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//#include <iostream.h>#include "rPoint.h"#include "rVector.h"#include "rPoint2D.h"#include "rLatLon.h"#include "rLatLonint.h"/* * Class declarations */rLatLonint &rLatLonint::operator=(rLatLonint p){ lon = p.lon; lat = p.lat; return (*this);}rLatLonint &rLatLonint::operator=(rLatLon p){ lon = (long)((double)p.lon*PRECISION); lat = (long)((double)p.lat*PRECISION); return (*this);}rLatLonint &rLatLonint::operator=(rPoint2D p){ lon = p.x*180.0/PI*PRECISION; lat = p.y*180.0/PI*PRECISION;; return (*this);}rLatLonint::operator rVector (){ // From rLatLon to rVector.... // Assumes rLatLon is on a unit sphere. rPoint2D tmp; tmp.x = this->lon; tmp.y = this->lat; rVector v; v = tmp; return v;}rLatLonint::operator rPoint2D(){ rPoint2D p; p = *this; return p;}rLatLonint::operator rLatLon(){ rLatLon p; p = *this; return p;}ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, rLatLonint& p){ os << '('<<"LATLON::"; os << (double)p.lat/PRECISION <<','<<(double)p.lon/PRECISION; os << ')'; return os;}