A mobile frontend for the Logitech Alert security cameras. Desigened to allow live viewing, recorded video, and motion alerts. Other cameras may work but are untested.
You first need a working Logitech Alert setup (other cameras currently unsupported)
- Send motion alerts to a dedicated email address which the poller will check
Install prerequisites as needed
apt-get install ffmpeg vlc apache2 mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql php5 libapache2-mod-php5
- Depending on your distribution you might have to add multimedia sources to apt or package distribution system
Download the files
git clone https://github.com/salbahra/Security-Camera-Viewer.git
mv camera-viewer/cameras /var/
mv camera-viewer/www/cameras /var/www/
mv camera-viewer/VLC-init /etc/init.d/
Fill in the MySQL information, Email information, and site information in config.php.
nano /var/www/cameras/config.php
Modify the feeds.vlm to transcode your videos and auto start VLC
nano /var/cameras/feeds.vlm
update-rc.d vlc defaults
/etc/init.d/vlc start
Add the poller to crontab every 5 minutes to ensure your database is up to date with new video clips and motion alerts:
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/cameras/poller.php >/dev/null 2>&1
Add a user to the configuration. There is no user management system yet, so this is done manually
- First generate a hased version of your password
/usr/bin/php -r "echo base64_encode(sha1('PASSWORD'));"
- Then add it to the htpasswd file
nano /var/cameras/htpasswd
- Example:
From there you may attempt to access the front end.