Guaranteed to work on Ubuntu 16.04 with Python 3.7+, CUDA 10.1 and also:
pip3 install \
torch==1.5.1 \
# This is my FULL environment, so likely not all these packages are actually required
pip3 install \
tensorboard==2.2.2 \
pandas==1.0.5 \
torchsummary==1.5.1 \
thop==0.0.31-2005241907 \
tqdm==4.47.0 \
scipy==1.5.1 \
opencv-python== \
imageio==2.9.0 \
imageio-ffmpeg==0.4.2 \
pymemcache==3.2.0 \
python-memcached==1.59 \
matplotlib==3.2.2 \
seaborn==0.10.1 \
huepy==1.2.1 \
albumentations==0.4.6 \
imgaug==0.4.0 \
PyYAML==5.3.1 \
munch==2.5.0 \
pickle5==0.0.11 \
jpeg4py==0.1.4 \
face-alignment==1.1.1 \
mxnet-cu101mkl==1.6.0.post0 \
pip3 install git+
pip3 install -v --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" git+
pip3 install git+