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Numerical precision differences in tensors across PyTorch, Triton, and CUDA #6

jiqimaoke opened this issue Dec 30, 2024 · 0 comments


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Hello, your tutorial is very inspiring and helpful to me. Thanks for your nice work.
However, when I run, I met the numerical precision differences in outputs among the implemenations of triton, torch and cuda.
The code is below.

import triton
import triton.language as tl
import torch
import math
import selective_scan_cuda
import time
import pdb
ones = lambda *size: torch.ones(*size).cuda()
zeros = lambda *size: torch.zeros(*size).cuda()
arange = lambda n: torch.arange(n).cuda()
rand = lambda size: torch.rand(*size).abs().cuda()

def check(*inputs, prec=1e-4):
    for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(inputs[::2], inputs[1::2])):
        if isinstance(b, list):
            b = torch.tensor(b)
        c = torch.allclose(a.cpu(), b.cpu(), prec)
        c1 = torch.isclose(a.cpu(), b.cpu(), prec)
        assert c, f"{i}\n{a}\n{b}\n{c1}"

def simple_ssm_tt(X, A, B, C, Y, K: tl.constexpr):
    Ks = tl.arange(0, K)

    # Allow for a batch dimension (for Part 4)
    bid = tl.program_id(0)
    kid = bid * K
    x = tl.load(X + Ks + kid)
    a, b, c = ssm_load(Ks + kid, A, B, C)

    # Compute
    h1, h2 = tl.associative_scan((a, b*x), 0, first_order_op)
    y = c * h2

    # Save + Ks + kid, y)

def reduce(v, rev, batch = 1):
    if rev:
        v[0, :] = v[0].flip(-1)
    o = torch.ones_like(v[0, 0])
    simple_ssm_tt[(batch,)](v[0, 1], v[0, 0], o, o, v[1, 1], K=v.shape[-1])
    v[..., -1] = 0.0
    v[:] = torch.roll(v, 1)
    if rev:
        v[1, :] = v[1].flip(-1)

def select(X, mask, dim=-1):
    return tl.sum(X * mask, dim, 1)

def ssm_load(Ks, A, B, C):
    "Helper for loading"
    a = tl.load(A + Ks)
    b = tl.load(B + Ks)
    c = tl.load(C + Ks)
    return a, b, c

def ssm_scan(h1, h2, h2_0, reversed:tl.constexpr=0, dim:tl.constexpr=0):
    # Optional flip direction (for Part 3)
    Ks = tl.arange(0, h2.shape[dim])
    # Apply initial
    n1, n2 = first_order_op(tl.zeros_like(h1)+1.0, h2_0, h1, h2)

    # Scan
    h1, h2 = tl.associative_scan((n1, n2), dim, first_order_op, reverse=reversed)
    return h1, h2

def discretize_tt(a, b, delta):
    da = delta * a
    a_ = tl.exp(da)
    b_ = b * delta
    return a_, b_

def discretize_back(a, b, d, da_, db_):
    da = d * a
    a_ = tl.exp(da)

    da_da = d * a_
    da_ddelta = a * a_

    inter = (b * (da - 1) * a_ + b) / da

    #db_da = 0
    db_db = d
    db_ddelta = b

    return da_ * da_da, db_ * db_db, da_ * da_ddelta + db_ * db_ddelta

def first_order_op(fl, xl, fr, xr):
    f = fr * fl
    x = fr * xl + xr
    return f, x

def roll(a1, b1_last, b1_cur, a2, b2_last, b2_cur):
    return a1 + a2, tl.where(a2 == 1, b1_cur, 0) + b2_last, b2_cur

def mamba_for_tt(X, dX, A, dA, B, dB, C, dC, Delta, dDelta,
             H_0, dH_0, Y, dY, H, dH,
             L: tl.constexpr, K: tl.constexpr, D_step: tl.constexpr,
             D:tl.constexpr, N: tl.constexpr):
    # Setup
    pid = tl.program_id(0)
    bid = tl.program_id(1)
    kid = pid * K
    nH = tl.num_programs(0)
    Ba = tl.num_programs(1)
    Ks = tl.arange(0, K)[None, None, :] # 1 x 1 x K
    Ns = tl.arange(0, N)[:, None, None] # N x 1 x 1
    Nx1xK = bid*N*L + Ns*L + (Ks + kid)

