- test empirically (ok actually just spoke to chat) summary-detail html5 instead of unrolled boolean - ask on stack overflow and also - better to render async, with custom
- maybe history shouldn't be updated directly, but only downstream from the Path context object? - check this out! - deleted history
global states are in the contexts, each separate
- path - that is the novel part
- popup
- root (location)
- contextMenuContext - tracking position - possibly not needed really - confirmed that not needed
there is a number of commands
- copy export from chromium actually- that is in the chrome.bookmarkManagerPrivate object, that is not exposed
- analytics module
- batch operations manager - for delete multiple, etc
- search manager class
- validator
- api connector
- settings manager I guess
- use suspense syntax instead of loading screen - nah that's only if a framework or lazy code
- history - nullified by useSearchParams, both for search and path - wrong, having it locally would be good. internal pages are skipped from history usually - wrong, native bookmarks have this
"eslintConfig": { "extends": [ "react-app", "react-app/jest" ] },
- change to my local node types in most places, my own interfaces
- change all to local types - must
- change
- remove
- get
- getTree
- change useEffect in most places
- some useBookmark hook?
- consider side tree element issues
- add content script for right getting images https://crxjs.dev/vite-plugin/getting-started/react/add-content-script
- add ts manifest
- move the refactoring from search results talbe also to the main table
- deal with dual drop handling in the bookmark table
- make a separate search result component, reusing maybe half of the logic, but also a filter component there instead of path stuff
- try a simpler, local context menu for clicking from a tutorial and see if all works there. right now both the location and the passing of props do not work for edition
- ask ChatGPT to refactor the table component
- change useEffect to custom effect hooks - that requires disassembling
- possibly use a custom event listener for all the history and path changes - for these to be automatic - ask chat
- link preview the place it's working in is social media, and google docs https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2020/08/docs-mobile-link-previews-smart-compose.html https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62728331/how-do-google-docs-bubble-cards-link-preview-unfurl-external-resource-inside
maybe with Rust WASM https://blog.logrocket.com/web-scraping-rust/#be-good-citizen-writing-web-scraper
manual requesting https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44763985/fetch-only-headers-of-a-get-request-in-node
this is about security and CORS would be persistent. could theoretically do this, with some microbackend and
struggle with regex
done API
add proper menus on context https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_draganddrop.asp browser provides the image for dragging https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTML_Drag_and_Drop_API
solve the selection bit
fix search bookmarks field positioning
a 'undo' popup in the left bottom corner
fix the issue with 'add new bookmark' alert
fix the issue with 'add new folder' alert
make the settings alert
history context for back and forward arrows. history is a queue?
context for basic nodes - language independent
- fix the click does not work right with double click but right with context click
- fix the broken alerts and context menus
- fix the starting root - make it disappear
- fix the side bar no context menu
- wrong row gets targeted for any changes
- side subtree gets error on deletion. also the erroneous state with 0 is preserved for far too long. cannot read properties of undefined props.node
- download excludes urls
- make the loading screen nicer. maybe with a loading bar?
- split global tree into context, with callbacks
- add table context menu not only on left click, but also button - need to simplify the getData and column creation utilities
do rows as lower level container
options bookmark changes in the current folder bookmark changes outside of the current view bookmark changes upstream in the path bookmark changes completely elsewhere, like on a different tab
things that need to change current rows. rows appears completely downstream from the path current path loaded status? global tree - complex, it changes, but only folders changes matter, the numbers should update too though
maybe simplify with reducer, with diff actions for all of these
- sometimes path gets too many items
- search does not change the path - then clicking on 'current path' does not redirect