This repository contains best practices, guidelines, and standards for development and Git usage.
Proposition of directory tree
├── # General description and instructions for using the repository
├── EnvironmentSetup/ # Development environment configuration
│ ├── IDEConfigurations/ # Configurations for IDEs and editors
│ └── VersionControl/ # Version control tools configuration
├── CodingStandards/ # Coding standards and conventions
├── DependencyManagement/ # Dependency management
├── TestingQualityAssurance/ # Testing and quality assurance
│ ├── LintersFormatters/ # Use of linters and code analyzers
│ └── ContinuousIntegration/ # Continuous Integration
├── ProjectDocumentation/ # Project documentation
├── SecuritySecretsManagement/ # Security and secrets management
├── PerformanceOptimization/ # Performance and optimization
├── CollaborationCodeReview/ # Collaboration and code review
└── DeploymentMaintenance/ # Deployment and maintenance
└── MonitoringLogging/ # Monitoring and logging