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Play Auth Plugin - Simple user authentication plugin for Play Framework 2.3.x

IMPORTANT: The plugin is still in develop and maybe cause unexpected behaviors

This plugin adds a simple user authentication layer to your application. It depends on Scribe for the oauth process.

Plugin Installation

Add the library dependency and the repository resolver to the build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.ssachtleben" %% "play-auth-plugin" % "3.5-SNAPSHOT"

resolvers += Resolver.url("ssachtleben repository (snapshots)", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)

The auth and event plugins have to be added in the conf/play.plugins:

Provider Configuration

The following auth providers are supported:

Name Type Configuration Key
Facebook OAuth2 facebook
Google OAuth2 google
LinkedIn OAuth2 linkedin
Twitter OAuth1 twitter
Yahoo OAuth1 yahoo

Each provider needs to be configurated in the application.conf:

Name Description
key The application id
secret The appication secret
scope The oauth scope
fields Name of the fields which will be provided in a json data object
callback The callback url
success The success url
error The error url

This is an example configuration for facebook:


All providers with a valid configuration are active by default. If a provider is not working as excepted change the log level in the application.conf and check the log files for warnings:

Authentication Events

It's possible to execute custom code during the authentication process. There are multiple events which can be observed.

Event Types

Here is a list with all authentication events:

Name Description Parameter
AuthEvents.AUTHENTICATION_BEFORE This event will be fired before the auth process starts. play.mvc.Http.Context ctx, String providerKey
AuthEvents.AUTHENTICATION_AFTER This event will be fired after the auth process. play.mvc.Http.Context ctx, String providerKey
AuthEvents.AUTHENTICATION_ERROR This event will be fired if the user can't properly authenticate. play.mvc.Http.Context ctx, String providerKey
AuthEvents.AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS This event will be executed on a sucessful auth. play.mvc.Http.Context ctx, Object user, String providerKey

All events will be executed syncron by default which means if you want to execute time consuming operations in the observer methods you should schedule a async task with Akka.

It's also possible to change all events to async via application.conf: = true

Observe Events

The auth plugin depends on the event plugin which is used to trigger them. It's very easy to observe them. Here is an example:

@Observer(topic = AuthEvents.AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESSFUL)
public static void handleAuthenticationSuccess(final Context ctx, final Object user, final String provider) {"Authentication success event [provider=%s, user=%s]", provider, user));


The @LoggedIn annotation allows only http request for logged in users:

public class Application extends Controller {