- Only paths reachable through p2p ints protection
- v6 not supported
- Forward traffic during routing convergence
- Initially only neighbouring devices aware of failure
- others dont know
- Device adjacent to failure should use repair paths until failure communicated
- Repair paths precomputed
- Pre-computed next hop route, without loop back
- LFA in network failure
- LFA forwards without knowing of failure
- LFA computed two different ways
- Per link - All prefixes through one link sheare same back up, protects next hop address
- Per prefix - Protects destination address
- EIGRP does prefix-based LFAs
- interface-disjoint - No LFA over same path as existing egress int
- linecard-disjoint - As above, but same linecard
- lowest-repair-path-metric - If metric high, eliminate
- SRLG-disjoint - Shared Risk Link Group, eliminates in same group (could be common fibre)
LFA FRRs per Prefix
router eigrp DAVE
address-family ipv4 autonomous-system 65001
topology base
fast-reroute per-prefix { all | route-map NAME}
- show ip eigrp topology frr
Disabling Load sharing among prefixes
- When primary path ECMP with multiple LFAs
- Prefixes among LFAs
- When selection of LFAs tie breaking, disable load sharing among prefixes
router eigrp DAVE
address-family ipv4 autonomous-system 65001
topology base
fast-reroute load-sharing disable
Enabling Tie Breaking for EIGRP LFAs
- Can assign priorities, lower better
router eigrp DAVE
address-family ipv4 autonomous-system 65001
topology base
fast-reroute tie-break { interface-disjoint | linecard-disjoint | lowest-backup-path-metric | srlg-disjoint } priority-number
- Not supported on VL headends
- Only in global VPN VRF
- TE cannot be protected int
- TE tunnel can be in repair path, but won't verify placement
- Not all routes have repair paths
- Protecting router precomputes per-prefix repair paths
- Installed in RIB
- When primary fails, live traffic over stored repair path
Default policy: -
- srlg
- primary-path
- interface-disjoint
- lowest-metric
- linecard-disjoint
- node-protecting
- broadcast-interface-disjoint
- SRLG - Only for locally configured groups\
- Repair paths must have different SRLG ID
- Int Prottection - P2Ps have no alternate next hop
- Prevents selection, protecting int
- Broadcast Int Protection - If computed on same int, but next-hops different, link not protected
- Node Protection - Can bypass primary path gateway router
- Downstream Path - Can specify metric path msut be lower than
- Linecard disjoint
- Metric - Repair path with lwoest metric
- ECMP Primary Paths - Can config primary attribute to specify an LFA repair path from ECMP set, or secondary to those not in ECMP set
- Candidate Repair-Path Lists - Usually keeps in local RIB only best among all candidates, can specify to keep all (more memory)
Per-Prefix LFA FRR
router ospf 1
fast-reroute per-prefix enable prefix-priority LEVEL
- Low priority - All prefixes same eligibility
- High priority - Only high priority protected
Specify prefixes protected
route-map TEST permit
match tag 11
router ospf 1
prefix-priority high route-map TEST
Selection policy
router ospf 1
fast-reroute per-prefix tie-break ATTRIBUTE [required] index LEVEL
List of repair paths considered
router ospf 1
fast-reroute keep-all-paths
Prohibiting interfaces to be used as next hop
int Fa0/0
ip ospf fast-reroute per-prefix candidate disable
- BGP and IP/MPLS network up and running, site multihomed
- Backup/alternate has unique next hop
- BFD to detect link failures
- For BGP Multipath, PIC already supported
- No BGP PIC for MPLS VPN Inter-AS Option B
- v4, v6, VPNv4 and VPNv6 NLRI
- If RR only in control plane, don't need BGP PIC (PIC is data plane)
- If two PEs are each others alternate path, traffic loops until TTL expires
- No support for NFS with SSO, ISSU is if Route Processors support it
- Solves traffic forwarding only for single network failure at edge and core
- Doesn't work with BGP Best External
- Additional paths for failover
- Constant convergence time
- From IOS XE 3.10S up, labelled PIC and LFA FRR can be togetehr on ASR 903
BGP Functionality
- Second best path calc'd along with primary best
- Best and backup into BGP RIB
RIB Functionality
- Alternate per route installed if available
- With PIC, if RIB selects route with backup, installed backup with ebst path
CEF Functionality
- Stores alt path per prefix
- When primary lost, backup searched for in prefix independent manner
- CEF listens to BFD
MPLS Functionality
Siumilar to CEF
Stores alt path, switches if primary disappears
When PIC enabled, backup in RIB, IP RIB and FIB
Two type of failure
Core node/link failure (iBGP) - Failure detected through IGP convergence, detected through RIB to FIB
Local link/immediate node (eBGP) - BFD required, CEF looks for BFD events
Convergence in Data Plane
- CEF detects alt next hop for all prefixes affected by failure
- Data plane convergence subsecond
Convergence in Control Plane
- Learns through IGP/BFD, withdraws prefixes
- Calcs best and backups, advertises next best
- FRR provides best and backup in BGP RIB and CEF
