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Adversarial Machine Learning

Adversarial Machine Learning (aml) is a repo for measuring the robustness of deep learning models against white-box evasion attacks. Designed for academics, it is principally designed for use in fundamental research to understand adversarial examples, inputs designed to cause models to make a mistake. At its core, aml is based on a series of techniques used in eight popular attacks:

  1. APGD-CE (Auto-PGD with CE loss)
  2. APGD-DLR (Auto-PGD with DLR loss)
  3. BIM (Basic Iterative Method)
  4. CW-L2 (Carlini-Wagner with l2 norm)
  5. DF (DeepFool)
  6. FAB (Fast Adaptive Boundary)
  7. JSMA (Jacobian Saliency Map Approach)
  8. PGD (Projected Gradient Descent)

Notably, we have taken certain liberties in modifying the implementation of these techniques to either improve their performance or their clarity (without any cost in performance). Not only are these modifications designed to help academics understand why attacks perform the way that they do, but also to serve as abstractions for effortlessly building a vast space of new attacks. At this time, the techniques based on the eight attacks above enable construction of 432 total attacks (all of which often decrease model accuracy to less than 1% with ~100 iterations at a budget of 15% across the datasets found in this repo). All of the information you need to start using this repo is contained within this one ReadMe, ordered by complexity (No need to parse through any ReadTheDocs documentation).

But wait, didn't The Space of Adversarial Strategies have 576 attacks?

Yes, our original paper did investigate 576 attacks. This repo has removed support for change of variables and added support for (what we call) shrinking start random start strategy. Empirically, we did not find change of variables to offer any improvements (with PyTorch) and its integration into the abstractions provided here was rather complicated (without it, the repo is substantially simpler). Shrinking start support was added with the new Adversary abstraction to support attacks with: (1) non-deterministic components that perform multiple starts (e.g., FAB), and (2) hyperparameters optimization (e.g., CW-L2).

Table of Contents

Quick Start

This repo is, by design, to be interoperable with the following datasets and models repos (which are all based on PyTorch). With some effort, you can probably bring your own data and models, but it is not recommended if you're just looking to start using this repo as easily as possible. Preferably, install an editable version of this repo via pip install -e. Afterwards, you can craft adversarial examples using any of the eight attacks above as follows:

import aml
import dlm
import mlds
import torch

# load data
mnist = mlds.mnist
x_train = torch.from_numpy(
y_train = torch.from_numpy(mnist.train.labels).long()
x_test = torch.from_numpy(
y_test = torch.from_numpy(mnist.test.labels).long()

# instantiate and train a model
hyperparameters = dlm.templates.mnist.cnn
model = dlm.CNNClassifier(**hyperparameters), y_train)

# set attack parameters and produce adversarial perturbations
step_size = 0.01
number_of_steps = 30
budget = 0.15
pgd = aml.pgd(step_size, number_of_steps, budget, model)
perturbations = pgd.craft(x_test, y_test)

# compute some interesting statistics and publish a paper
accuracy = model.accuracy(x_test + perturbations, y_test)
mean_budget = perturbations.norm(torch.inf, 1).mean()

Other uses can be found in the examples directory.

Advanced Usage

Below are descriptions of some of the more subtle controls within this repo and complex use cases.

  • Early termination: when an instantiating an Attack, the early_termination flag determines whether attacks attempt to minimize model accuracy or maximize (model) loss (Also described as maximum-confidence vs. minimum-distance). Specifically, attacks that "terminate early" return the set of misclassified inputs with the smallest norm (For example, perturbations for inputs that are initially misclassified are 0). Attacks in this regime include CW-L2, DF, FAB, and JSMA. Alternatively, attacks that do not "terminate early," return the set of inputs that maximize model loss. To be precise, such attacks actually return the set of inputs that improve attack loss, as this empirically appears to perform (marginally) better than measuring model loss. Attacks in this regime include APGD-*, BIM, and PGD. In the attacks module, the update method of the Attack class details the impact of early_termination. As one use case, it is generally accepted that investigating transferability should be done with attacks configured to maximize model loss (i.e., early_termination set to False).

