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File metadata and controls

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Enabling Technologies

"I get by with a little help from my friends." - Paul McCartney and John Lennon

There’s a common misconception that the goal of a standard specification is to address every problem. This couldn’t be further from the truth; creating a standard is meant to address the 80% case in a manner that’s been proven through experience in the field. The Java Enterprise Edition and its subsystems, governed by the Java Community Process (JCP), is no exception. By its very makeup, the JCP is designed to strive for consensus among all participants in an Expert Group on a given technology. Where corporate sponsors and individual contributors disagree or determine that a feature is not yet mature enough to be adequately standardized, latitude is given to specification implementors. This helps to foster creativity and provides differentiation between vendors. In fact, on a discussion regarding the Java EE7 Roadmap, Expert Group member David Blevins succinctly addressed the dynamic: "Vendors innovate, collectively we standardize."

While it’s not the goal of this book to provide exhaustive instruction on the complete featureset of Java EE, it is absolutely our intent to unify the development experience. Helping us along the way are a set of enabling technologies intending to smooth the rough edges of the EE Platform and fill the gaps left open by its specifications.

The following open-source projects are all made freely-available for you to download, use, and modify (be sure to consult individual licensing terms).


For all the documentation surrounding Java EE and its use, the seemingly simple act of getting started gets quickly muddled:

  • How am I going to build my sources into deployments?

  • How should I organize my codebase?

  • How can my team best collaborate in parallel on the codebase?

  • What about libraries my code uses? How do I get those?

There are a number of valid answers to each of these questions, and the flexibility of choice can easily turn into a burden. Because we’ll be exploring fully-functioning examples which are intended to be reproduced in your own environment, by necessity we’ve had to make some decisions in the interest of keeping focus on the code as opposed to our development tools. The projects below, when combined, work very well together but are certainly not the only solutions to the bullets raised above.

One approach to undertaking a new project is to first lay out the scaffolding on your local file system. This will create the structure for your source code, build descriptors, and other resources used by your project. Often this process is fairly rote, involving commands to make new directories and text files in some sensible layout. While there’s no formal rule dictating how your project tree is organized, some build systems employ a convention; others instead choose to allow you total control over your project’s build by encouraging you to script or otherwise instruct each build task.

Our examples will be built using a declarative build tool which has standard commands that do not change from project to project.

Apache Maven

Perhaps the most prominent figure in the Java automated build tool landscape, Apache Maven positions itself as a "software project management and comprehension tool". For simplicity’s sake, we may view it as a build tool; it’s capable of compiling, testing, and assembling.

One very nice feature of Maven is that it strives for "convention over configuration". By following a set of recommended best practices, you’re likely to trim down on the amount of metadata you’d otherwise need to explicitly define. Additionally, Maven actions (called goals) are bound to a documented lifecycle which are common to all Maven-based projects. For instance, in order to compile, test, and package your project, the command $> mvn package applies. This standardization alleviates us from having to declare or learn different build commands for each project.

At the core of the Maven engine is a sophisticated dependency management solution capable of resolving libraries by name from a Central Repository (or additionally-configured repository) onto a user’s local system. This feature allows us to skip the manual process of adding dependencies into our version control system, and allows us to instead fetch them on-demand as part of the build process. As an added bonus, the requisite dependencies for all projects consuming ours are well-documented and automatically fetched for us.

Maven is not without its detractors, however. It’s been criticized for a few points, among them:

  • Maven Plugins versions are not bound to Maven Core versions, making guaranteed reproducible builds between different environments difficult to guarantee.

  • Project Object Model (POM, ie. pom.xml) syntax, the metadata describing a project’s makeup, is verbose.

  • Transitive dependencies as a default trigger a lot of downloading on first build. Without care, a project may inherit more dependencies than are necessary or desired.

  • Deviation from the defined Maven standard is often difficult to reconcile.

It is possible to use Maven-structured repositories from outside Maven. In fact, standalone dependency manager Apache Ivy (often used in concert with task-based tool Apache Ant), does just that. Groovy-based Gradle seeks to provide the flexibility of Ant with the dependency management of Maven.

