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File metadata and controls

273 lines (188 loc) · 15.2 KB

File Provider

Concepts and Design

Protocols and base classes

Every provider class conforms to some of the protocols each defines which operations are doable by a particular provider. This allows developers to work with any provider class and to use a simple downcast to intended protocol via as? optional keyword and call intended method.


This protocols consists basic variables necessary for all providers and functions to query contents and status of provider.

type static property should return a string which is usually provider's name. Value can be usedfor display purposes and to compare two different instances' type.

baseURL determines root url of provider instance. Some providers doesn't map url to files thus this variable is set to nil. url(of:) default implementation uses this url to create a url which points to specified path.

dispatch_queue and operation_queue are dispatch and operation queues used to have async operation. As a rule of thumb, file operations are done in operation queue and querying are done by dispatch queue. Some objects and classes like NSFileCoordinator uses OperationQueue for async operations.

delegate is a used to inform controller about operation status/progress to update UI. Avoid calling delegate methods directly and use delegateNotify() method in your implementation instead.

credential property stores user and password necessary to access provider. Local provider would ignore it.

If listing query is paginated contentsOfDirectory() and searchFiles() may return both truncated list array and error in case 2nd page can't be retrieved. Thus it's safe to check error first to ensure list is complete. Truncated result is usable until full list is retrieved.

storageProperties() returns VolumeObject see below for more information.

When implementing searchFiles(), check fileObject.mapPredicate() using query.evaluate(with:). You may use query parameter to create a search string if provider supports search functionality.

Practically, searchFiles(path: path, recursive: false, query: NSPredicate(format: "TRUEPREDICATE")) should be equal with contentsOfDirectory() method. Consequently, if provider enlisting and search backend are same (e.g. iCloud, OneDrive or Google) implement contentsOfDirectory() as a wrapper around searchFiles(), otherwise implement'em independently for optimization reason.

Avoid isReachable() to check connectivity and reachability. Instead do operation and allow it o fail if there is a connection problem. It may be deprecated at any time.

url(of:) and relativePathOf(url:) have default implementation which build a url using baseURL property. In case that baseURL is nil, it will wrap path inside a URL instance. You may override them if more functionality is needed (e.g. OneDrive) or appending path to baseURL can't be mapped to file url directly.


Adds a session and cache object for providers that need internet connection and URLSession object. If your provider is a HTTP based api, subclass HTTPFileProvider class otherwise (e.g. FTP or SMB) conform it to this protocol.


This protocol encapsulates methods for copying, moving, renaming, removing and downloading/uploading files.

If your provider is a subclass of HTTPFileProvider, you may implement request(for:, overwrite:, attributes:) abstract method which handles default implementation for these methods. In this case, you need to create a URLRequest object based on operation parameter, usually done a switch case statement. See WebDAVFileProvder and OneDriveFileProvider classes to see an example.


This protocol declares three methods to read and write files.

You must care about memory when using these functions. If you must handle big data, write it to a temporary file and use copyItem(localFile:, to:) or copyItem(path:, toLocalURL:) methods accordingly.


This protocol allows developer to update UI when file list is changed. It's not implemented for all providers and some providers like FTP and WebDAV don't support such functionality.

If you are implementing it for a HTTP-based provider, use longpoolSession to create a monitor request to avoid expiring requests frequently.

Implementation details vary based on provider specifications.


Implementing this protocol is a little hard as you must save operation inside undoManager for any operation.


publicLink(to:, completionHandler:) method allows user to share file with other people. Not all providers support this functionality and implementation details vary based on provider specification.


This protocol provides a way to fetch files' thumbnail and metadata. Providers which have endpoint to get meta data (like Dropbox) implements this protocol. Due to extensive network overload of fetching thumbnail, It's recommended to check file using thumbnailOfFileSupported(path) method to find out either provider supports thumbnail generation for specified file or not. These methods only check file extension as a indicator and won't check file using provider. A true result does not indicate that the file really has a thumbnail or not.

Implementation of thumbnailOfFile(path:, dimension:) must provide a NSImage/UIImage with size according to dimension parameter. If server supports requesting thumbnail with specified size, implementation would pass requested dimension to server, otherwise implementation must resize image using ExtendedFileProvider.scaleDown(image:, toSize:) method to resize image.

ExtendedFileProvider.convertToImage(pdfURL:, page:) and ExtendedFileProvider.convertToImage(pdfPage:) methods can convert pdf file into an image. Please note pdfURL parameter must be a local file url.

propertiesOfFile() method will extract meta data of specified file and return it as a dictionary orders by keys parameter. Keys may vary according to file type, e.g. EXIF data for an image or ID3 tags for a music file.

To extend thumbnail generation behavior for local file to types which are not supported by Apple platform, you may change LocalFileInformationGenerator struct static properties. Some methods in this struct are unimplemented to allow developer to use third-party libraries to provide meta data and thumbnail for other types of file.


This protocol does not define any method, but indicates that class conforms to FileProviderBasic , FileProviderOperations, FileProviderReadWrite and NSCopying protocols.


This enum holds operation type and associated information like source and destination path. Developer is exposed to this enum in delegate methods. Internally it's extensively used to refactor operation methods and to store operation info in related URLSessionTask inside taskDescription property.

As a associated enum, it can not be bridged to Objective-C.


FileObject class stores file properties in a dictionary with URLResourceKey as key type. All other properties are computed variables and simply cast value to a strict swift type.

Provider will create and return instance of FileObject class or its descendants in contentsOfDirectory(), attributesOfItem() and searchFiles() methods. Provider must set name and path properties.

path's value can be a unix-style hierarchal path or other ways to point a file supported by server. Some providers like Dropbox and OneDrive define accessing to file by id or revision. As a convention, these alternative paths are structured like type:identifier e.g. rev:abcd1234 or id:abcd1234. Google only allows to address file with id:abcd1234 and does not provide unix-style path.