  • Projection: early_termination also influences when perturbations are projected as to comply with lp-based budgets. With early_termination, attacks are free to exceed the threat model and the resultant adversarial examples at any particular iteration are then projected and compared to the best adversarial examples seen thus far (which is necessary for attacks that use losses such as CW Loss, as attacks that use this loss ostensibly always exceed the threat model and, once misclassified, naturally become budget-compliant). However, attacks that do not use early_termination are always budget-complaint; empirically, without enforcing budget-compliance, unbounded adversarial examples that maximize model loss are often worse (than continuously bounded adversarial examples) with a naïve projection on the last iteration.

  • Random start: there are may different ways that random starts are implemented. For most implementations found online, l∞ attacks that use random start initialize perturbations by sampling uniformly between ±ε, while perturbations from l2 attacks are sampled from a standard normal distribution and subsequently normalized to ε. This repo also supports random start for l0 attacks in that an l0-number of features are randomly selected per sample, whose values are then sampled uniformly between ±1.

Repo Overview

This repo is based on The Space of Adversarial Strategies. Many of the classes defined within the various modules are verbatim implementations of concepts introduced in that paper (with some additions as well). Concisely, the follow components are described below (and in more detail with the following sections) described from most abstract to least abstract:

  • Adversaries ( control hyperparameter optimization and record optimal adversarial examples across multiple runs (useful only if attacks have non-deterministic components). Contains an attack.
  • Attacks ( core attack loop that enforces threat models, domain constraints, and keeps track of the best adversarial examples seen throughout the crafting process. Contains travelers and surfaces.
  • Travelers ( defines techniques that control how data is manipulated. Contains optimizers and random start strategies.
  • Surfaces ( defines techniques that produce and manipulate gradients. Contains losses, saliency maps, and norms.
  • Optimizers ( defines techniques that consume gradient-like information and update perturbations. Contains SGD, Adam, Backward SGD (from FAB), and Momentum Best Start (from APGD-*).
  • Random Starts ( defines techniques to randomly initialize perturbations. Contains Identity (no random start), Max (fromPGD), and Shrinking (from FAB).
  • Losses ( defines measures of error. Contains Cross-entropy, Carlini-Wagner (from CW-L2), Difference of Logits Ratio (from APGD-DLR), and Identity (minimizes the model logit associated with the label).
  • Saliency Maps ( defines heuristics applied to gradients. Contains DeepFool (from DF), Jacobian (from JSMA), and Identity (no saliency map).
  • Norms ( manipulates gradients as to operate under the lp-threat model. Contains l0, l2, and l∞.


The Adversary class ( serves a wrapper for Attack objects. Specifically, some attacks contain non-deterministic components (such random initialization, as shown with PGD), and thus, the Adversary layer records the "best" adversarial examples seen across multiple runs of an attack (for some definition of "best"). As a second function, some attacks embed hyperparameter optimization as part of the adversarial crafting process (such as CW-L2). Adversary objects are also in charge of updating hyperparameters across attack runs, based on the success of resultant adversarial examples.


The Attack class ( serves a binder between Traveler and Surface objects. Specifically, Attack objects perform the standard steps of any white-box evasion attack in adversarial machine learning: it (1) loops over a batch of inputs for some number of steps, (2) ensures the resultant perturbations are both compliant with the parameterized lp budget and feature ranges for the domain, (3) records various statistics throughout the crafting process, and (4) keeps track of the "best" adversarial examples seen thus far (for some definition of "best"). Here, "best" is a function of whether or not early_termination is enabled. For attacks whose goal is to minimize norm (e.g., JSMA) then an adversarial example is considered better if it is both misclassified and has smaller norm than the smallest norm seen. For attacks whose goal is to maximize (model) loss (e.g., APGD-CE), then an adversarial example is considered better if the attack loss has improved (i.e., the Cross-Entropy loss is higher or the Difference of Logits Ratio loss is lower).


The Traveler class ( is one of the two core constructs of any white-box evasion attack. Specifically, Travelers define techniques that manipulate the input. Fundamentally, optimizers are defined here, in that they make some informed decision based on gradients (and sometimes additional information as well). Moreover, random start strategies are also defined here, in that they initialize the perturbation based on the total budget or the smallest norm seen thus far.


