REPL program that provides suggestions to wordle clues.
$ python --help
usage: [-h] [-w WORD_LIST] [-l WORD_LENGTH]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-w WORD_LIST, --word-list WORD_LIST
Path to word list
-l WORD_LENGTH, --word-length WORD_LENGTH
Length of words
The program operates as a REPL. Enter clues in the format 'GUESS:PRESENT:MATCHES', example
'slate:a:0s3t'. The number of possible answers will decrease as each clue is entered. Use CTRL+D to
reset the answers. CTRL+C to exit.
Note: Word list is only optional if you have the wbritish-large
debian package installed since this is used as the default.
8658 answers> slate:a:3t
agita akita amity anita aorta aunty
azoth bantu barth batty biota cacti
canto cantu canty catty chita cotta
darth dicta faith fanti fatty garth
gotta gupta gutta haiti horta junta
manta marta marti marty nafta natty
outta panto panty party patti patty
pinta pitta quota ratty tanta tanto
tartu tarty tatty vitta warta warty
54 answers>