This workshop will introduce attendees to performing Geocomputation analysis using a High-Performance Computing (HPC) cluster. Methods for parallel computing will be presented in the context of geospatial analysis. Participants will be introduced to geospatial tools available on the midway cluster. Most of the hands-on training could be done on any operating system; however, some parts of the hands-on will be demonstrated using the Midway2 cluster.
(i) introduction to single-threaded and multithreaded geospatial tools such as GDAL/OGR, arcpy, and simple features (SF), raster, and stars packages in R.
(ii) implicit and explicit parallelization
(iii) introduction to Slurm
(iv) writing simple Bash scripts for raster and vector processing
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Geographic Information Systems and previous experience of working with the command line is assumed.
All the exercise could be replicated on midway cluster. Anyway, if you don't have access to it, follow the exercise, try to understand the concept, and then you can replicate in your computer.
Introduction to single-threaded and multithreaded geospatial tools such as GDAL/OGR, arcpy, and simple features (SF), raster, and stars packages in R
Geo-computation is the computation and manipulation of geographic data to answer different kinds of research questions. This data is becoming bigger and bigger, larger and larger, as you saw in the last ten years. So you really need powerful tools to be able to compute large processing analysis. You also need a huge computer-- so a supercomputer that we are using at UChicago. So the combination of powerful tools and powerful computers allows you to perform extensive analysis. Nonetheless, these tools, especially with GDAL, R, and python, can be used also on your laptop.
Linux shell: If you want to learn about the shell you should go to the software carpentry website. What you will find here are the commands that are essential for working with GDAL.
Shell prompt in native Linux
Geospatial data comes in two primary types: raster data and vector data.
You can read in greater detail about different geospatial data formats on wikipedia, but the basic data structures are:
- Raster data is data that is distributed on a grid.
- A raster is just a grid of data, where each cell in the grid has some value (or values).
- The cells are sometimes also called pixels. With image data, each pixel in the raster might have several values, such as the value of red, green and blue hues.
- Image data thus has bands: each band is the information pertaining to the different colors.
- Vector data is data that is a collection of points or polygons distributed in space.
- "Vector" in the geospatial context doesn’t mean the same thing as in a mathematial context: vector geospatial data includes any data that has vertices that can be anywhere in space.
- This contrasts with raster data where the data points are fixed in space, usually on a rectangular grid.
These different kinds of data have different file formats. There is are two linked software libraries for processing these data, called GDAL and OGR: they are commonly used in geospatial software so you should be able to convert between the data types that are read by these two packages. Click on the links for information:
The Ultimate List of GIS Formats and Geospatial File Extensions
GDAL (the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) is a popular software package for manipulating geospatial data. GDAL allows for manipulation of geospatial data in the Linux operating system, and for most operations is much faster than GUI-based GIS systems (e.g., ArcMap).
In the GDAL docs it recommends to use Conda to install GDAL however one of the alternatives that is not listed is GIS Internals which provide a number of options including MSI installers for Windows for both the stable and development release.
For this workshop we will use stable version and this can be download using the instructions at GDAL site
How do I get GDAL on my computer
- Using network installer at OSGeo4W or
- using conda install -c conda-forge gdal echo 'export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Programs:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile source ~/.bash_profile
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin
One of the most frequent operations in GDAL is just to see what sort of data you have. The tool for doing this is gdalinfo which is run with the command line:
$ gdalinfo filename
where filename is the name of your raster. This is used mostly to:
See what projection your raster is in, and to check the extent of the raster.
$ gdalinfo col_viirs_100m_2016.tif
The output gives us a lot of information about this file including its coordinate system (if it has one), the pixel size, origin, metadata, the compression used on the file and the color ramp.
OGRINFO: open a new command prompt window in Data/Vector/Shapefile
ogrinfo gadm36_COL_1.shp
ogrinfo -so gadm36_COL_1.shp
ogrinfo -so gadm36_COL_1.shp gadm36_COL_1
In general, R requires dataset to be loaded into memory. A notable feature of the raster package is that it can work with raster datasets that are stored on disk and are too large to be loaded into memory(RAM). The package is built around a number of 'S4' classes of which the RasterLayer, RasterBrick, and RasterStack classes are the most important.