- Second best programemd into RIB and CEF, CEF programs linecard
- BGP PIC means CEF can switch to other egress ports if current next hop goes down
- Happens in subseconds or seconds, dependent on if PIC enabled in line card
- For platforms with CEF in line card, subsecond
- For platforms with CEF in software, convergence in seconds
- Maintains local label for 5 minutes, ensures traffic uses backup/alternate
- Improves LoC time to under a second
- When link failure, traffic over backup
- Overrides MPLS VPN-BGP local convergence (protection local-prefixes)
- VPNv4 AF mode protects all VRFs
- VRF-IPv4 protects only v4 vrfs
- Router config mode protects global table
- Ability to find next matching path when primary goes
- Need to disable when using PIC as it searches all FIB entries
- BGP PIC Edge already computed backup
- Recursion disabled under two conditions if PIC edge enabled
- For next hops with /32 mask
- Next hops directly connected
- bgp recursion host - Disables/enables CEF recursion for BGP host routes
- By default, enabled on vpnv4/v6, disabled on v4/v6 when PIC enabled
- Disabled for directly connected next hops with disable-connected-check
router bgp
address-family ipv4/vpnv4/ipv4 vrf
bgp additional-paths install
bgp recursion host
neighbor x.x.x.x fall-ver bfd
- Disable PIC core - cef table output-chain build favor memory-utlization
- Adv multiple paths for same prefix
- Adds path ID for each path in NLRI
- Similar to RD, except any AF
- ID unique to peering session
- generated per nettwork
- Stops overriding announcements
Following steps
- Specify if device can send/rx or both, for Add Paths in AF or neighbour (capability negotiation)
- Select candidate paths for advertisement
- Adverise for a neighbour
- Those negotiated capability grouped in a different update group from those that dont
Additional Path Slection
- set path-selection all advertise advertises all paths
- Not dynamic capability
- Valid on next reset of neighbour
- No tearing down of sessions
router bgp 65000
address-family ipv4/ipv6 unicast
additional-paths receive
additional-paths send
additional-paths selection route-map NAME
router bgp 65000
neighbor x.x.x.x remote-as 65001
address-family ipv4/ipv6 unicast
capability additional-paths receive [disable]
capability additional-paths send [disable]
- Above overrides whats at AF level
router bgp 65000
template peer-policy NAME
capability additional-paths receive
capability additional-paths send
neighbor x.x.x.x remote-as 65001
address-family ipv4 unicast
inherit peer-policy NAME sequence-number
- Route map to filter paths
- Match on prefix of additional paths that are candidates
route -map NAME deny/permit
set path-selection all advertise
set metric
- Next-Hop address tracking enabled by default when IOS supports it
- Event driven
- Prefixes auto tracked when peers establish
- Next-hop changes picked up by BGP quickly (when RIB updates)
- When best path calc run in between scanner cycles, only next-hop changes tracked and processed
- Monitors next hop for reachability
- Polls RIB every 60s
- Implemented as part of selectic tracking feature
- Supports NH tracking
- Route map defines routes to resolve BGP next hop
- bgp nexthop - allows config length of prefix that applies NH attribute
- Route map during bestpath calc, applied to route in routing table that covers next-hop attribute for prefixes
- If next-hop route fails route-map, marked as unreachable
- match ip address and match source-protocol in route map
Fast Peering Deactivation
- Event driven
- Per neighbour basis
- monitors session to neighbour
- Adj changes detected
- Terminates peering session in between default or config'd BGP scanning interval
Selective Address Tracking for BGP fast session deactivation
- Route map
- neighbor fall-over command, determines if peering session reset when route to peer changes
- Route map evaluates new route
- If deny return, session reset
- Make sure IGP convergence is quick, otherwise BGP reacts while still converging
Selective Next-Hop Route Filtering
router bgp 65000
address-family ipv4 unicast
bgp nexthop route-map CHECK-NEXTHOP
ip prefix-list FILTER seq 5 permit le 25
route-map CHECK-NEXTHOP deny 10
match ip address prefix-list FILTER
route-map CHECK-NEXTHOP permit 20
Adjust delay interval for Next hop tracking
- Tune delay between full table walks to match IGP parameters
- Default 5s
router bgp 65000
address-family FAMILY
bgp nexthop trigger delay TIMER - Max 100s
Disabling next hop address tracking
- Enabled by default on v4 and vpnv4
- Since IOS 12.2(33), by default under VPNv6 when next hop is v4 address mapped to v6 next ho paddress
router bgp 65000
address family FAMILY
no bgp nexthop trigger enable
Per Neighbour
router bgp 65000
address-family FAMILY
neighbor X.X.X.X remote-as 65001
neighbor X.X.X.X fall-over
router bgp 65000
neighbor X.X.X.X remote-as 65001
neighbor X.X.X.X fall-over [route-map NAME]
ip prefix-list FILTER seq 5 permit ge 28
route-map CHECK-NEXTHOP deny 10
match ip address prefix-list FILTER
route-map CHECK-NEXTHOP permit 20