Implementing MobileNets in pytorch.
Welcome any advice with widely open arms.
- MobileNet version 1
- MobileNet version 2
- MobileNet version 3
- Training MobileNets on ImageNet Dataset...
- MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications
- Authors
- [Andrew G. Howard | Menglong Zhu | Bo Chen | Dmitry Kalenichenko |
Weijun Wang | Tobias Weyand | Marco Andreetto | Hartwig Adam]
- [Andrew G. Howard | Menglong Zhu | Bo Chen | Dmitry Kalenichenko |
Weijun Wang | Tobias Weyand | Marco Andreetto | Hartwig Adam]
- [Paper] | [Code]
- Introduce a Depthwise convolution which is consist of two layers, depthwise and pointwise convolutions. It had similar performance to normal(original?) convolution, however it does have lower computation cost.
- MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks
- Authors
- [Mark Sandler | Andrew Howard | Menglong Zhu | Andrey Zhmoginov | Liang-Chieh Chen]
- [Mark Sandler | Andrew Howard | Menglong Zhu | Andrey Zhmoginov | Liang-Chieh Chen]
- [Paper] | [Code]
- Introduce a Inverted Residual and Linear Bottlenecks Relu is capable of preserving complete information about the input manifold, but only if the input manifold lies in a low-dimensional subspace. So, in MobileNet version 2, we are gonna use Inverted Residual block, which using relu in a lower dimension and expanding it into a higher dimension following a linear transformation. Using linear layers is crucial as it prevents non-linearities from destroying too much information.