That said, Maven continues to be a popular and widely-used tool in Java development, and will satisfy our requirements to build our examples.

JBoss Forge

If you’ve spent any time developing Java EE-based projects (or any nontrivial application, for that matter!), you’ve likely invested a good amount of energy in creating the project layout, defining dependencies, and informing the build system of the relevant ClassPaths to be used in compilation and execution. While Maven enables us to reduce that load as compared with undertaking project setup manually, there’s typically quite a bit of boilerplate involved in the pom.xml defining your requirements.

JBoss Forge offers "incremental project enhancement for Java EE". Implemented as a command shell, Forge gives us the ability to alter project files and folders. Some concrete tasks we might use Forge to handle are:

  • Adding Java Persistence API (JPA) entities and describing their model

  • Configuring Maven dependencies

  • Setting up project scaffolding

  • Generating a view layer, reversed-engineered from a domain model

  • Deploying to an application server

Because Forge is built atop a modular, plugin-based architecture, it’s extensible to additional tasks that may be specific to your application.

Overall, the goal of Forge is to ease project setup at all stages of development, so we’ll be employing it in this text to speed along the construction of our examples.

Version Control

From the moment we collaborate on a project with others or would like to inspect the evolution of our code over time, we need some form of version control. Until recently, the most common paradigm for synchronizing access to a shared codebase was the client/server model wherein developers may keep a local working copy and check their changes into a centralized server.

Some systems utilize file-level locking to ensure that no conflicts arise during development; others allow concurrent access at the file granularity but cue the developer to resolve line-level conflicts upon committing changes upstream.

Likely the widest-deployed client/server version control system (VCS) from the 1990s through the 2000s has been Concurrent Versions Systems, most often referred by its acronym CVS. While CVS has enabled teams to freely work on all files in the tree through unreserved checkouts, its shortcomings including non-atomic commits and absent tracking for file renames prompted the development of Subversion (SVN), hier apparent to CVS. Boasting a wider featureset and greater stability as contrasted with CVS, SVN has enjoyed its reign from the mid- to late-2000s.

These days, the centralized model has been superseded by distributed version control systems (DVCS), which is differentiated by its ability to store the full repository including all history in any number of nodes.

This layout creates a "pull model", where developers on a common project are given the authority over their own repository, free to incorporate changes from others (or not!). At first, this can be a confusing topic to grasp for users vested in the centralized "push model", but its our opinion that the benefits of this design easily justify the initial confusion inherent when considering many full-fledged repositories representing the same project.

Some immediate gains to consider:

  • Repository operations such as committing and searching history are much faster

  • Network connectivity is not required to alter the respository’s state

  • Every repository is a full backup of the codebase’s history

This is because each user is typically working on a local repository, and synchronization with a remote repository is only necessary when pushing changes to be visible by others.

In this text, we’ll be using the open-source DVCS Git.


Originally developed to coordinate development of the Linux Kernel, Git is a DVCS whose usage has taken off in recent years, arguably due to the user-friendliness of the socially-aware hosting site GitHub. In fact, this book’s text and examples are hosted on GitHub for all to participate.

From a high-level, we’ve chosen Git for our projects as it enables:

  • True feature (topic) development. Branching is quick, easy, and cheap. You may work on feature X in isolation with the ability to put your changes on top of development that may be occurring in the mainline branch.

  • Integration with 3rd-party systems built to respond to Git events. For instance, we’ll be able to trigger builds and production deployments by pushing our local changes to a remote repository.

  • Rewriting of local history. Often it’s handy to commit liberally, giving yourself many "save" points along the way. However, before making these (sometimes breaking) changes visible to the rest of the world, it’s good practice to "squash" the mini-changes into a cohesive, singular commit. This helps keep the version history sane and facilitates later auditing if a bug should arise.

Again, it is not our aim to fully delve into the mechanics of each tool we’ll be employing. However, we will be issuing Git commands and explaining their use along the way. A very good reference on the myriad Git subroutines can be found in the Pro Git Book by Scott Chacon, available for free in digital editions and in print via online retailers.

