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#pragma once#ifndef rVectorhh#define rVectorhh//#include <iostream.h>#include <math.h>//#include <malloc.h>#include "rPoint.h"#include "rVectori.h"#include "rLatLon.h"class rVector;class rVectori;class rLine;class rLatLon;class rMatrix_3_3;/* * Class declaration^ */class rPoint2D;class rVector : public rPoint { public: rVector (); // rVector (rVector &p); rVector (rPoint2D p); rVector (rPoint p); rVector (rPoint A,rPoint B); rVector (double i,double j,double k); virtual void set2d (rPoint2D p); virtual rVector &operator=(rVector p); virtual rVector &operator=(rPoint p); virtual rVector &operator=(rVectori p); virtual rVector &operator=(rPointi p); virtual rVector &operator=(rPoint2D p); virtual rVector &operator=(rLatLon p); operator double*(); operator rLine ();// operator rPoint (); double dot (rVector); rVector cross (rVector); double citylen () { return x+y+z; } double len () { return sqrt (x*x+y*y+z*z); } double magnitude () { return sqrt (x*x+y*y+z*z); } void scale (double i) {x*=i; y*=i; z*=i;} void scale (rVector b); int near (rVector &v,rVector &n); int near (rVector &v,double n); int nearxy (rVector &v,double n); void normalize ();// {if (iszero()) return; double len = sqrt (x*x+y*y+z*z); x = x/len; y = y/len; z = z/len; } rVector normal ();// {if (iszero())return ; double len = sqrt (x*x+y*y+z*z); rVector v(x/len,y/len,z/len); return v;} void unit ();// { if (iszero())return ; double len = sqrt (x*x+y*y+z*z); x = x/len; y = y/len; z = z/len; } // rVector rVector () {rVector v(x,y,z); return v;} rVector operator*(rVector); /* Cross Product */ double operator|(rVector); /* Dot Product */ rVector operator/(rVector); /* Division of rVectors */ rVector operator-(rVector ); /* subtraction of rVectors */ rVector operator+(rVector); /* Addition of rVectors */ //rVector operator-(rPoint); // the following five functions can't be handled by gcc. //rVector operator*(double); //rVector operator/(double); //rVector& operator!(); void rVectorize (rVector A,rVector B) { x = B.x-A.x; y = B.y-A.y; z = B.z-A.z; } // friend rLatLon;/* friend rVector operator+(rVector ,rPoint ); friend rVector operator+(rPoint ,rVector ); friend rVector operator-(rVector ,rPoint ); friend rVector operator-(rPoint ,rVector ); friend rVector operator+(rVector ,rVector ); friend rVector operator-(rVector ,rVector ); friend double operator|(rVector ,rVector ); friend rVector operator/(rVector ,rVector ); friend rVector operator*(rVector ,rVector );*/ /* gcc requires the & here, sgi /usr/bin/CC can't handle it...!!!*/ friend rVector operator+(double ,rVector ); friend rVector operator+(rVector ,double ); friend rVector operator-(double ,rVector ); friend rVector operator-(rVector ,double ); friend rVector operator*(double ,rVector ); friend rVector operator*(rVector ,double ); friend rVector operator/(double ,rVector ); friend rVector operator/(rVector ,double ); rVector& operator*=(double); rVector& operator*=(rVector); /* Cross Product */ rVector& operator+=(double); rVector& operator+=(rVector); rVector& operator-=(double); rVector& operator-=(rVector); rVector& operator/=(double); rVector& operator/=(rVector); void abs () { x = ::fabs (x); y = ::fabs (y); z = ::fabs (z); } int is_obtuse_with (rVector &); int is_acute_with (rVector &); int angle_with (rVector ); int angle_with (rVector &,rVector &,rVector &); int angle_with (rVector &,double&,double&,double&); // rotation from 0,0,1 around particular axes. double zrot () { return atan (y/x); } double xrot () { return atan (z/y); } double yrot () { return atan (x/z); } };#endif