They've given you a number, and taken away your name~
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On website, it writes:
You don't look like our agent!
We will only give our flag to our Agent 95! He is still running an old version of Windows...
Agent 95 ? Maybe its window 95 user-agent ?
On we can see that the user-agent or Window95 is Microsoft Internet Explorer/4.0b1 (Windows 95)
We access to the website with this user-agent and we can read the flag:
$ curl -h "^Cft Internet Explorer/4.0b1 (Windows 95ows 95)"
[tom.rorato@linux Downloads]$ curl -H "User-Agent:Microsoft Internet Explorer/4.0b1 (Windows 95) "
The flag is: flag{user_agents_undercover}
BooOooOooOOoo! This spooOoOooky client-side cooOoOode sure is scary! What spoOoOoOoky secrets does he have in stooOoOoOore??
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Note, this flag is not in the usual format.
On website, the flag is stored on local storage, we can access to it in firefox with inspect element
, go in Storage
menu and in Local Storage
The flag is: JCTF{spoooooky_ghosts_in_storage}