A Test Platform for Java EE

Java EE 5 introduced a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) programming model which freed developers from having to adhere to any particular class hierarchy for its business objects. The introduction of Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) in Java EE 6 further pushed the notion of simple business objects by providing typesafe injection.

The benefit to objects that can be easily created using the new operator is the same as their drawback; when we manually instantiate objects for use in testing, we’re not dealing with the same enterprise components we have in the target runtime. An EJB becomes such only in the context of an EJB container; a Servlet is a Servlet only when created by a Servlet Container. Any time we circumvent the target runtime environment to handle object creation and wiring on our own, we’re using mock objects.

While many will advocate on the usefulness of mocks, by definition they provide an approximation of how your application will behave in a production environment. Remember that you’re responsible for validating that the full bevy of code running on your servers is working as expected, including the bits you did not write. There are many not-so-subtle errors that may arise while leveraging the full potential of the application server in production, and it’s best to be testing in an environment as close to the real thing as possible.

True Java EE testing in this sense is an area left largely unspecified by the EE Platform, and we’ll be examining some tools to help bridge this divide.


Arquillian is an innovative and highly extensible testing platform for the JVM that enables developers to easily create automated integration, functional and acceptance tests for Java middleware.

Picking up where unit tests leave off, Arquillian handles all the plumbing of container management, deployment and framework initialization so you can focus on the business of writing test logic. Instead of configuring a potentially-complex test harness, Arquillian abstracts out the target runtime by:

  • Managing the lifecycle of the container (or containers)

  • Bundling the test case, dependent classes and resources into a ShrinkWrap archive (or archives)

  • Deploying the archive (or archives) to the container (or containers)

  • Enriching the test case by providing dependency injection and other declarative services

  • Executing the tests inside (or against) the container

  • Capturing the results and returning them to the test runner for reporting

  • To avoid introducing unnecessary complexity into the developer’s build environment, Arquillian integrates seamlessly with familiar testing frameworks (e.g., JUnit 4, TestNG 5), allowing tests to be launched using existing IDE, Ant and Maven test plugins — without any add-ons.

The Arquillian project adheres to three core principles:

  • Tests should be portable to any supported container. Keeping container-specific APIs out of the tests enables developers to verify application portability by running tests in a variety of containers. It also means that lightweight containers can be used as a substitute for full containers during development.

  • Tests should be executable from both the IDE and the build tool. By leveraging the IDE, the developer can skip the build for a faster turnaround and has a familiar environment for debugging. These benefits shouldn’t sacrifice the ability to run the tests in continuous integration using a build tool.

  • The platform should extend or integrate existing test frameworks. An extensible architecture encourages reuse of existing software and fosters a unified Java testing ecosystem. Regardless of how complex it becomes, executing an Arquillian test is as simple as selecting “Run As > Test” in the IDE or executing the “test” goal from the build tool.

RunAs > JUnit


From the onset, ShrinkWrap was born from a need to more easily test Java Enterprise deployments. Traditionally defined as flat-file archives adhering to the ZIP standard, these have necessitated the introduction of some build step to package up all application resources. And a build step takes time:

$ mvn clean install
... terrifying output trace ...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1:13.492s
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

But as developers, we live in our coding environments. Switching out of that mindset to run a build is wasteful. So we asked: "What if we could declare, in Java, an object to represent that archive?" What resulted was a Java API analogue to the "jar" tool, a virtual filesystem with an intuitive syntax.

JavaArchive archive = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class,"myarchive.jar")
   .addClasses(MyClass.class, MyOtherClass.class)

This enables us to take advantage of the IDE’s incremental compilation features, allowing us to skip the build.

ShrinkWrap Incremental Compilation

This piece fulfills the design goal of Arquillian to run tests based on full-fledged deployments directly from the IDE.

While ShrinkWrap is a standalone virtual filesystem, in our examples we’ll be primarily exercising it as the deployment mechanism for Arquillian. Let’s take a moment to review its usage.

