- Preferences example added
- Prefoverride example added
- Toolbar example added
- Startup example added
- Conkyrc example added
- Background image bg.png added
- Updated default.theme, changed to Look = metal, updated fonts, better with Xft support
- You can verify and/or modify the files : "preferences", "prefoverride" and "toolbar" and if you wish copy them or part of them in your ~/.icewm directory
- "conkyrc" can be copied in your home directory as .conkyrc
- "Xresources" can be copied in your home directory as .Xresources or .Xdefaults
- The grun application can be installed and used to launch programs without opening an xterm
- The volumeicon-alsa package can be installed, at least on Debian, and a volume button can be inserted in the tasbar by writting 'volumeicon &' in your '~/.icewm/startup' file
- Worked on an iconset to provide some CDE icons to PCManFM. Iconset originates from CDE desktop and have been brought in .png format by Arenyart (Andrew Enyart, USA). See https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1120392/ for the original theme. Mainly copied icons and renamed some others to be freedesktop compliant. Modified the theme script to work with Gtk apps. The result is ok for the icons but the navigating arrows are not ok. The iconset can be downloaded there : https://github.com/StephaneLab/CDE-Gtk-Iconset
- Added two wallpapers under CC0 in the theme background directory and removed previous bg.png tile.
- Fixed a problem of font for the clock applet
- Bitstream Vera Serif Roman is a good font for the GTK menus.
- Added time between clics for double clic
- Added blinking cursor for xterm
- Removed the italic option for menu font and windows titlebar font
- Added a menu_en(english) and menu_fr(french) to copy in your ~/.icewm/menu to get a basis for a menu which is freedesktop compliant.
- Made the icons and font a little bigger in the menu october 11, 2022
- Comes now in 3 colors schemes for Icewm.
- Added some backdrops in .xbm format which can be used in the icewm startup file.
- Initial licence was CC-BY, it has been changed to LGPL 3 which is similar. october 12, 2022 (worked on the Default theme only)
- fixed a problem on right bottom corner on Mustard, Green and Crimson themes for selected windows.
- Crimson theme comes with 2 possible default.theme files.
- Added new screenshots of the 4 colors schemes. october 14, 2022
- XPM pixmaps inside each theme
- Enhancement of menu pixmap
- Enhancement of pager pixmaps october 15, 2022
- Uploaded the Gtk/Xfce4 Gtk Iconset by missTell, to replace the previous iconset (webpage : https://www.pling.com/p/1920644/).
Added a desktop and a windows button.
- made pixmaps for the toolbar and worked on the toolbar look
- worked on the pager buttons
- made a new icon for nIceCDE start menu
- removed the conkyrc file from the archive for the moment
- Went back to a more simple toolbar/taskbar because of side effects on the log off dialog box.
- Put a gradient option on pager buttons, to allows changes in names of the Desks, changing the name's length too much will not show a very good result> now possible.
- made a .xpm to get a background image
- worked on the menu focus and the menu separators
- worked on the Default and Crimson themes.
- Made a 5th color scheme named Sandy
- Made several .xpm tiles to provide different possible backgrounds. They are included in the backgrounds/ directory of each archive file.