A RasterLayer object represents single-layer (variable) raster data. A RasterLayer object always stores a number of fundamental parameters that describe it. These include the number of columns and rows, the coordinates of its spatial extent ('bounding box'), and the coordinate reference system (the 'map projection'). In addition, a RasterLayer can store information about the file in which the raster cell values are stored (if there is such a file). A RasterLayer can also hold the raster cell values in memory.
The raster package has two classes for multi-layer data the RasterStack and the RasterBrick
Open raster_basics_in_R.Rmd
• The RCC Midway compute systems
• Using Slurm (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) to submit jobs to the RCC Midway systems
Midway is a constellation a of many compute systems and storage with various architectures coupled together in one system.
Slurm is the software used to manage the workload on Midway.
Basic Definitions:
• A processor is a small chip that responds to and processes the basic instructions that drive a computer. The term processor is used interchangeably with the term central processing unit (CPU)
• Core: The smallest compute unit that can run a program
• Socket: A compute unit, packaged as one and usually made of a single chip often called processor. Modern sockets carry many cores (10, 14, or 20, 24, 28, etc. on most servers)
• Node: A stand-alone computer system that contains one or more sockets, memory, storage, etc. connected to other nodes via a fast network interconnect.
Schematic of the Midway Cluster
Other Workshops Slides Intro to RCC Workshop Slides Fall 2021
There are about more than 1300+ nodes compute nodes on midway2, but only 2 login nodes. Midway3 have 217 standard compute Intel Cascade Lake Compute nodes.
Midway3 has Intel Xeon Gold 6248R, 24Core x 2 per node, 3.0GHz Processor 2 Large shared memory Intel Cascade Lake Compute nodes (up to 1.5 TB memory per node)
Running intensive programs on the login nodes causes the login nodes to be slow for all other users.
● login nodes are for editing files, compiling, moving files, changing permissions, and other non-intensive tasks.
● We recommend to use sinteractive for interactive runs
● For long running jobs => submit them to the queue
Running Interactive jobs
• login directly to a node
–Login to
–Run the job at the command prompt
• Run interactively using sinteractive
– Uses Slurm to provide access to dedicated node(s) to which you can login directly
To use sinteractive:
sinteractive --time=01:00:00 --nodes=1
--ntasks=2 --mem-per-cpu=2000
A job is the resources you are using and the code you are running
The queue in Slurm is all RUNNING and all PENDING jobs To see every job in the queue on Midway, use the command
to see jobs in the queue
squeue –u <cnetid>
A batch script is list of instructions for slurm.
# Here is a comment
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH –nodes=1
#SBATCH –ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2000
#SBATCH –job-name=MyJob
#SBATCH –output= MyJob-%j.out
#SBATCH –error=MyJob-%j.err
module load <module name>
#Run your code
This #! is a shebang. It tells operating system to use /bin/bash with this script. symbol # is a comment. Everything after # is ignored by bash
Running batch jobs using a Submission Script
A simple job submission script (saved as python.sbatch):
#SBATCH --job-name=first_python_job
#SBATCH --output=first_python_job_%j.out
#SBATCH --error=first_python_job_%j.err
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2000M
#SBATCH --partition=broadwl
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00
module load python
echo “job finished at `date`”
To submit the above script:
sbatch python.sbatch
Explicit parallelism -- programmer must explicitly state which instructions can be executed in parallel, e.g. MPI
Implicit parallelism -- automatic detection by compiler of instructions that can be performed in parallel. e.g. OpenMP
OpenMP Job
#Here is a comment
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH –partition=broadwl
#SBATCH –nodes=1
**#SBATCH –ntasks-per-node=8**
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2000
#SBATCH –job-name=MyJob
#SBATCH –output= MyJob-%j.out
#SBATCH –error=MyJob-%j.err
module load <module name>
#Run your code
OMP_NUM_THREADS is an environment variable.