The first step is getting your hands on the ShrinkWrap binaries. The Core is composed of three pieces:


Maven Coordinates







Only the API should be available upon your compilation ClassPath, while the SPI and the Implementation modules are both required for the runtime. This is to enforce good separation between classes intended for direct use and the project’s internals.

In Maven, these may be brought in under the proper scopes easily by using the ShrinkWrap Dependency Chain POM, available in Maven Central:

<project xmlns=""
  <!-- snip -->


  <!-- snip -->

For projects outside use of the Maven repository system, the ShrinkWrap Distribution makes all modules available as a download, and you may set up the dependencies manually to suit your needs.


  • JRE5+ Runtime

  • No additional dependencies

ShrinkWrap may run on any Java5 runtime or higher, but requires at least JDK6 for compilation.

The primary entry point to the ShrinkWrap library is the org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap class. From here you may call the create method to make a new Archive, the a generic view of the virtual filesystem which allows the addition of content called Asset s into a location called an ArchivePath. The following table more easily shows ShrinkWrap nomenclature next to more common terms:

Archive Type



Simplest type of concrete user-view of an Archive; supports generic operations


JAR type; allows addition of Class es, Package s, and Manifest operations


Java EE EAR type; supports Manifest and related spec operations


Java EE WAR type; supports operations common to web application deployments


Java EE RAR type; supports operations common to resource adaptor deployments

To create an Archive, simply choose your desired archive type and optionally supply a name to the static ShrinkWrap:create method:

GenericArchive myArchive = ShrinkWrap.create(GenericArchive.class,"myArchive.jar");

That’s it! You’ve got your first ShrinkWrap archive!

Of course, an object representing an empty archive is pretty useless. So let’s have a look at adding in some content. As we noted before, content is modeled by the Asset class, so let’s first take a look at some of the Asset implementations provided by ShrinkWrap:




Nested Archive content


byte[] or InputStream content


Java Class content


A resource which can be loaded by an optionally-specified ClassLoader


File content


String content


Content located at a given URL


Empty (0-byte) content

Additionally, because Asset is an interface, you may provide your own implementation to supply any byte-based content that may be represented as an InputStream . For instance, the snippet below shows how to present an Activation Framework DataSource as an Asset :

final DataSource dataSource = null; // Assume you have this
Asset asset = new Asset() {
  public InputStream openStream() {
    try {
      return dataSource.getInputStream();
    } catch (final IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

The Archive:add method allows us to pass in some Asset content and add it under an ArchivePath.


Passing a true verbosity flag into the toString method of Archive creates a recursive "ls -l" -style output:


The Archive views we covered before are also really helpful, depending upon the type of content you’re working with. For instance, a standard JAR file typically contains .class files and other resources, so the JavaArchive type lets you add these.

ShrinkWrap supports a simple mechanism allowing you to switch "views" of your archive, and it’s provided by the as method of the org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Assignable interface; each view in turn extends Assignable. So in order to get your archive to use the JavaArchive view in order to easily add Class resources, you could simply:, Integer.class);

Using this mechanism is central to keeping ShrinkWrap’s usage clean and intuitive, while providing for a versatility typically found in true multiple-inheritance languages.

While ShrinkWrap has its roots in Java EE and close ties to the Arquillian Testing Platform, it’s certainly not limited to these domains. In fact, ShrinkWrap on its own intentionally scoped to go no further than act as a virtual filesystem for archives. As such, it provides a simple mechanism for playing nicely with flat-file structures.

Borrowing from our example above, perhaps we’d like to use ShrinkWrap to package up all of the @.class@ files in the current package and output these as a standard JAR in ZIP format. The code for that would actually be pretty simple:

 JavaArchive archive = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class,
    new File("/home/alr/Desktop/myPackage.jar"), true);

So let’s see what’s going on here. First we create a JavaArchive and add all contents of the current Class 's Package . Then we dump the output to the console, just to see what’s included. In the final line, we again use the Assignable facilities of the JavaArchive view to get us into a new view: one capable of exporting to ZIP format. In this case we use the appropriately-named ZipExporter, allowing us to export to a File, OutputStream, or even get the contents as an InputStream so we can deal with the bytes ourselves.

