Name | Type | Description | Notes |
cost_type | \SapientPro\EbayAccountSDK\Enums\ShippingCostTypeEnum | This field defines whether the shipping cost model is <code>FLAT_RATE</code> (the same rate for all buyers, or buyers within a region if shipping rate tables are used) or <code>CALCULATED</code> (the shipping rate varies by the ship-to location and size and weight of the package). <br/><br/>This field is conditionally required if any shipping service options are specified (domestic and/or international). For implementation help, refer to <a href=''>eBay API documentation</a> | [optional] |
insurance_fee | \SapientPro\EbayAccountSDK\Models\Amount | [optional] | |
insurance_offered | bool | This field has been deprecated. <br/><br/>Shipping insurance is offered only via a shipping carrier's shipping services and is no longer available via eBay shipping policies. | [optional] |
option_type | \SapientPro\EbayAccountSDK\Enums\ShippingOptionTypeEnum | This field is used to indicate if the corresponding shipping service options (under <b>shippingServices</b> array) are domestic or international shipping service options. This field is conditionally required if any shipping service options are specified (domestic and/or international). For implementation help, refer to <a href=''>eBay API documentation</a> | [optional] |
package_handling_cost | \SapientPro\EbayAccountSDK\Models\Amount | [optional] | |
rate_table_id | string | This field is used if the seller wants to associate a domestic or international shipping rate table to the fulfillment business policy. The <a href="/api-docs/sell/account/resources/rate_table/methods/getRateTables">getRateTables</a> method can be used to retrieve shipping rate table IDs.<br/><br/>With domestic and international shipping rate tables, the seller can set different shipping costs based on shipping regions and shipping speed/level of service (one-day, expedited, standard, economy). There are also options to additional per-weight and handling charges.<br/><br/>Sellers need to be careful that shipping rate tables match the corresponding shipping service options. In other words, a domestic shipping rate table must not be specified in the same container where international shipping service options are being specified, and vice versa, and the shipping speed/level of service of the provided shipping service options should match the shipping speed/level of service options that are defined in the shipping rate tables. For example, if the corresponding shipping rate table defines costs for one-day shipping services, there should be at least one one-day shipping service option specified under the <b>shippingServices</b> array.<br/><br/>This field is returned if set. | [optional] |
shipping_services | \SapientPro\EbayAccountSDK\Models\ShippingService[] | This array consists of the domestic or international shipping services options that are defined for the policy. The shipping service options defined under this array should match what is set in the corresponding <b>shippingOptions.optionType</b> field (which controls whether domestic or international shipping service options are being defined). If a shipping rate table is being used, the specified shipping service options should also match the shipping rate table settings (domestic or international, shipping speed/level of service, etc.) <br/><br/>Sellers can specify up to four domestic shipping services and up to five international shipping service options by using separate <b>shippingService</b> containers for each. If the seller is using the Global Shipping Program as an international option, only a total of four international shipping service options (including GSP) can be offered. <br/><br/> See <a href="/api-docs/sell/static/seller-accounts/ht_shipping-setting-shipping-carrier-and-service-values.html" target="_blank">How to set up shipping carrier and shipping service values</a>. <br /><br />To use the eBay standard envelope service (eSE), see <a href="/api-docs/sell/static/seller-accounts/using-the-ebay-standard-envelope-service.html" target="_blank">Using eBay standard envelope (eSE) service</a>.<br /><br />This array is conditionally required if the seller is offering one or more domestic and/or international shipping service options. | [optional] |