This is a manual process and require caution and validation.
make sure the range you’re creating is available: check the prod DB but also the DEV DB |
# latest sandboxes, prod sandbox-list -all --sort name |tail # latest sandboxes, dev (export AWS_PROFILE=dev; export dynamodb_table=accounts-dev; sandbox-list -all --sort name | tail)
on admin host
[opentlc-mgr@admin (PROD) ~]$ . ~/pool_management/python_virtualenv/bin/activate (python_virtualenv) [opentlc-mgr@admin (PROD) ~]$ cd pool_management/sandbox/playbooks # .create 10 AWS sandbox accounts: sandbox3001 .. sandbox3010 # You can use 'IPA hostadmin for conan' for the kerberos creds ./create_range.yml -e account_num_start=3001 -e account_count=10 -e ddns_key_name=... -e ddns_key_secret=... -e ddns_server=... # Add GOLD IMAGES to the new accounts # Generate the list of new sandboxes sandbox-list --sort name -all |awk '/^sandbox3001 /{flag=1}flag{print $1 " " $3}' > new_sandboxes.txt # SSH to QA or a place where node is installed, copy new_sandboxes-txt there # Run cloud-automation to subscribe to GOLD images, see cloud-automation readme # Go back on admin host, ensure they are all valide ./validate.yml -e account_num_start=3001 -e account_num_end=3010 # user to enable the new sandboxes for i in $(seq 3001 3010); do $i; done