There are 3 types of exporters which ship with ShrinkWrap:


Output Format







Of course, we can also obtain a ShrinkWrap archive from a flat-file in a similar fashion by using one of the standard importers:


Output Format







The code for running an import to roundtrip the previous example might look like this:

 JavaArchive roundtrip = ShrinkWrap
  .create(ZipImporter.class, "myPackageRoundtrip.jar")
  .importFrom(new File("/home/alr/Desktop/myPackage.jar"))

Note how we can pass ZipImporter into the ShrinkWrap.create method, as it’s Assignable as well! Beginning to notice a theme here?

This concludes our brief introduction into manipulating archive content with ShrinkWrap.

ShrinkWrap Resolvers

While ShrinkWrap is ideally-suited to creating new archives containing byte-based resources, often our applications are composed from pre-built libraries into more complex deployments. These may bundle other archives together, for instance in the following example Web application ARchive (WAR):

$> jar -tvf myApplication.war
     0 Tue Apr 23 17:01:08 MST 2013 META-INF/
   128 Tue Apr 23 17:01:06 MST 2013 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
     0 Tue Apr 23 17:01:08 MST 2013 WEB-INF/
     0 Tue Apr 23 17:01:08 MST 2013 WEB-INF/classes/
     0 Tue Apr 23 17:01:08 MST 2013 WEB-INF/lib/
  3654 Tue Apr 23 16:59:44 MST 2013 WEB-INF/lib/hibernate.jar
  3800 Tue Apr 23 17:01:00 MST 2013 WEB-INF/lib/commons-io.jar
  4015 Tue Apr 23 17:00:44 MST 2013 WEB-INF/lib/myEjbModule.jar

As we can see, under WEB-INF/lib there are a couple of thirdparty libraries used as dependencies by our own code, and an Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) module that we’ve written for our application. This packaging structure is consistent with the final deployments used by most WARs and Enterprise application ARchives (EARs).

Often we don’t control the construction of these libraries, and we certainly shouldn’t be in the business of re-assembling them (and hence further differentiating our tests from the our production runtime deployments). With the advent of Maven and other build systems, typically thirdparty libraries and our own dependent modules are obtained from a backing software repository. In this case we supply a series of coordinates which uniquely identifies an artifact in the repository, and resolve the target files from there.

That is precisely the aim of the ShrinkWrap Resolvers project; it is a Java API to obtain artifacts from a repository system. Currently implemented are grammars and support for Maven-based repository structures (this is separate from the use of Maven as a project management system or build tool; it’s possible to use a Maven repository layout with other build systems).

ShrinkWrap Resolvers is comprised of the following modules:


Maven Coordinates





Maven API


Maven SPI


Maven Implementation


Maven Implementation with Archive Integration


The separation between the Maven and non-Maven modules is there to enforce modular design and separate out generic resolution from Maven-specific grammars, should the project support other mechanisms in the future.

Adding ShrinkWrap Resolvers to Your Project

Obtaining ShrinkWrap Resolvers for use in your system can be done in a single pass by declaring a dependency upon the depchain module in a Maven pom.xml:


This will bring the APIs into the test classpath and the SPIs and Implementation modules into the runtime classpaths (which will not be transitively inherited, as per Maven rules in runtime scope).

Alternatively, you may have finer-grained control over using ShrinkWrap Resolvers by bringing in each module manually:


If you happen to use Arquillian BOM in <dependencyManagement>, it already contains a ShrinkWrap Resolvers version. You must import ShrinkWrap Resolvers BOMs preceding Arquillian BOM in order to get 2.0.0-x version. Adding a ShrinkWrap BOM is recommended in any case.

The ShrinkWrap Resolver BOM may be imported via following snippet:

    <!-- Override dependency resolver with latest version.
         This must go *BEFORE* the Arquillian BOM. -->

The general entry point for resolution is the convenience org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver.api.maven.Maven class, which has static hooks to obtain a new org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver.api.maven.MavenResolverSystem. Let’s cover some of the most popular use cases for ShrinkWrap Resolver.

Resolution of Artifacts Specified by Maven Coordinates

Maven coordinates, in their canonical form, are specified as following groupId:artifactId:[packagingType:[classifier]]:version. Often, those are referred as G (groupId), A (artifactId), P (packagingType), C (classifier) and V (version). If you omit P and C, they will get their default value, which is packaging of jar and an empty classifier. ShrinWrap Resolver additionally allows you to skip V in case it has version information available, that would be explained later on.

  1. The most simple use case is to resolve a file using coordinates. Here, the resolver locates an artifact defined by G:A:V and resolves it including all transitive dependencies. The result is formatted as array of type File.

    File[] = Maven.resolver().resolve("G:A:V").withTransitivity().asFile();
  2. You might want to change default Maven behavior and resolve only artifact specified by G:A:V, avoiding its transitive dependencies. For this use case, ShrinkWrap Resolvers provides a shorthand for changing resolution strategy, called withoutTransitivity(). Additionally, you might want to return a single File instead of an array.

  3. Very often, you need to resolve more than one artifact. The method resolve(String...) allows you to specify many artifacts at the same time. The result of the call will be an array of File composed by artifacts defined by G1:A1:V1 and G2:A2:V2 including their transitive dependencies.

    Maven.resolver().resolve("G1:A1:V1", "G2:A1:V1").withTransitivity().asFile();
  4. Resolving a dependency with specific packaging type. Packaging type is specified by P in G:A:P:V coordinates description.


    Packaging can be of any type; the most common are listed in following table.

    Table 1. Packaging types










  5. Resolving a dependency with specific classifier. With a classifier, such as tests, you need to include all G:A:P:C:V parts of coordinates string.

  6. Returning resolved artifacts as different type than file. ShrinkWrap Resolvers provides shorthands for returning an InputStream instead of File. Additionally, with shrinkwrap-resolver-maven-impl-archive on the runtime classpath, you may additionally return results as ShrinkWrap archives, such as JavaArchive, WebArchive or EnterpriseArchive.


    It’s the responsibility of caller to close the returned InputStream.

  7. Working with artifact metadata. Sometimes, you are more interested in metadata, such as dependencies of a given artifacts instead of artifact itself. ShrinkWrap Resolvers provides an API for such use cases:

    MavenResolvedArtifact artifact = Maven.resolver().resolve("G:A:war:V")
    MavenCoordinate coordinates = artifact.getCoordinate();
    MavenArtifactInfo[] dependencies = artifact.getDependencies();
    String version = artifact.getResolvedVersion();
    ScopeType scope = artifact.getScope();

    You can still retrieve resolved artifact from MavenResolvedArtifact:

    File file = artifact.asFile();
  8. Excluding a dependency of the artifact you want to resolve. In case you need to resolve an artifact while avoiding some of its dependencies, you can follow concept of <exclusions> known for Maven. The following shows how to exclude G:B while resolving G:A:V.

        MavenDependencies.createDependency("G:A:V", ScopeType.COMPILE, false,
  9. Using a strategy to control what will be resolved. In special cases, excluding a single dependency is not the behaviour you want to achieve. For instance, you want to resolve all test scoped dependencies of an artifact, you want to completely avoid some dependency while resolving multiple artifacts or maybe you’re interested in optional dependencies. For those cases, ShrinkWrap Resolvers allows you to specify a MavenResolutionStrategy. For instance, you can exclude G:B from G:A:V (e.g. the same as previous examples) via following snippet:

      new RejectDependenciesStrategy(false, "G:B")).asFile();

    Methods withTransitivity() and withoutTransitivity() are just a convenience methods to avoid you writing down strategy names. The first one calls TransitiveStrategy while the latter calls NotTransitiveStrategy.