Parallel MPI job
#Here is a comment
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH –job-name=MyJob
#SBATCH –output= MyJob-%j.out
#SBATCH –error=MyJob-%j.err
#SBATCH –partition=broadwl
#SBATCH –nodes=4
#SBATCH –ntasks-per-node=8
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2000
module load openmpi
module load <module name>
#Run your code
mpirun ./my_executable
from qgis import processing
To find the right name for your algorithm, use the processingRegistry. Type the following line in console:
for alg in QgsApplication.processingRegistry().algorithms():
print(, "->", alg.displayName())
Or inside Linux type the following line:
qgis_process list
You will get the following output
QGIS (native c++)
native:addautoincrementalfield Add autoincremental field
native:addfieldtoattributestable Add field to attributes table
native:adduniquevalueindexfield Add unique value index field
native:addxyfields Add X/Y fields to layer
native:affinetransform Affine transform
native:aggregate Aggregate
native:angletonearest Align points to features
native:antimeridiansplit Geodesic line split at antimeridian
native:arrayoffsetlines Array of offset (parallel) lines
native:arraytranslatedfeatures Array of translated features
native:aspect Aspect
native:assignprojection Assign projection
native:atlaslayouttoimage Export atlas layout as image
native:atlaslayouttopdf Export atlas layout as PDF
native:bookmarkstolayer Convert spatial bookmarks to layer
native:boundary Boundary
native:boundingboxes Bounding boxes
native:buffer Buffer
native:bufferbym Variable width buffer (by M value)
native:calculatevectoroverlaps Overlap analysis
native:cellstatistics Cell statistics
native:centroids Centroids
native:clip Clip
native:collect Collect geometries
native:combinestyles Combine style databases
native:converttocurves Convert to curved geometries
native:convexhull Convex hull
native:countpointsinpolygon Count points in polygon
native:createattributeindex Create attribute index
native:createconstantrasterlayer Create constant raster layer
native:creategrid Create grid
native:createpointslayerfromtable Create points layer from table
native:createrandombinomialrasterlayer Create random raster layer (binomial distribution)
native:createrandomexponentialrasterlayer Create random raster layer (exponential distribution)
native:createrandomgammarasterlayer Create random raster layer (gamma distribution)
native:createrandomgeometricrasterlayer Create random raster layer (geometric distribution)
native:createrandomnegativebinomialrasterlayer Create random raster layer (negative binomial distribution)
native:createrandomnormalrasterlayer Create random raster layer (normal distribution)
native:createrandompoissonrasterlayer Create random raster layer (poisson distribution)
native:createrandomuniformrasterlayer Create random raster layer (uniform distribution)
native:createspatialindex Create spatial index
native:dbscanclustering DBSCAN clustering
native:deleteduplicategeometries Delete duplicate geometries
native:deleteholes Delete holes
native:densifygeometries Densify by count
native:densifygeometriesgivenaninterval Densify by interval
native:detectvectorchanges Detect dataset changes
native:difference Difference
native:dissolve Dissolve
native:dropgeometries Drop geometries
native:dropmzvalues Drop M/Z values
native:equaltofrequency Equal to frequency
native:explodehstorefield Explode HStore Field
native:explodelines Explode lines
native:extendlines Extend lines
native:extenttolayer Create layer from extent
native:extractbinary Extract binary field
native:extractbyattribute Extract by attribute
native:extractbyexpression Extract by expression
native:extractbyextent Extract/clip by extent
native:extractbylocation Extract by location
native:extractmvalues Extract M values
native:extractspecificvertices Extract specific vertices
native:extractvertices Extract vertices
native:extractzvalues Extract Z values
native:fieldcalculator Field calculator
native:filedownloader Download file
native:fillnodata Fill NoData cells
native:filterverticesbym Filter vertices by M value
native:filterverticesbyz Filter vertices by Z value
native:fixgeometries Fix geometries
