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File metadata and controls

110 lines (97 loc) · 6.44 KB

What is this

Security RAT (Requirement Automation Tool) is a tool supposed to assist with the problem of addressing security requirements during application development. The typical use case is:

  • specify parameters of the software artifact you're developing
  • based on this information, list of common security requirements is generated
  • go through the list of the requirements and choose how you want to handle the requirements
  • persist the state in a JIRA ticket (the state gets attached as a YAML file)
  • create JIRA tickets for particular requirements in a batch mode in developer queues
  • import the main JIRA ticket into the tool anytime in order to see progress of the particular tickets

Quick and easy start

  • if you want to play around with the SecurityRAT tool, you can pull the our docker image securityrat/all_in_one.
  • of course for that you will need to install docker on your system.
  • important: this setup is not suitable for a production environment!


Before starting the application :

  • checkout this project

  • log into your mysql server and create an empty database for this application

  • edit the database in the file src/main/resources/config/application-[dev|prod].yml according to the examples

    databaseName: $YourDatabase
    username: $DBUserName
    password: $DBUserPassword
  • enable TLS for spring boot if you don't use a separate web server:

    • e.g. generate a self-signed certificate in the root directory of SecurityRAT: keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore keystore.p12 -validity 3650
    • add the following lines into application-dev.yml:
        key-store: keystore.p12
        key-store-password: $MyPassword
        keyStoreType: PKCS12
        keyAlias: tomcat

Using CAS authentication

  • edit the CAS server configuration in the file src/main/resources/config/application-[dev|prod].yml according to the examples

         casLoginUrl: http(s)://localhost:8443/cas #Change to the URL your CAS server listens on
     	casLogoutUrl: https://localhost:8443/cas/logout # Change to your CAS server logout URL
         callbackUrl: https://localhost:9000/callback #Change to the correct URL (https) of SecurityRAT
  • add the CAS server certificate to the truststore of SecurityRAT. By default, that would be the cacerts file. For a tutorial how to do it, look e.g. here:

Using FORM authentication

  • edit the authentication type and the Mail server configurarion in the file src/main/resources/config/application.yml.
     	type: FORM
    		host: localhost # mail server
     	port: 25
     	username:	#might be needed depending on your mail server
     	password:	#might be needed depending on your mail server
     	protocol: smtp
     	tls: false
     	auth: false
     	from: securityRAT@localhost # from email address

How to run in dev mode

  • if you are going to run SecurityRAT and the CAS server on the same machine at least 6GB of RAM are recommended.
  • fire mvn spring-boot:run. This will automatically create the database structure if it doesnt exist yet.
  • log in to your mysql server and in the JHI_USER table rename the admin user login to your CAS username OR log in with the credentials admin for the username and password (in order to get full rights for your user).
  • go to https://localhost:9000. You should be verified by your previously setup CAS server OR FORM login and can start using the application.
  • The constants (under Administration -> constants) must be edited accordingly.

How to run in prod mode

  • fire mvn -Pprod -DskipTests package. This will build the following files:
    • target/securityRAT-${version}.war
    • target/securityRAT-${version}.war.original
  • copy the file target/securityRAT-${version}.war file to your production server
  • in your target directory on the server, create a directory called config and copy the files src/main/resources/config/application-prod.yml and src/main/resources/config/application.yml there
  • switch to the target directory and fire java -jar securityRAT-${version}.war
  • log in to your mysql server and in the JHI_USER table rename the 'admin' user login to your CAS username OR log in with the credentials admin for the username and password (in order to get full rights for your user).
  • it is recommended to use a web server (e.g. Apache as a proxy, with a proper TLS configuration set etc.
  • go to the URL of your server. You should be verified by your previously setup CAS server and can start using the application.
  • The constants (under Administration -> constants) must be edited accordingly.
  • it is important to change the admin password in prod mode.

Next steps

  • Fill securityRAT with requirements. You can import your own requirements or import the requirements.sql file to get started quickly
  • In order to be able to export the requirements to JIRA, you need to set the following CORS headers at your JIRA instance:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://$SecurityRAT_URL
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,POST
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, X-Atlassian-Token
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true


This project is distributed under the Apache license, Version 2.0: