Please include target/graphcoloring-1.7-jar-with-dependencies.jar in the classpath.
import com .gcol .GraphColoring ;
import com .gcol .GraphReader ;
import com .gcol .Graph ;
public class APICallHeuristics
public static void main (String [] args ) throws Exception
Graph graph = GraphReader .readGraph ("filename" );
// where filename is a DIMACS formatted graph file
boolean localsearch = true ;
int iteratedgreedyiterations = 1000 ;
int localsearchiterations = 1000 ;
int localsearchtimeinmilliseconds = 1000 ;
int [] colors = GraphColoring .colorGraph (graph , localsearch , iteratedgreedyiterations , localsearchiterations , localsearchtimeinmilliseconds , false );
int maxColor = -1 ;
for (int i =0 ; i <colors .length ; i ++)
if (maxColor == -1 )
maxColor = colors [i ];
else if (maxColor < colors [i ])
maxColor = colors [i ];
System .out .println ("Final Coloring of graph possible with " + maxColor + " colors." );
System .out .println ("Colors of Vertices: " );
for (int i =0 ; i <colors .length ; i ++)
System .out .print ((graph .nodes [i ].value +1 ) + ":" + colors [i ] + "," );
import com .gcol .Backtracking ;
import com .gcol .GraphReader ;
import com .gcol .Graph ;
public class APICallBacktracking
public static void main (String [] args ) throws Exception
Graph graph = GraphReader .readGraph ("filename" );
// where filename is a DIMACS formatted graph file
int millisecondsperK = 1000 ;
int [] colors = Backtracking .colorGraph (graph , millisecondsperK , false );
int maxColor = -1 ;
for (int i =0 ; i <colors .length ; i ++)
if (maxColor == -1 )
maxColor = colors [i ];
else if (maxColor < colors [i ])
maxColor = colors [i ];
System .out .println ("Final Coloring of graph possible with " + maxColor + " colors." );
System .out .println ("Colors of Vertices: " );
for (int i =0 ; i <colors .length ; i ++)
System .out .print ((graph .nodes [i ].value +1 ) + ":" + colors [i ] + "," );