- Quick overview of Nix, the package manager: https://nixos.org/guides/how-nix-works.html
- Interactive tour of Nix, the language: https://nixcloud.io/tour/
- How to deploy NixOS, the operating system: https://justinas.org/nixos-in-the-cloud-step-by-step-part-1
- Get up to speed on Flakes, the schema and dependency manager: https://zero-to-nix.com/
- Nix Pills, the classic A through Z introduction to Nix: https://nixos.org/guides/nix-pills/
- NixOS's official and extensive documentation + manuals + guides: https://nixos.org/learn.html
- Packaging applications and building NixOS modules: https://www.youtube.com/@jonringer117
- A potpourri of good links: https://github.com/nix-community/awesome-nix
- QA-style lectures on Nix: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyzwHTVJlRc8yjlx4VR4LU5A5O44og9in
- "How to learn Nix", a diary of learning nix: https://ianthehenry.com/posts/how-to-learn-nix/
- Search for all available packages and NixOS module options: https://search.nixos.org/
- Indexed website of all Nix builtins and of the Nixpkgs library functions: https://teu5us.github.io/nix-lib.html
- Overview of the Flake schema: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Flakes#Flake_schema