This week you will go into more depth on HTML and CSS and get more practice. You will also get to play with Dev Tools and consider the implications of responsive Design. Overall, this week's curriculum should give you the opportunity to go into more depth with HTML and have fun solidifying your knowledge!
- Chrome Dev Tools
- Intermediate HTML and CSS
- Responsive Web Design
- Your Own Website - SOLO CHALLENGE!
- Think about Time
- Technical Blog
- Cultural Assignment
This week you will be storing your reflections in the challenge files in this repository.
- Fork this (phase_0_unit_1) repository by clicking "Fork" at the top right of the page.
- Under settings (in the right navigation bar) check the box next to "issues" under "features." This will allow people to give you feedback.
- Open your GitHub desktop app. Find the
repository and click "clone to computer."
When you make updates to the files, you should commit your work the same way you did for your website through the app. Include a commit message like "submitting solution for 1_code_combat."
NOTE: Sometimes we will make changes to the original repository. You will need to fetch these changes from the master branch when we announce changes.
- If you are doing this from the Github Desktop App, follow these directions.
- If you are doing it from the command line, follow these directions.
You need to submit your work through a google form (TBD) by Sunday at 11:59pm. Expect to submit your links for each challenge above.