    Strategies are composed of an array of MavenResolutionFilter instances and TransitiveExclusionPolicy instance. While defining the first allows you to transform dependency graph of resolved artifacts, the latter allows you to change default behavior when resolving transitive dependencies. By default, Maven does not resolve any dependencies in provided and test scope and it also skips optional dependencies. ShrinkWrap resolver behaves the same way by default, but allows you to change that behaviour. This comes handy especially if when you want to for instance resolve all provided dependencies of G:A:V. For your convenience, ShrinkWrap Resolvers ships with strategies described in following table.

    Table 2. Strategies available in ShrinkWrap Resolver


    Accepts all dependencies of artifacts. Equals TransitiveStrategy.


    Accepts only dependencies that have defined scope type.


    This allows you to combine multiple strategies together. The behaviour defined as logical AND between combined strategies.


    Rejects all dependencies that were not directly specified for resolution. This means that all transitive dependencies of artifacts for resolution are rejected.


    Rejects dependencies defined by G:A (version is not important for comparison, so it can be omitted altogether). By default, it is transitive: RejectDependenciesStrategy("G:A", "G:B") means that all dependencies that origin at G:A or G:B are removed as well. If you want to change that behavior to reject defined dependencies but to keep their descendants, instantiate strategy as following: RejectDependenciesStrategy(false, "G:A", "G:B")


    Acceps all dependencies of artifacts. Equals AcceptAllStrategy.

  10. Control sources of resolution. ShrinkWrap Resolvers allows you to specify where do you want to resolve artifacts from. By default, it uses classpath (also known as Maven Reactor) and Maven Central repository, however you can programmatically alter the behavior.


    While classpath resolution is handy for testing SNAPSHOT artifacts that are not yet installed in any of the Maven repository, making ShrinkWrap Resolvers offline avoids accessing any repositories but local cache.

  11. While controlling classpath resolution and Maven Central comes handy, sometimes you might want to specify completely different settings.xml file than default for your test execution. This can be done via following API calls:


    ShrinkWrap Resolvers will not consume settings.xml specified on command line (-s settings.xml) or in the IDE. It reads settings.xml files at their standard locations, which are ~/.m2/settings.xml and $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml unless overridden in the API or via a System Property.

Resolution of Artifacts Defined in POM Files

While previous calls allow you to manually define what you want to resolve, in Maven projects, you have very likely specified this information already in your pom.xml file. ShrinkWrap Resolver allows you to follow DRY principles and it is able to load metadata included there.

ShrinkWrap Resolvers constructs so called effective POM model (simplified, that is your pom.xml file plus parent hierarchy and Super POM, Maven default POM file). In order to construct the model, it uses all local repository, classpath repository and remote repositories. Once the model is loaded, you can use the metadata in there to be automatically added to artifacts to be resolved.

  1. Resolving an artifact with version defined in effective POM. In case, you want to resolve G:A:V, you can simply specify G:A instead. For artifacts with non JAR packaging type or classifier, you must use alternative syntax with question mark '?', such as G:A:P:? or G:A:P:C:?.

  2. Resolving artifacts defined in effective POM. ShrinkWrap Resolvers allows you to artifacts defined with specific scope into list of artifacts to be resolved. This way, you don’t need to alter your tests if you change dependencies of your application. You can either use importDependencies(ScopeType...) or convenience methods, that cover the most frequent usages (importRuntimeDependencies(), importTestDependencies() and importRuntimeAndTestDependencies():

      .importDependencies(ScopeType.TEST, ScopeType.PROVIDED)

    "Runtime" in convenience methods means all the Maven scopes that are used in application runtime, which are compile, runtime, import and system. If you need to select according to Maven scopes, go for importDependencies(ScopeType...) instead.

  3. Specifying plugins to be activated. By default, ShrinkWrap Resolvers activates profiles based on property value, file presence, active by default profiles, operating system and JDK. However, you can force profiles in same way as you would do via -P in Maven.

      "/path/to/pom.xml", "activate-profile-1", "!disable-profile-2")
System Properties

ShrinkWrap Resolvers allows you to override any programmatic configuration via System Properties.

Table 3. System Properties altering behavior of ShrinkWrap Resolvers


Path to user settings.xml file. In case both settings are provided, they are merged, user one has the priority.

