Visit Azure Portal.
Log in with your Microsoft Account [ Create one using LinkedIn or GitHub if you do not have it)
Click on terminal icon on the top right to open Azure Cloud Shell
Intialize your shell environment. [ I prefer going with
but I guessPowershell
would work just fine too] -
Select your subscription [ Google a bit to figure out how to get a free trial subscription for 12 months or a Azure Students Subscription]
Give it some seconds to mount to memory
If you are not logged in already, type
az login
and provide your credentials -
Now lets create a Resource Group for our Container Registry and Web App Service with the name say
and select the East US server (This works fine usually but for more details please have a look at the documentation on how to select the location)az group create --name your-project-RG --location eastus
Cool! Now we need to build our Container Registry with the name say
and standardbasic
with admin access enabled inside the resource groupaz acr create --name your-project-registry --resource-group your-project-RG --sku basic --admin-enabled true
Let's fetch our source code using git
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/your-project-repo-name.git
Checking what we got
ls -aH
Navigating inside our source folder
cd your-project-name
Send the contents of this directory to Azure Container Registry which uses our Dockerfile to build the image and store it
az acr build --registry your-project-registry --resource-group your-project-RG --image your-project-name .
Give this a couple of minutes
Create an App Service Plan for the web app
az appservice plan create --resource-group your-project-RG --name your-project-SP --location eastus --is-linux --sku B1
Now,we shall finally create our web app from the Docker container in the Azure Container Registry
az webapp create --name your-project-name --resource-group your-project-RG --plan your-project-SP --image your-project-registry.azurecr.io/your-project-name:latest
To redeploy the webapp
az acr build --registry your-project-regitry --resource-group your-project-RG --image your-project-name