EasysysConnector PHP 5 library.
Install composer if you haven't it.
$ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
Create a composer.json file for your project if you haven't it and put the library in it.
"require": {
"remdan/easysys-connector": "dev-master"
Now tell composer to download the library by running the following command:
$ php composer.phar composer install
or if you have already installed a composer you can update it:
$ php composer.phar update remdan/easysys-connector
Composer will now fetch and install this library in the vendor directory vendor/remdan
Add the autoloader:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
If you don't use Composer in your application, just donwload the library and require the provided SplClassLoader:
require 'src/SplClassLoader.php';
Create a EasysysConnector and add a HttpAdapter and a AuthAdapter:
$curlHttpAdapter = new EasysysConnector\HttpAdapter\Curl\CurlHttpAdapter();
$tokenAuthAdapter = new EasysysConnector\AuthAdapter\Token\TokenAuthAdapter();
$easysysConnector = new EasysysConnector\EasysysConnector($curlHttpAdapter, $tokenAuthAdapter);
Now you have to add the resource-managers that you need:
$resourceContactManager = new EasysysConnector\Manager\Resource\Contact\ResourceContactManager();
$curlHttpAdapter = new EasysysConnector\HttpAdapter\Curl\CurlHttpAdapter();
$tokenAuthAdapter = new EasysysConnector\AuthAdapter\Token\TokenAuthAdapter();
$easysysConnector = new EasysysConnector\EasysysConnector($curlHttpAdapter, $tokenAuthAdapter);
$resourceContactManager = new EasysysConnector\Manager\Resource\Contact\ResourceContactManager();
$data = $easysysConnector->get(ResourceContactManager::getResource())->listData(new Contact(), array('limit' => 5));
Currently, there are the following resource-interfaces available:
to use contactResourceInvoiceInterface
to use kb_invoice
If you need your own just create it, but it have to implement this interface:
namespace EasysysConnector\Model\Resource;
interface ResourceInterface
HttpAdapters are responsible to get data from remote APIs. https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/proposed/http-message.md
Currently, there are the following adapters available:
If you need your own just create it, but it have to implement this interface:
namespace EasysysConnector\HttpAdapter;
use EasysysConnector\HttpAdapter\HttpRequest;
use EasysysConnector\HttpAdapter\HttpResponse;
interface HttpAdapterInterface
* @param HttpRequest $request
* @return HttpResponse
public function handleRequest(HttpRequest $request);
HttpAdapters are responsible to create the right request-object.
Currently, there are the following adapters available:
to use Public / Signature KeyOAuthAuthAdapter
to use OAuth
If you need your own just create it, but it have to implement this interface:
namespace EasysysConnector\AuthAdapter;
use EasysysConnector\HttpAdapter\HttpParameterBag;
interface AuthAdapterInterface
* @param HttpParameterBag $httpParameterBag
* @return array|string[]
public function getDefaultHeaders(HttpParameterBag $httpParameterBag);
* @param HttpParameterBag $httpParameterBag
* @return string
public function getRequestUrl(HttpParameterBag $httpParameterBag);
OutputHandler are responsible to handle the content from the response.
Currently, there are the following adapters available:
If you need your own just create it, but it have to implement this interface:
namespace EasysysConnector\OutputHandler;
interface OutputHandlerInterface
* @param $data
* @return mixed
public function getContent($data);
Manager are responsible to handle the request and response for a resource.
There are the following methods implemented:
$resourceManager->listData($resourceObject, array('limit' => 5));
$resourceManager->searchData($resourceObject, array('limit' => 5));
$resourceManager->execute($parameterBag, $outputHandler)
Currently, there are the following managers available:
to use contactResourceInvoiceManager
to use kb_invoice
If you need your own just create it, but it have to implement this interface:
namespace EasysysConnector\Manager\Resource;
use EasysysConnector\AuthAdapter\AuthAdapterInterface;
use EasysysConnector\HttpAdapter\HttpAdapterInterface;
use EasysysConnector\Model\Resource\ResourceInterface;
interface ResourceManagerInterface