native:flattenrelationships Flatten relationship
native:forcerhr Force right-hand-rule
native:fuzzifyrastergaussianmembership Fuzzify raster (gaussian membership)
native:fuzzifyrasterlargemembership Fuzzify raster (large membership)
native:fuzzifyrasterlinearmembership Fuzzify raster (linear membership)
native:fuzzifyrasternearmembership Fuzzify raster (near membership)
native:fuzzifyrasterpowermembership Fuzzify raster (power membership)
native:fuzzifyrastersmallmembership Fuzzify raster (small membership)
native:generatepointspixelcentroidsinsidepolygons Generate points (pixel centroids) inside polygons
native:geometrybyexpression Geometry by expression
native:greaterthanfrequency Greater than frequency
native:highestpositioninrasterstack Highest position in raster stack
native:hillshade Hillshade
native:hublines Join by lines (hub lines)
native:importphotos Import geotagged photos
native:interpolatepoint Interpolate point on line
native:intersection Intersection
native:joinattributesbylocation Join attributes by location
native:joinattributestable Join attributes by field value
native:joinbynearest Join attributes by nearest
native:kmeansclustering K-means clustering
native:layertobookmarks Convert layer to spatial bookmarks
native:lessthanfrequency Less than frequency
native:linedensity Line density
native:lineintersections Line intersections
native:linesubstring Line substring
native:lowestpositioninrasterstack Lowest position in raster stack
native:meancoordinates Mean coordinate(s)
native:mergelines Merge lines
native:mergevectorlayers Merge vector layers
native:minimumenclosingcircle Minimum enclosing circles
native:multiparttosingleparts Multipart to singleparts
native:multiringconstantbuffer Multi-ring buffer (constant distance)
native:nearestneighbouranalysis Nearest neighbour analysis
native:offsetline Offset lines
native:orderbyexpression Order by expression
native:orientedminimumboundingbox Oriented minimum bounding box
native:orthogonalize Orthogonalize
native:package Package layers
native:pixelstopoints Raster pixels to points
native:pixelstopolygons Raster pixels to polygons
native:pointonsurface Point on surface
native:pointsalonglines Points along geometry
native:pointtolayer Create layer from point
native:poleofinaccessibility Pole of inaccessibility
native:polygonfromlayerextent Extract layer extent
native:polygonize Polygonize
native:polygonstolines Polygons to lines
native:postgisexecutesql PostgreSQL execute SQL
native:printlayoutmapextenttolayer Print layout map extent to layer
native:printlayouttoimage Export print layout as image
native:printlayouttopdf Export print layout as PDF
native:projectpointcartesian Project points (Cartesian)
native:promotetomulti Promote to multipart
native:randomextract Random extract
native:randompointsinextent Random points in extent
native:randompointsinpolygons Random points in polygons
native:randompointsonlines Random points on lines
native:rasterbooleanand Raster boolean AND
native:rasterize Convert map to raster
native:rasterlayerstatistics Raster layer statistics
native:rasterlayeruniquevaluesreport Raster layer unique values report
native:rasterlayerzonalstats Raster layer zonal statistics
native:rasterlogicalor Raster boolean OR
native:rastersampling Sample raster values
native:rastersurfacevolume Raster surface volume
native:reclassifybylayer Reclassify by layer
native:reclassifybytable Reclassify by table
native:rectanglesovalsdiamonds Rectangles, ovals, diamonds
native:refactorfields Refactor fields
native:removeduplicatesbyattribute Delete duplicates by attribute
native:removeduplicatevertices Remove duplicate vertices
native:removenullgeometries Remove null geometries
native:renametablefield Rename field
native:repairshapefile Repair Shapefile
native:reprojectlayer Reproject layer
native:rescaleraster Rescale raster
native:reverselinedirection Reverse line direction
native:rotatefeatures Rotate
native:roundrastervalues Round raster
native:ruggednessindex Ruggedness index
native:savefeatures Save vector features to file
native:saveselectedfeatures Extract selected features
native:segmentizebymaxangle Segmentize by maximum angle
