FRET is a framework for the elicitation, specification, formalization and understanding of requirements. Users enter system requirements in a specialized natural language. FRET helps understanding and review of semantics by utilizing a variety of forms for each requirement: natural language description, formal mathematical logics, and diagrams. Requirements can be defined in a hierarchical fashion and can be exported in a variety of forms to be used by analysis tools.
- Installing FRET
- FRET interface
- Writing requirements
- Importing requirements
- Exporting requirements
- Semantics
- Using the simulator
- Exporting for analysis
- Realizability checking
- FRETish grammar
We provide a set of example requirements that can be directly imported in FRET in FRETDemo.json
Andreas Katis, Anastasia Mavridou, Tom Pressburger, Johann Schumann, Khanh Trinh.
Alumni and Interns: Milan Bhandari, David Bushnell, Tanja de Jong, Dimitra Giannakopoulou, Kelly Ho, George (Yorgo) Karamanolis, David Kooi, Jessica Phelan, Julian Rhein, Daniel Riley, Nija Shi.