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Mehmet Emre Çakal edited this page Oct 10, 2024 · 4 revisions

1.5 Installing and Configuring ROS# for .NET

1. Installing ROS#

In addition to Unity, ROS# can be used solely with any compatible .NET project by integrating the libraries (RosBridgeClient, MessageGeneration, Urdf) (please see platform support and external dependencies). ROS# can be installed with three options for .NET integration.

You don't need to install ROS# for both Unity and Visual Studio. This page is for Visual Studio installation/configuration. Please head to Installing and Configuring ROS# for Unity if you want to work with Unity Engine.

  1. NuGet Gallery Installation (Recommended)

    1. Head to the NuGet page.
    2. Install the required packages individually from NuGet.
  2. Cloning the Repository

    1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
    2. Integrate the necessary libraries into your .NET project.
  3. Manual Installation from Releases (Offline)

    1. Download the desired version from the releases section.

      Depending on the version, procedure and dependencies might change.

    2. Integrate (copy-paste) the libraries into your .NET project as needed.

Note: Depending on your Visual Studio configuration, necessary dependencies might not be loaded properly. Please follow their specific versions from External Dependencies.

2. Setting Up ROS# and Getting Started

  1. Assuming you have followed the ROS on Ubuntu tutorial and you know how to learn your local IP. Also, make sure external dependencies are satisfied and you're working on a supported platform.
  2. Refer to the RosSocketConsoleExample to see how a RosSocket can be initialized within a C# script.

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