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139 lines (98 loc) · 7.34 KB


A ROS wrapper for Habitat-Sim. It allows getting RGB, depth and semantic renders from ROS. It also contains a simplified MAV simulator.


Install dependencies

Only tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic. Older versions of ROS use Python2 which will complicate things when trying to use Habitat which is written on Python3.

sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends libjpeg-dev libglm-dev \
    libgl1-mesa-glx libegl1-mesa-dev mesa-utils xorg-dev freeglut3-dev \
    python3-pip python3-attr python3-numba python3-numpy python3-pil \
    python3-scipy python3-tqdm python3-matplotlib python3-git
pip3 install --user numpy-quaternion
# The habitat-sim install script calls pip expecting pip3. The following command
# will fail if /usr/local/bin/pip exists.
sudo ln --symbolic /usr/bin/pip3 /usr/local/bin/pip

Build package

This is a normal ROS package so all you have to do is create a workspace, clone the repository and build. This will build Habitat-Sim which will take some time and require a lot of RAM and CPU time.

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src/ && cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
catkin init
git clone
catkin build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release habitat_ros

Dataset download

Get the Matterport3D download script from here. Then download the Matterport3D dataset ready for use with Habitat by running

python3 --task habitat -o /path/to/download/


This is the main node and its respective launch file is launch/habitat.launch.

Coordinate Frames

  • The Habitat frame (H) is z-up and its origin and x-axis direction depend on the scene that is being used.
  • The Body frame (B) is the standard ROS x-forward, z-up frame.
  • The Pose frame (P) is the frame at which ground truth poses are being published. Its frame ID can be set using habitat/pose_frame_id.
  • The External pose frame (E) is the frame at which external poses are being received. A transformation from this frame to the Habitat frame (frame ID "habitat") will be searched for using tf2_ros.

Published topics

This node publishes the ground truth pose, RGB, depth and optionally semantics at a constant rate configurable from habitat/fps.

Topic name Type Description
/habitat/pose geometry_msgs::PoseStamped The pose (T_PB) where the images are rendered from.
/habitat/depth/image_raw sensor_msgs::Image (32FC1) The rendered depth image in metres.
/habitat/rgb/image_raw sensor_msgs::Image (rgb8) The rendered RGB image.
/habitat/semantic_class/image_raw sensor_msgs::Image (mono8) The per-pixel semantic class IDs. Each class ID is in the range [0-41]. Published only if enable_semantics is true.
/habitat/semantic_instance/image_raw sensor_msgs::Image (mono16) The per-pixel semantic instance IDs. Published only if enable_semantics is true.
/habitat/semantic_class/image_color sensor_msgs::Image (rgb8) A color render of the semantic class ID image. Useful for visualization and debugging. Published only if visualize_semantics is true.
/habitat/semantic_instance/image_color sensor_msgs::Image (rgb8) A color render of the semantic instance ID image. Useful for visualization and debugging. Published only if visualize_semantics is true.

Subscribed topics

The node subscribes to a single topic which is used to set the pose the images are rendered from. Once a new pose is received, the Habitat-Sim camera is immediately moved there.

Topic name Type Description
/habitat/external_pose geometry_msgs::PoseStamped The pose (T_EB) where the next images should be rendered from.


Setting name Type Description
habitat/width int The width of all rendered images in pixels.
habitat/height int The height of all rendered images in pixels.
habitat/near_plane float The near plane of the depth sensor in metres. No depth values smaller than near_plane will be produced.
habitat/far_plane float The far plane of the depth sensor in metres. No depth values greater than far_plane will be produced.
habitat/f float The focal length of the sensors in pixels. Habitat-Sim doesn't currently support different focal lengths between the x and y axes.
habitat/fps float The rate at which the ground truth pose and rendered images are published in Hz. Set to 0 to publish as fast as possible.
habitat/enable_semantics bool Enable publishing of the semantic class and instance IDs.
habitat/depth_noise bool Enable Redwood depth noise.
habitat/allowed_classes List Only class IDs present in this list will be present in the output images. All other object classes will have a class and instance ID of 0. Leave empty to return all the available classes. Having a non-empty list significantly impacts performance so its suggested to only use this option for debugging.
habitat/scene_file str The path to the .glb scene file to load. The path can be absolute, relative to the habitat_ros package or it may start with ~ to indicate the home directory of the current user.
habitat/initial_T_HB List The initial body pose. Can be a translation only [tx, ty, tz], rotation only [qx, qy, qz, qw], translation and rotation [tx, ty, tz, qx, qy, qz, qw] or the 16 elements of a homogeneous transformation matrix in row-major order.
habitat/pose_frame_id str The ID of the frame for poses published in /habitat/pose.
habitat/pose_frame_at_initial_T_HB bool Enable publishing a static transform so that the Pose frame (P) coincides with the initial T_HB pose. This results in the initial published pose being the identity matrix.
habitat/visualize_semantics bool Generate and publish visualizations of the semantic class and instance IDs. Useful for debugging.
habitat/recording_dir srt Store the run as a dataset in the TUM RGB-D format in recording_dir.


  • Enabling the semantic class and instance publishing will reduce performance so it is advised to keep them disabled if semantics are not needed.
  • Enabling semantic class and instance visualization publishing will reduce performance even more so it is advised to keep them disabled if not needed.


Copyright © 2020-2021 Smart Robotics Lab, Imperial College London

Copyright © 2020-2021 Sotiris Papatheodorou

Distributed under the BSD 3-Clause license.