Endpoints for uploading and getting project/image annotations
Get Annotation :
GET /annotation/:label_id/:image_id/
Example response body
{ "project_id": 1, "image_id": 4, "labels": [ { "label_id": 1, "alpha": 255, "blue": 0, "ellipses": [ { "bottom": 441.36460554371, "left": 584.2217484008529, "objectID": 10, "right": 827.2921108742004, "rotation": 0, "top": 232.409381663113 } ], "freedraw": { "objectID": 76, "pixmap": "lFTkSuQmCC" }, "green": 85, "polygons": [ { "objectID": 34, "points": [ 942.4307036247335, 153.5181236673774, 814.498933901919, 196.16204690831557, 869.9360341151386, 285.7142857142857 ] }, { "objectID": 18, "points": [ 125.79957356076758, 334.7547974413646 ] }, { "objectID": 16, "points": [ 449.89339019189765, 194.02985074626866, 277.1855010660981, 275.0533049040512 ] }, { "objectID": 30, "points": [ 168.44349680170575, 635.3944562899787, 268.65671641791045, 882.72921108742 ] } ], "rectangles": [ { "bottom": 437.1002132196162, "left": 127.9317697228145, "objectID": 26, "right": 127.9317697228145, "rotation": 0, "top": 437.1002132196162 }, { "bottom": 859.2750533049041, "left": 100.2132196162047, "objectID": 14, "right": 249.4669509594883, "rotation": 0, "top": 703.6247334754797 }, { "bottom": 526.6524520255864, "left": 89.55223880597015, "objectID": 28, "right": 89.55223880597015, "rotation": 0, "top": 526.6524520255864 } ], "red": 255, "text": "Cracks" } ] }
Upload Annotation :
POST /annotation
Example request body:
{ "project_id": 1, "image_id": 4, "labels": [ { "label_id": 1, "alpha": 255, "blue": 0, "ellipses": [ { "bottom": 441.36460554371, "left": 584.2217484008529, "objectID": 10, "right": 827.2921108742004, "rotation": 0, "top": 232.409381663113 } ], "freedraw": { "objectID": 76, "pixmap": "lFTkSuQmCC" }, "green": 85, "polygons": [ { "objectID": 34, "points": [ 942.4307036247335, 153.5181236673774, 814.498933901919, 196.16204690831557, 869.9360341151386, 285.7142857142857 ] }, { "objectID": 18, "points": [ 125.79957356076758, 334.7547974413646 ] }, { "objectID": 16, "points": [ 449.89339019189765, 194.02985074626866, 277.1855010660981, 275.0533049040512 ] }, { "objectID": 30, "points": [ 168.44349680170575, 635.3944562899787, 268.65671641791045, 882.72921108742 ] } ], "rectangles": [ { "bottom": 437.1002132196162, "left": 127.9317697228145, "objectID": 26, "right": 127.9317697228145, "rotation": 0, "top": 437.1002132196162 }, { "bottom": 859.2750533049041, "left": 100.2132196162047, "objectID": 14, "right": 249.4669509594883, "rotation": 0, "top": 703.6247334754797 }, { "bottom": 526.6524520255864, "left": 89.55223880597015, "objectID": 28, "right": 89.55223880597015, "rotation": 0, "top": 526.6524520255864 } ], "red": 255, "text": "Cracks" } ] }
Endpoints for registering and logging in user via username and password
Login :
POST /login
Example request body:
{ "username": "admin", "password": "AdminPassword0" }
Signup :
POST /register
Example request body:
{ "username": "User1", "password": "Password1234", "email": "[email protected]" }
Logout :
DELETE /logout
Endpoints for getting and uploading images to project
List Image:
GET /projects/:project_id/images
Example response body:
{ "project_images": [ { "id": 1, "is_annotated": false, "name": "evilgeniuses.jpg", "path": "static/1/b268235e-37c6-4863-805e-77175a574647.jpg", "project_id": 1 } ] }
Get Image Thumbnail:
GET /image/:image_id/thumbnail
Name Type Description size_w int Max width of the thumbnail size_h int Max height of the thumbnail Example response body:
{ "base64_image": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhE...rkJggg==", "format": "png", "image_id": 1 }
Upload Image:
POST /image/upload/:project_id
Body of the request has format
, with keyimage
and binary file as value. -
Upload Zip File of Images:
POST /image/upload/zip/:project_id
Body of the request has format
, with keyzip
and binary file as value.
Endpoints for creating projects and loading info
Create Project :
POST /project
Example request body:
{ "project_name": "Project" }
Get List of Projects :
GET /projects
Example response body:
[ { "id": 1, "is_admin": true, "name": "First Project" } ]
Get Unannotated Images of Project :
GET /projects/:project_id/unannotated
Example response body:
{ "unannotated_images": [ { "id": 1, "name": "sree0.PNG", "path": "static/1/33492042-52b9-439c-93ae-9158450dd27e.png", "project_id": 1 } ] }
Get Images of Project :
GET /projects/:project_id/images
Example response body:
{ "project_images": [ { "id": 1, "is_annotated": false, "name": "sree0.PNG", "path": "static/1/33492042-52b9-439c-93ae-9158450dd27e.png", "project_id": 1 } ] }
Add Label to Project :
POST /project/<project_id>/labels
Example request body:
{ "label_text": "first label", "label_color": "#12345" }
Example response body:
{ "label_id": 1 }
Add user to Project :
PUT /project/:project_id/permissions
Example request body:
{ "access_type": "rw", "username": "User1" }
Delete Project :
DELETE /project/:project_id
List All Users of Project :
GET /project/:project_id/users
[ { "access_type": "AccessTypeEnum.READ_WRITE", "user": { "created_at": "2019-04-02 01:01:53.859822", "email": "[email protected]", "privileges": "PrivilegesEnum.ADMIN", "username": "admin" } } ]
Search for Users :
GET /users/search
Name Type Description q string substring of user name, email Example response body:
{ "users": [ { "created_at": "2019-04-02 01:38:57.017910", "email": "[email protected]", "privileges": "PrivilegesEnum.ADMIN", "username": "User1" } ] }