Path to global settings.xml file. In case both settings are provided, they are merged, user one has the priority.

Path to settings-security.xml, that contains encrypted master password for password protected Maven repositories.


Flag there to work in offline mode.


Path to local repository with cached artifacts. Overrides value defined in any of the settings.xml files.

Experimental features

The following features are in their early development stages. However, they should work for the most common use cases. Feel free to report a bug in SHRINKRES project if that is not your case.

ShrinkWrap Resolver Maven Plugin

The ShrinkWrap Resolver Maven plugin allows you to propagate settings specified on the command line into test execution. Settings comprises of: paths to the pom.xml file and settings.xml files, activated/disabled profiles, offline flag and path to local repository. No support for IDE exists at this moment.

In order to activate the plugin, you need to add following snippet into <build> section of your pom.xml file.


Then, in your test you can do the following:

Maven Importer

The MavenImporter is the most advanced feature of ShrinkWrap Resolvers. Instead of the user being responsible for specifying how testing archive should look like, it reuses information defined in your pom.xml in order to construct the archive. So, no matter how your project looks like, you can get a full archive, as you would deploy it into the application server within a single like of code.

MavenImporter is able to compile sources, construct MANIFEST.MF, fetch the dependencies and construct archive as Maven would do. It does not required any data to be prepared by Maven, however it can profit from those if they exist.


  .loadPomFromFile("/path/to/pom.xml", "activate-profile-1", "!disable-profile-2")


MavenImporter does not currently support other packagings but JAR and WAR. Also, it does not honor many of Maven plugins, currently it supports their limited subset.

Additionally, using different JDK for running tests and compiling sources is not supported, although it should work if you are for instance compiling sources targeting JDK6 while being bootstrapped on JDK7.

By enabling resolution in a friendly, intuitive API, ShrinkWrap Resolvers arms ShrinkWrap archives with a powerful mechanism to create deployment units which are applicable in real-world scenarios that demand libraries and modules not owned by the current project.


Being simply a component model, Java EE needs a concrete implementation to provide the runtime services to our applications.


The latest community edition of the application server offered by JBoss has recently been renamed to WildFly, and this will be the default target runtime for our examples. Written from the ground up, WildFly (previously-known as JBoss Application Server 7) was designed with the following goals at the core:

  • Speed. Startup, deployment, and request processing demands leverage a concurrent state machine and constant-time ClassLoading.

  • Efficiency. Memory usage is kept to a minimum.

  • Modularity. Application libraries and server libraries are isolated from one another to avoid runtime conflicts

  • Administration. Centralized settings via Web Interface, HTTP, Java, and Command-Line APIs

  • Compliance. Java EE6 Full Profile Certification

  • Testable. Uses Arquillian and ShrinkWrap in its own internal test suite

Because a quick feedback loop is important in testing during development, the speed afforded by WildFly makes it a compelling candidate for our target runtime:

19:16:06,662 INFO  [] (Controller Boot Thread)
 JBAS015874: WildFly 8.0.0.Alpha2 "WildFly" started in 2702ms -
 Started 153 of 189 services (56 services are lazy, passive or on-demand)

The online User Guide for WildFly is located at


While getting our applications running on our own machine is a great step in developing, the beauty of the internet is that we can expose our content and services to the world at large. Until very recently, Java EE hosting typically involved a dedicated and expensive server colocated in a data center. With the rapid advent of virtualization and the Cloud, we’re now able to gain public access much more easily, and at far reduced cost.

OpenShift is Red Hat’s free Platform as a Service (PaaS) for applications. While it supports a variety of frameworks bundled as "cartridges", we’ll be using OpenShift’s built-in JBossAS7 support. With just a little bit of initial setup, pushing changes from our local Git repository to the OpenShift remote will trigger a build and deployment of our application for all to see. We’ll be relieved of the responsibility to obtain a server, install JBossAS, configure the networking and firewalls, or manually deploy new versions.

On to the Code

Now that we’ve familiarized ourselves with the technologies we’ll be using throughout the exercises, let’s dig in and create a new Java EE application, making it public to the world.