    # Load forward
    b = tl.load(B + Nx1xK)
    c = tl.load(C + Nx1xK)
    db_out = tl.zeros_like(b)
    dc_out = tl.zeros_like(c)

    Ds = tl.arange(0, D_step)[None, :, None] # 1 x D x 1

    for did in range(0, D // D_step):
        DxK = bid*D*L + Ds*L + Ks + kid
        NxDx1 = bid*N*D + Ns*D + Ds
        a = tl.load(A + NxDx1)
        NxDx1_H = bid*N*D*nH + Ns*D*nH + Ds*nH + pid
        h_off = Ba*N*D*nH

        # Load forward
        delta = tl.load(Delta + DxK)
        x = tl.load(X + DxK)
        a_, b_ = discretize_tt(a, b, delta)

        if step == 2:
            h2_0 = tl.load(H_0 + 1*h_off + NxDx1_H) * (Ks == 0)
            h2_0 = tl.zeros_like(a_)
        # Compute Forward
        h1, h2 = ssm_scan(a_, b_ * x, h2_0, dim=2)
        y = tl.sum(c * h2, 0, 1)
        if step == 1:
   + 0 * h_off + NxDx1_H + 0*Ks, h1, Ks==K-1)
   + 1 * h_off + NxDx1_H + 0*Ks, h2, Ks==K-1)
        if step == 2:
   + DxK, y)

        # #Compute backward
        if back == 1:
            # Load Backward
            dy = tl.load(dY + DxK)
            dh2_0 = tl.load(dH_0 + 1*h_off + NxDx1_H) * (Ks==K-1)
            delta_shift = tl.load(Delta + DxK + 1, (Ks + kid) < L - 1, 0)
            a_s, _ = discretize_tt(a, b, delta_shift)
            dh1, dh = ssm_scan(a_s, c * dy, dh2_0, reversed=1, dim=2)
            if step == 1:
       + 0*h_off + NxDx1_H + 0*Ks, dh1, Ks == 0)
       + 1*h_off + NxDx1_H + 0*Ks, dh, Ks == 0)

        if back == 1 and step == 2:
            dc = tl.sum(h2 * dy, 1, 1) # N x K
            _, rh2, _ = tl.associative_scan((1 + 0*(Ns + Ds + Ks), 0.0*h2, h2), 2, roll)
            rh2 = h2_0 * (Ks == 0) + rh2 * (Ks > 0)
            da, db, ddelta = discretize_back(a, b, delta, dh * rh2, dh * x)

            # Save (sums keep_dims=1)
   + DxK, tl.sum(b_ * dh, 0, 1))
   + NxDx1_H, tl.sum(da, 2, 1))
   + DxK, tl.sum(ddelta, 0, 1))
            db_out = db_out + tl.sum(db, 1, 1)
            dc_out = dc_out + dc
        Ds = Ds + D_step

    if back==1 and step==2: + Nx1xK, db_out) + Nx1xK, dc_out)

def discretize(a, b, delta):
    da = delta * a
    a_ = torch.exp(da)
    b_ = b * delta
    return a_, b_

def mamba_torch(x, a, b, c, delta):
    "PyTorch Implementation"
    y = []
    h = 0
    a_, b_ = discretize(a, b, delta)
    for k in range(x.shape[-1]):
        h = a_[..., k] * h + b_[..., k] * x[..., k]
        y.append((c[..., k] * h).sum(1, keepdim=True))
    return h, torch.stack(y, -1)

def create(S = 128, Ba = 2, D = 4, N = 4, K=16):
    x = rand((Ba, 1, D, S))
    a = -ones((Ba, N, D, 1))
    b = ones((Ba, N, 1, S)) * 0.1
    c = rand((Ba, N, 1, S)) * 0.1
    delta = rand((Ba, 1, D, S)) * 0.1
    BLOCKS = S // K
    dx, da, db, dc, ddelta = [torch.zeros_like(b) for b in [x,a,b,c,delta]]
    da = zeros(Ba, N, D, BLOCKS)
    y, dy = [ones(Ba, 1, D, S) for _ in range(2)]
    h, dh = [zeros(2, 2, Ba, N, D, BLOCKS) for _ in range(2)]
    extra = (dx, da, db, dc, ddelta, y, dy, h, dh)
    return x, a, b, c, delta, extra

