posts.*, json2.cert_user_id as username FROM posts, json, json AS json2 WHERE = AND json2.file_name = "content.json" AND posts.json_id = json.json_id

Hopefully, ZeroNet has another option for this.

".+/data/users/.+/content.json": {
    "to_json_table": ["cert_user_id"],
    "file_name": "data.json"

file_name works like JOIN. For each user's content.json, ZeroNet find a row with same site and directory properties and with file_name = data.json and adds cert_user_id to this row. So, now structure is:

|                                  json                                   |
| json_id | site    | directory         | file_name    | cert_user_id     |
| 1       | 1Red... | data/users/1Cv... | data.json    | [email protected] |
|                                  posts                                  |
| id      | title       | content                  | date_added | json_id |
| 1       | Hello world | My first post in this... | 1234567890 | 1       |

...and we can simplify our query:

SELECT posts.*, json.cert_user_id AS username FROM posts, json WHERE posts.json_id = json.json_id

So, now you can use your memory or previous sections to write the rest of the code. As you remember, ZeroNet uses virtual directories, for merger sites, so there is nothing new here expect file we change: merged-PostHere/{hub}/data/users/{address}/data.json.

Adding and removing hubs

We can show users a list of hubs they doesn't have with mergerSiteList command.

|                             mergerSiteList                              |
| Return merged sites.                                                    |
| Parameter               | Description                                   |
| query_site_info         | If True, then gives back detailed site info   |
|                         | for merged sites                              |
| Return: List of merger sites as object                                  |

Try to execute zeroFrame.cmd("mergerSiteList", [false], console.log.bind(console)); You'll see Object { 1RedXn7jxM23y4WsR7ByWzhjFaCcBJwVQ: "PostHere" } or something like that in the console.

These commands are also often used by merger sites:

|                              mergerSiteAdd                              |
| Start downloading new merger site (requires confirmation if called      |
| twice in 10 seconds)                                                    |
| Parameter               | Description                                   |
| addresses               | Site address or list of site addresses        |
| Return: Always "ok" (even before site is added)                         |

|                            mergerSiteDelete                             |
| Stop seeding and delete a merged site                                   |
| Parameter               | Description                                   |
| address                 | Site address                                  |
| Return: "ok" or object with "error" property                            |


As usually, you can watch finished site here and hub here.