native:segmentizebymaxdistance Segmentize by maximum distance
native:serviceareafromlayer Service area (from layer)
native:serviceareafrompoint Service area (from point)
native:setlayerencoding Set layer encoding
native:setlayerstyle Set layer style
native:setmfromraster Set M value from raster
native:setmvalue Set M value
native:setzfromraster Drape (set Z value from raster)
native:setzvalue Set Z value
native:shortestpathlayertopoint Shortest path (layer to point)
native:shortestpathpointtolayer Shortest path (point to layer)
native:shortestpathpointtopoint Shortest path (point to point)
native:shpencodinginfo Extract Shapefile encoding
native:simplifygeometries Simplify
native:singlesidedbuffer Single sided buffer
native:slope Slope
native:smoothgeometry Smooth
native:snapgeometries Snap geometries to layer
native:snappointstogrid Snap points to grid
native:spatialiteexecutesql SpatiaLite execute SQL
native:spatialiteexecutesqlregistered SpatiaLite execute SQL (registered DB)
native:splitfeaturesbycharacter Split features by character
native:splitlinesbylength Split lines by maximum length
native:splitvectorlayer Split vector layer
native:splitwithlines Split with lines
native:stylefromproject Create style database from project
native:subdivide Subdivide
native:sumlinelengths Sum line lengths
native:swapxy Swap X and Y coordinates
native:symmetricaldifference Symmetrical difference
native:taperedbuffer Tapered buffers
native:tinmeshcreation TIN Mesh Creation
native:transect Transect
native:translategeometry Translate
native:truncatetable Truncate table
native:union Union
native:wedgebuffers Create wedge buffers
native:writevectortiles_mbtiles Write Vector Tiles (MBTiles)
native:writevectortiles_xyz Write Vector Tiles (XYZ)
native:zonalhistogram Zonal histogram
native:zonalstatisticsfb Zonal statistics
Using arcpy on Midway and MidwayR
export ARCGISHOME=$HOME/arcgis/server
# If you need only Python and arcpy you don't need to start the server.
# Note that you have to use ArcGIS' own Python installation instead of the
# default system installation. Python on ArcGIS Server for Linux runs
# a Windows version of Python under Wine.
# You start the ArcGIS Python console with:
#If it does not work, Use Anaconda3 2019.03 module
module load Anaconda3/2019.03
source activate arcpy
or launch directly
cd /home/pnsinha/arcgis/server/tools
./python /project2/rcc/
Open Python and test if 'import arcpy' works.
Geocoding Example
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = "home/pnsinha/Documents/Geocoding/atlanta.gdb
arcpy.CreateAddressLocator_geocoding("US Address - Dual Ranges", "streets Primary", "'Feature ID' FeatureID VISIBLE NONE;'*From Left' L_F_ADD VISIBLE NONE;'*To Left' L_T_ADD VISIBLE NONE;'*From Right' R_F_ADD VISIBLE NONE;'*To Right' R_T_ADD VISIBLE NONE;'Prefix Direction' PREFIX VISIBLE NONE;'Prefix Type' PRE_TYPE VISIBLE NONE;'*Street Name' NAME VISIBLE NONE;'Suffix Type' TYPE VISIBLE NONE;'Suffix Direction' SUFFIX VISIBLE NONE;'Left City or Place' CITYL VISIBLE NONE;'Right City or Place' CITYR VISIBLE NONE;'Left Zipcode' ZIPL VISIBLE NONE;'Right Zipcode' ZIPR VISIBLE NONE;'Left State' State_Abbr VISIBLE NONE;'Right State' State_Abbr VISIBLE NONE", Atlanta_AddressLocator, "", "DISABLED")
address_table = "customer"
address_locator = "Atlanta_AddressLocator"
address_fields = "street Address; City City; State State; ZIP zip"
geocode_result = "geocode_result"
arcpy.GeocodeAddresses(address_table, address_locator, address_fields, geocode_result, 'STATIC')
GDAL script example: Merge DEMs, create contour lines, perform hill-shade analysis, calculate slope, and use the raster calculator to select higher slop areas.
#Merge two rasters
gdal_merge –o mymerge.tif t27elu.dem t28elu.dem –ps 20 20
#Create contour lines
gdal_contour mymerge.tif mycontours.shp –i 20
gdaldem hillshade mymerge.tif hillshade_30.tif –alt 45
gdaldem slope mymerge.tif slope.tif
#raster calculator
gdal_calc --calc=“A*(A>80)” -A slope.tif --outfile=slopebin.tif
OSGeo-Live is a self-contained bootable DVD, USB thumb drive or Virtual Machine based on Lubuntu. We encourage using this Virtual Machine.
XSEDE HPC Workshop Series: