This document explains the evaluation subpackage accompanied with Orion. It is used in order to evaluate how good a pipeline is at detecting anomalies. In order to use this framework, we require two main arguments: known anomalies, and detected anomalies.
There are two approaches to defined anomalies:
- Point anomalies which are identified by a single value in the time series.
- Contextual anomalies which are identified by an anomalous interval, specifically the start/end timestamps.
# Example
point_anomaly = [1222819200, 1222828100, 1223881200]
contextual_anomaly = [(1222819200, 1392768000),
(1392768000, 1398729600),
(1398729600, 1399356000)]
We have created an evaluator for both types.
We also provide a suite of transformation functions in
to help with converting one type to another.
Here we describe how we compute a score of how close a set of previously known anomalies and a set of detected anomalies are.
In point anomalies, we perform a point-wise comparison at each timestamp; this is done on a second (s) based frequency.
The information that we have is:
- The time series start (min) and end (max) timestamps.
- A list of timestamps for the known anomalies.
- A list of timestamps for the detected anomalies.
An example of this would be:
- Timeseries start, end
data_span = (1222819200, 1222819205)
- Known anomalies:
ground_truth = [
- Detected anomalies:
anomalies = [
The solution implemented for point anomalies is to compute a list of labels, 1s and 0s, and then use the scikit-learn confusion matrix function as an intermediate to finding the accuracy, precision, recall, and f1 scores.
For this we generate a sequence of the same length as data_span
and fill the corresponding anomalies within the correct placement.
Continuing on the previous example, we obtain the following:
truth = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
detected = [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]
This results with the following true negative (tn), false positive (fp), false negative (fn), true positive (tp):
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(truth, detected).ravel()
Since we have the result of the confusion matrix, we can now compute the accuracy, precision, recall, and f1 score to evaluate the performance of the model.
# accuracy score
tn + tp / (tn + fp + fn + tp) # 0.667
This entire process is implemented within the point metrics
from orion.evaluation.point import point_accuracy, point_f1_score
start, end = data_span
point_accuracy(ground_truth, anomalies, start=start, end=end) # 0.667
point_f1_score(ground_truth, anomalies, start=start, end=end) # 0.667
In contextual anomalies, we can compare the detected anomalies to the ground truth in two approaches: weighted segment, and overlap segment.
The information that we have is:
- The time series start (min) and end (max) timestamps.
- A list of start/stop pairs of timestamps for the known anomalies.
- A list of start/stop pairs of timestamps for the detected anomalies.
An example of this would be:
- Timeseries start, end
data_span = (1222819200, 1442016000)
- Known anomalies (in this case only one):
ground_truth = [
(1392768000, 1402423200)
- Detected anomalies (in this case only one):
anomalies = [
(1398729600, 1399356000)
The solution implemented in Orion has been to use all the previous information to compute a list of labels, 1s and 0s, and then use the scikit-learn confusion matrix function passing a weights array as an intermediate to finding the accuracy, precision, recall, and f1 scores.
Continuing on the previous example, we do the following:
- Make a sorted set of all the timestamps and compute consecutive intervals:
intervals = [
(1222819200, 1392768000),
(1392768000, 1398729600),
(1398729600, 1399356001),
(1399356001, 1402423201),
(1402423201, 1442016000)
- For both the known and detected anomalies sequences, compute a label for each interval using 1 if the interval intersects with one of the anomaly intervals in the sequence:
truth = [0, 1, 1, 1, 0]
detected = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
- Compute a vector of weights using the lengths of the intervals:
weights = [169948800, 5961600, 626401, 3067200, 39592799]
- Compute the confusion matrix using labels and weights:
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(
truth, detected, sample_weight=weights, labels=[0, 1]).ravel()
- Compute a score:
# accuracy score
tn + tp / (tn + fp + fn + tp) # 0.959
This entire process is implemented within the contextual metrics
from orion.evaluation import contextual_accuracy, contextual_f1_score
start, end = data_span
contextual_accuracy(ground_truth, anomalies, start=start, end=end) # 0.959
contextual_f1_score(ground_truth, anomalies, start=start, end=end) # 0.122
In this methodology, we are more concerned with whether or not we were able to find an anomaly; even just a part of it. It records:
- a true positive if a known anomalous window overlaps any detected windows.
- a false negative if a known anomalous window does not overlap any detected windows.
- a false positive if a detected window does not overlap any known anomalous region.
To use this objective, we pass weighted=False
in the metric method of choice.
start, end = data_span
contextual_f1_score(ground_truth, anomalies, start=start, end=end, weighted=False) # 1.0