The Surface class ( is one of the two core constructs of any white-box evasion attacks. Specifically, Surfaces defines techniques that inform how the input should be manipulated. Here, loss functions, saliency maps, and lp norms all manipulate gradients for Travelers to consume.


Optimizer classes ( are part of Traveler objects that define the set of techniques that produce perturbation. They consume gradient information and apply a perturbation as to maximize (or minimize) the desired objective function. Four optimizers are currently support: SGD, Adam, BackwardSGD, and MomentumBestStart. SGD and Adam are common optimizers used in machine learning and are simply imported into the optimizer module namespace from PyTorch. BackwardSGD comes from FAB; specifically, it (1) performs a backward step for misclassified inputs (as to minimize perturbation norm), and (2) performs a biased projection towards the original input (also to minimize perturbation norm) with a standard update step in direction of the gradients. MomentumBestStart comes from APGD-*; specifically, it measures the progress of perturbations at a series of checkpoints. If progress has stalled (measured by a stagnating increase (or decrease) in attack loss), then the perturbation is reset to the best seen perturbation and the learning rate is halved. Conceptually, MomentumBestStart starts with aggressive perturbations (the learning rate is initialized to ε for l2 and l∞ attacks and 1.0 for l0 attacks) and iteratively refines it when a finer search is warranted.

Random Start Strategies

Random start strategies ( are part of Traveler objects that define the set of techniques used to initialize perturbations. They either initialize perturbations by randomly sampling within the budget or based on the norm of the best perturbations seen thus far. Three random start strategies are supported: MaxStart, Identity, and ShrinkingStart. IdentityStart serves as a "no random start" option—the input is returned as-is. MaxStart comes from PGD; specifically, it initializes perturbations randomly based on the perturbation budget. ShrinkingStart comes from FAB; specifically, it initializes perturbations based on minimum of the best perturbation seen thus far (where "best" is defined as the smallest perturbation vector that was still misclassified) and the perturbation budget. When paired with Adversary restart capabilities, ShrinkingStart initially performs like MaxStart, and gradually produces smaller initializations for a finer search.


Loss functions ( are part of Surface objects that define measures of error. When differentiated, they inform how perturbations should be manipulated such that adversarial goals are met. Four losses are supported: CELoss, CWLoss, DLRLoss, and IdentityLoss. CELoss is perhaps the most popular loss function used in attacks, given its popularity in training deep learning models, and is a simple wrapper for torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss. CWLoss comes from CW-L2; specifically, it measures the difference of the logits associated with the label and the next closest class and the current l2-norm of the perturbation. DLRLoss comes from APGD-DLR; specifically, it also measures the difference of logits associated with the label and the next closest class, normalized by the difference of the largest and third-largest logic (principally used to prevent vanishing gradients). IdentityLoss serves as the "lack" of a loss function in that it just returns the model logit associated with the label.

Saliency Maps

Saliency maps ( are part of Surface objects that apply heuristics to gradients to help meet adversarial goals. Three saliency maps are supported: DeepFoolSaliency, IdentitySaliency, and JacobianSaliency. DeepFoolSaliency comes from DF; specifically, it approximates the projection of the input onto the decision manifold. IdentitySaliency serves as a "no saliency map" option in that the gradients are returned as-is. JacobianSaliency comes from JSMA; specifically, it scores features based on how perturbing them will simultaneously move inputs away from their labels and towards other classes.


Norms ( are part of Surface objects that projects gradients into the lp-norm space of the attack. Three norms are supported: L0, L2, and Linf. L0 comes from JSMA; specifically, this computes the gradient component with largest magnitude and sets all other components to zero. L2 comes from CW-L2, DF, and FAB; specifically, this normalizes the gradients by their l2-norm. Linf comes from APGD-CE, APGD-DLR, BIM, and PGD; specifically, this returns the sign of the gradients.

Norm objects also serve a dual purpose in that they are also called by Attack objects to ensure perturbations are compliant with the parameterized lp budget. L0 objects project onto the l0-norm by computing the top-ε (by magnitude) perturbation components (where ε defines number of perturbable features) and setting all other components zero. L2 objects project onto the l2-norm by renorming perturbations such that their l2-norm is no greater than the budget. Linf objects project onto the l∞-norm by ensuring the value of perturbation component is between -ε and ε (where ε defines the maximum allowable change across all features).


