Identity Service is used for managing identity related data, such as sessions, images, PINs, and so on. This service contains information about all the available actions and the roles that can perform them.
Roles can be one of the following:
- common - Default roles
- maker - Batch payment maker role
- checker - Batch payment checker role
Actions are defined as follow:
- bulk.batch.add - Create new batch
- bulk.batch.edit - Edit batch
- bulk.batch.fetch - Fetch batches by criteria
- bulk.batch.get - Get batch details
- bulk.batch.reject - Reject batch
- bulk.batch.disable - Disable batch
- - Pay batch
- bulk.batch.check - Check batch
- bulk.batch.ready - Mark batch as ready
- bulk.batch.delete - Mark batch as deleted
- bulk.batch.process - Process batch
- bulk.payment.check - Check payment details
- bulk.payment.disable - Disable payment
- bulk.payment.edit - Edit payment
- bulk.payment.fetch - Fetch payments
- bulk.payment.add - Create payment
- bulk.paymentStatus.fetch - Fetch list with payment statuses
- bulk.batchStatus.fetch - Fetch list with batch statuse
- core.transaltion.fetch - Translation fetch
- rule.rule.fetch - Rule fetch
- rule.item.fetch - Item fetch
- rule.rule.add - Rule add
- rule.rule.edit - Rule edit
- ledger.account.fetch - Fetch accounts
Identity service has exposed the private API calls in the following sections:
Data Params
actorId [string] - Actor id
username [string] - Username
password [string] - Login password
sessionId [string] - Generated session id
Success Response
- Code: 200
Contentidentity.check [json] - json containing following fields
actorId [string] - Actor id
sessionId [string] - Session id
permission.get [json] - json containing following fields
actionId [string]- action id
objectId [string] - object id
description [string] - action description
language [json] - json with user language
localisation [json] - json with the following fields
dateFormat [string] - Date format
numberFormat [string] - Number format
roles [json] - json containing user roles
screenHeader [string] - Screen header
- Code: 200
Data Params
actorId [string] - Actor id
type [string] - Type
identifier [string] - User identifier
algorithm [string] - Used algorithm
params [string] - Input params
value [string] - Input value
roles [string array] - Array of role names
Success Response
- Code: 200
Contentactor [json] - json containing following fields
actorId [string] - Actor id
- Code: 200
Data Params
actorId [string] - Actor id
sessionId [string] - Generated session id
Success Response
- Code: 200
Contentdata [json] - json containing empty array
- Code: 200
Data Params
username [string] - Username
actorId [string] - Actor id
type [string] - Type: password/ussd
Success Response
- Code: 200
ContenthashParams [json] - json containing following fields
params [string] - params
algorithm [string] - algorithm
actorId [string] - Actor id
type [string] - Type: password/ussd
roles [json] - json containing all assigned roles for this actorId
- Code: 200