  • Important: Never rely on path last component to extract file name, instead use name property. Providers like Google have only file id in path thus using path.lastPathComponent to display file name may lead to confusion and improper result.


VolumeObject class is identical to FileObject structurally but only uses URLResourceKey's keys which begin with volume. An implementation of provider must return this enumerated in storageProperties() with properties like total size and free space of storage.

There is not correspondent key in storage for usage property, indeed it's calculated by subtracting available space from total space.

Progress handling

Almost all methods return a Progress instance which encapsulates progress fraction and a way to cancel entire operation. It's upon your provider's implementation to update progress totalUnitCount and completedUnitCount properties and assign a cancellation handler to Progress object. Cancellation handler may call Operation's or URLSessionTask's cancel() method to interrupt operation.

A typical progress handling in this library is like this:

// totalUnitCount must be set to file size for downloading/uploading operation.
// totalUnitCount must be set to 1 for a simple remote file operation.
let progress = Progress(totalUnitCount: size)
// allow updating progress inside URLSession's delegate methods
progress.setUserInfoObject(operation, forKey: .fileProvderOperationTypeKey)
// kind must be set to .file for downloading/uploading operation.
progress.kind = .file
progress.setUserInfoObject(Progress.FileOperationKind.downloading, forKey: .fileOperationKindKey)
// progres.cancel() will call task.cancel() method.
progress.cancellationHandler = { [weak task] in
// Set .startingTimeKey to calculate estimated remaining time and speed in delegate.
progress.setUserInfoObject(Date(), forKey: .startingTimeKey)

Please note .fileProvderOperationTypeKey and .startingTimeKey are custom user info assigned to progress to allow updating progress inside URLSession's delegate methods and calculating estimated remaining time and speed. Your implementation must set these user info objects if you are using SessionDelegate object.

You may update cancellation handler if another task is added.

Error handling

This library doesn't manipulate errors returned by Foundation methods and uses URLError and CococaError to report error as far as there is a corresponding defined error. You can use urlError(_ :, code:) and cocoaError(_:, code:) convenience methods to create error object.

For HTTP providers, FileProviderHTTPError protocol defines a way to encapsulate HTTP status code and returned description by server. You may declare a struct conforming to FileProviderHTTPError with an initializer to interpret server response. serverError(with:, path:, data:) must be implemented in HTTPFileProvider subclasses and will be called by HTTP provider default implementation to digest error.

NEVER define a custom enum for errors. Instead use Foundation errors like URLError and CococaError as they provide comprehensive localized description for error. Alternatively use FileProviderHTTPError conforming struct for HTTP providers.

Implementing HTTP-based Custom Provider

This library provide HTTPFileProvider abstract class to easily implement provider which connects to a cloud/server that uses http protocol for connection. That's almost all REST and web based providers like Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, etc.

HTTPFileProvider encapsulates much of downloading/uploading logic and provides paginated method to allow enlisting/searching files in providers which return result in progressively. (e.g. Dropbox and OneDrive)

By subclassing HTTPFileProvider class, you must override half a dozen of methods, mainly querying methods. Your implementation may cause a crash if you fail to override these methods.

Methods and properties to override

type static property, which returns name of provider.

init?(coder:) decodes and initialize instance using NSCoder. Your implementation must read aDecoder correspondent keys and initialize a new object using your provider's initilizer.

copy(with:) method must create a new instance and assign properties from source (self) to copied object.

contentsOfDirectory() and searchFiles() methods must send listing query to server and decode json/xml response into a FileObject. Providers may subclass FileObject and implement an initializer to encapsulate decoding logic. If server response is paginated, use paginated() method. See below and inline help to find how to use it.

attributesOfItem() must send file attribute fetching query to server and decode response into a FileObject or its descendants instance.

storageProperties() does querying account/cloud quota and encapsulates it into a VolumeObject instance. You don't need to subclass VolumeObject. If your server does not support such functionality, simply call completion handler with nil as result.

request(for:, overwrite:, attributes:) creates a URLRequest for requested operation. It will be called by create, copy/move and remove functions. You may set httpMethod and httpBody and header values of request regarding operation type and associated variables.

  • Important: NEVER forget to call urlrequest.setValue(authentication: credential, with:) to set provider's credential if server uses OAuth/OAuth2 authentication method. You may need to set other http headers according to server specifications.

  • Important: copyItem(path:, toLocalURL:) and copyItem(localFile:, to:) methods will call request(for:) method with source/destination property set to a local file url, begins with file://. You must handle these separately. See WebDAVProvider source as an example.

serverError(with:, path:, data:) method will digest http status code and server response data to create an error conforming to FileProviderHTTPError protocol.

Optional overridable methods

isReachable() default implementation tries to fetch storage properties and will return true if result is non-nil. You may need to override this method if server does not support storageProperties() or there is a more optimized way to check reachability.

copyItem(localFile:, to:) and writeContents(path:, contents:) can be overrided if server requires upload session. See OneDriveProvider's source to see how create and handle an upload session.

Paginated enlisting

paginated() method defines an easy way to communicate to servers which list responses are paginated. Here is method signature:

pageHandler closure gets server response as Data, decodes it and returns FileObject array or an error, and if there is another sequel page, passes token of new page (a string tha can be a id or url) to newToken. If there is no more sequel page, newToken must be nil.

This token will be delivered to requestHandler closure which returns a URLRequest according to token. A nil token indicates it's the first page. completionHandler is the closure which user passed to contentsOfDirectory() or searchFiles() methods.

pageHandler must update progress by adding the number of new files enlisted to completedUnitCount property. This closure may filter results according to query parameter, using query.evaluate(with:).