While this repo uses sane defaults for the many parameters used in attacks, the core initialization parameters are listed here for reference, categorized by class.


  • best_update: update rule to determine if an adversarial example is "better"
  • hparam: hyperparameter to optimize with binary search
  • hparam_bounds: initial bounds when using binary search for hyperparameters
  • hparam_steps: the number of binary search steps
  • hparam_update: update rule to determine if a hyperparameter should be increased (or decreased)


  • alpha: perturbation strength per iteration
  • early_termination: whether to stop perturbing adversarial examples as soon as they are misclassified
  • epochs: number of steps to compute perturbations
  • epsilon: lp budget
  • loss_func: loss function to use
  • norm: lp-norm to use
  • model: reference to a deep learning model
  • optimizer_alg: optimizer to use
  • saliency_map: saliency map to use


  • optimizer: optimizer to use
  • random_start: random start strategy to use


  • loss: loss function to use
  • model: reference to a deep learning model
  • norm: lp-norm to use
  • saliency_map: saliency map to use




  • params: perturbations
  • attack_loss: attack loss (caches model accuracy on forward passes)
  • lr: perturbation strength per iteration
  • maximize: whether the attack loss is to be maximized (or minimized)
  • norm: lp-norm used
  • smap: saliency map used (caches biased projection when using DeepFool)
  • alpha_max: maximum strength of biased projection
  • beta: backward step strength for misclassified inputs


  • params: perturbations
  • attack_loss: attack loss (caches attack loss on forward passes)
  • epochs: total number of optimization iterations
  • epsilon: lp budget
  • maximize: whether the attack loss is to be maximized (or minimized)
  • alpha: momentum factor
  • pdecay: period length decay
  • pmin: minimum period length
  • rho: minimum percentage of successful updates between checkpoints


Random Start Strategies


  • No parameters are necessary for this class


  • norm: lp-norm used
  • epsilon: lp budget


  • norm: lp-norm used
  • epsilon: lp budget



  • No parameters are necessary for this class


  • classes: number of classes
  • c: initial value weighing the influence of misclassification over norm
  • k: desired logit difference


  • classes: number of classes


  • No parameters are necessary for this class

Saliency Maps


  • p: lp-norm used
  • classes: number of classes


  • No parameters are necessary for this class


  • No parameters are necessary for this class



  • epsilon: maximum l0 distance for perturbations
  • maximize: whether the attack loss is to be maximized (or minimized)


  • epsilon: maximum l2 distance for perturbations


  • epsilon: maximum l∞ distance for perturbations


Here are a list of some subtle parameters you may be interested in manipulating for a deeper exploration:

  • betas, eps, weight_decay and amsgrad in Adam optimizer
  • alpha_max, beta, and minimum in BackwardSGD optimizer
  • alpha, pdecay, pmin, and rho in MomentumBestStart optimizer
  • minimum in MaxStart random start strategy
  • c and k in CWLoss loss
  • minimum in DLRLoss loss
  • minimum in DeepFoolSaliency saliency map
  • top in L0 norm
  • minimum in L2 norm

Moreover, below are some attack-specific observations:

  • The DeepFoolSaliency saliency map computes (in some sense) step sizes dynamically (Specifically, the absolute value of the logit differences over the normed gradient differences). Thus, when paired with an optimizer that lacks an adaptive learning rate (i.e., BackwardSGD and SGD), alpha in Attack objects should be set to 1.0. This is done by default when instantiating Attack objects and can be overridden by setting alpha_override to False.

  • When using attacks with non-deterministic components (e.g., random start strategies) or hyperparameters (e.g., CWLoss), leveraging the Adversary layer to repeat attacks multiple times or optimize hyperparameters can be an effective strategy (hparam_bounds, hparam_steps, and num_restarts are the parameters of interest in this regime).


You can cite this repo as follows:

  doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2209.04521},
  url = {},
  author = {Sheatsley, Ryan and Hoak, Blaine and Pauley, Eric and McDaniel, Patrick},
  keywords = {Cryptography and Security (cs.CR), Machine Learning (cs.LG), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences},
  title = {The Space of Adversarial Strategies},
  publisher = {arXiv},
  year = {2022},
  copyright = { perpetual, non-exclusive license}