def mamba(x, a, b, c, delta, extra, K=16, D_step=2, back=1):
    #s = time.time()
    Ba = x.shape[0]
    N = a.shape[1]
    D = delta.shape[2]
    SEQLEN = x.shape[-1]
    (dx, da, db, dc, ddelta, y, dy, h, dh) = extra
    assert BLOCKS == SEQLEN // K
    assert SEQLEN % BLOCKS == 0
    assert D % D_step == 0
    mamba_for_tt[(BLOCKS, Ba)](x, dx, a, da, b, db, c, dc, delta, ddelta, h[0], dh[0], y, dy, h[0], dh[0], back=back, step=1, L=SEQLEN, K=K, D_step=D_step, D=D, N=N)
    reduce(h, False, Ba * N * D)
    if back:
        reduce(dh, True, Ba * N * D)
    mamba_for_tt[(BLOCKS, Ba)](x, dx, a, da, b, db, c, dc, delta, ddelta, h[1], dh[1], y, dy, h[1], dh[1], back=back, step=2, L=SEQLEN, K=K, D_step=D_step, D=D, N=N)
    return y, dx, da.sum(-1, keepdim=True), db, dc, ddelta

x, a, b, c, delta, extra = create()
y, dx, da, db, dc, ddelta = mamba(x, a, b, c, delta, extra, D_step=4)
for v in [x, a, b, c, delta]:
_, y_ = mamba_torch(x, a, b, c, delta)

check(y, y_, dx, x.grad, dc, c.grad,  db, b.grad, da, a.grad, prec=1e-3)

import selective_scan_cuda
x, a, b, c, delta, extra = create(S = 1024, Ba = 8, D = 256, N=4, K=32)
# x, a, b, c, delta, extra = create()
# mamba(x, a, b, c, delta, extra, K = 128, D_step=16)[0]

s = time.time()
for i in range(1):
    y_triton = mamba(x, a, b, c, delta, extra, K = 128, D_step=16, back=0)[0]
    # y_triton = mamba(x, a, b, c, delta, extra, K = 128, D_step=4, back=0)[0]
print("TRITON:", time.time() - s)

(dx, da, db, dc, ddelta, y, dy, h, dh) = extra
s = time.time()
for i in range(1):
    # For forward...
    y_cuda = selective_scan_cuda.fwd(x.squeeze(1), delta.squeeze(1), a[0].squeeze(-1).T, b.squeeze(-2)[:, None, :, :], c.squeeze(-2)[:, None, :, :], None, None, None, False)
    # selective_scan_cuda.bwd(x.squeeze(1), delta.squeeze(1), a[0].squeeze(-1).T, b.squeeze(-2)[:, None, :, :], c.squeeze(-2)[:, None, :, :], None, None, None, dy.squeeze(1), None, None, None, False, False)
print("MAMBA:", time.time() - s)

s = time.time()
for i in range(1):
    _, y_torch = mamba_torch(x, a, b, c, delta)
print("TORCH:", time.time() - s)

print(torch.allclose(y_torch[:,0], y_cuda[0], 1e-3))
print(torch.allclose(y_triton[:,0], y_cuda[0], 1e-3))

In the config of x, a, b, c, delta, extra = create(S = 128, Ba = 2, D = 4, N = 4, K=16), the result of torch.allclose(y,y_,1e-3) is Ture. However, in the config of x, a, b, c, delta, extra = create(S = 1024, Ba = 8, D = 256, N=4, K=32), the result of torch.allclose(y_torch[:,0], y_cuda[0], 1e-3) is True and the result of torch.allclose(y_triton[:,0], y_cuda[0], 1e-3) is False. Do you have any idea about this numerical precision difference?

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