Observation: The following documentation is based on the original documentation available here
This prototype is a functioning, but very simple - notification service that allows clients (humans or machines) to create Events, Subscribe to Event occurrences and receive notifications when event instances happen. An example usage is a system tester (or test automation) being notified that a specific build has passed acceptance test. Any potential event can be created and subscribed to and , as long as a mechanism is in place to signal an occurrence of the event - via the services API - then all subscribers will receive notification.
The service API provides the ability to define Events, subscribe to Events and signal Event occurrences.
This service runs as a node.js application and provides a rest-based API to clients. All data that passes through this API is JSON format. Data is persisted to a document oriented database ... MongoDB. For initial use I have hosted this prototype on the IBM BlueMix cloud and also verified it works well on Heroku.
I have been using v0.10.15 for initial development and testing
I have been using v2.4.5 for initial development and testing Run mongo:
mongod &
Create collection in mongo:
Get a local copy of the project (using git or copy the zip) and then use the node package manager to install needed prereqs defined in package.json ...
npm install
then create a file named "config.js" file for your mail server account and drop it in the ./lib folder. It looks like this:
module.exports = {
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'somepwd'
Setup environment variables on your OS. The project requires this two environment variables:
USNB_MONGO_URI_NOTIFICATIONS = mongodb://[host]:27017/notificationservice
USNB_NOTIFICATIONS_PORT = any port you want to use
USNB_ENTITY_MANAGER_HOST = host to entity-manager server. Example:
then start the server ...
node server.js
with the server running you can launch the test suite from a separate shell ...
The API is REST-based. All data exchanged is JSON. For illustrative purpose API calls are shown in the context of cURL commands.
The following APIs support the primary use cases
curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"eventId" : "1234_NEW_CONTRIBUTION_IDEA", "title": "New IDEA"}' http://<hostname>/events
curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"eventId": "1234_NEW_CONTRIBUTION_IDEA", "alertEndpoint": "[email protected]", "endpointType" : "email"}' // TODO: tp://<hostname>/subscriptions
curl -i -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://<hostname>/subscriptions/endpoint/<alert-endpoint>
curl -i -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"eventId": "1234_NEW_CONTRIBUTION_IDEA", "title": "New IDEA in Quality of Life WG", "text" : "Notification text", "data": "Build ID: dget-2241"}' http://<hostname>/signals
The following APIs are intended for secondary(admin-type)scenarios like cleanup, etc.
curl -i -X DELETE http://<hostname>/events/<event-id>
curl -i -X DELETE http://<hostname>/subscriptions/<subscription-id>
curl -i -X DELETE http://<hostname>/subscriptions/<event-id>/<alert-endpoint>
curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"description": "Brand new description"}' http://<hostname>/events/<event-id>