- Shapers monitor rate data sent
- If rate exceeded, delays packets in shaping queue
- Packets then released over time
- Solves issue of SP dropping traffic (shape before it reaches them)
- Solves egress blocking (choke point in the network)
- Routers only send at clock rate
- Lower rates alternate between sending and silence
- For IOS Shaping, static time interval set (Tc)
- Number of bits per Tc interval calc'd to match shaping rate
- Bits per Tc = Bc (committed burst)
- Tc = Bc/CIR, measure in Ms
- Bc = Committed burst in bits
- Shapred rate - Bps
- Be - Excess burst, number of bits above Bc sent after period of inactivity
- More than Bc bits in one or more ints if link has been quiet
Tc = Bc/shape rate
- Token bucket model
- Bucket filled at start of Tc
- Each token is for 1 bit
- At start of Tc, shaping can release Bc bits
Actions in shaping bucket
Refill at Tc start
Spend tokens for packet forwarding
Overflow - Only sents amount in interval
Be exists to use overflow
Bc tokens added at each Tc still
If more tokens available than Bc, can send more at next Tc
- GTS in older IOS
- Supported on most router ints
- Not used with flow switching
- Could shape all traffic leaving, or ACL'd for subset
- traffic-shape rate shaped-rate [Bc] [Be] [buffer-limit]
- Shaped rate - bps
- Bc and Be - bits
- Buffer is maximum queue buffer in bps
- Only shaped rate required, Bc and Be would then be quarter of shaped by default
- traffic-shape group access-list-number shaped-rate {BC} {BE}
- show traffic-shape INTERFACE
- show traffic-shape STATISTICS
- show traffic-shape QUEUE
- Allows queueing tools for packets delayed by shaping
- Classification of packets for different shape rates
- Command in policy map is shape [average | peak] mean-rate [[burst-size][excess-burst-size]]
- Apply with service policy as normal
- Tc cannot be set directly
- Bc and Be dont need setting
- Calcaultes values of abvoe based on
Variable | Rate le 320kbps | Rate gt 320kbps |
Bc | 8000 bits | Bc = shape rate by Tc |
Be | Be=Bc=8000 bits | Be=Bc |
Tc | Tc=Bc/shape rate | 25ms |
- Use small Tc so packets less delayed
policy-map queue-voip
class voip-packets
priority 32
class class-default
policy-map shape-all
class class-default
shape average 96000 960
service-policy queue-voip
- Shaping only when single packet above contract
- Can be done as perents
Keep in mind following: -
- Shape percent ses bw of int or subint on which enabled
- Sub ints dont inherit physical bandwidth, 1544 default
- Bc and Be configured as Ms (bits sent at configured rate in time period)
- Tc set to configure Bc (in ms)
- shape average 50 125 ms
- 50 is shaper rate, 125 ms is Bc
- Ms required or command rejected
- shape peak MEAN-RATE
- Calcs Bc, Be and Tc same way as average
- Refills Bc + Be for time intervals
- Logic means CB shaping can send Bc and Be per time period
- Shaping rate becomes
- configured_rate x (1 + Be/Bc)
- 64 (1 + 8000/8000) = 128
- shape adaptive MIN-RATE under shape command in class config
- Different internal process than older IOS policer
- Enabled on ingress or egress
- Monitors bit rate of combined packets
- When above, takes action
- Actions are
- Drop
- set-dscp-transmit
- set-prec-transmit
- set-qos-transmit
- set-clp-transmit
- transmit
- Packets conform, exceed or violate
- No excess burst
- Conform and exceed only
- Single token bucket
- Over time, policer refils bucket according to policing rate
- Token is a byte, so for 96 kbps over a second, bucket filled with 12,000 tokens (12KBps)
- Not refilled on time interval
- Instead, reacts to arrival of packet, replenishes prorate number of tokens into bucket
- Defined by: -
- ((Current_packet_arrival_time - Previous_packet_arrival_time) x Police_rate) / 8
- Policer then decides if newly arrived packets conform or exceeding contract
- Number of bytes (Xp)
- Number of tokens in bucket (Xb)
Category | Requirements | Tokens drained from bucket |
Conform | If Xp <= Xb | Xp tokens |
Exceed | If Xp>Xb | None |
- Over time, tokens back into packet, so some packets conform
- After bit rate lowers, all conform
- First bucket filled like single
- If Bc bucket overlows, these fill Be
- After filling buckets, another option
- If Xbe>=Xp>Xbc, tokens from Be bucket
- Second rate is PIR (Peak Information Rate)
- Packets under CIR conform
- Packets below PIR exceed
- Beyond is violating
- Sustained excess buristing allowed in this model
- Be bucket not relying on spillage
- If one bucket was 128kbps, other 256kbps, in 0.1s 1600 tokens into BC, 3200 into Be
Consumed like so: -
Category | Requirements | Tokens Drained from Bucket |
Conform | Xp <= Xbc | Xp tokens from Bc and Xp from Be |
Exceed | Xbc < Xp <= Xbe | Xp tokens from Be |
Violate | Xp > Xbc and Xp > Xbe | None |
- police bps burst-normal burst-max conform-action action exceed-action action [violate-action action
Single Rate Three Colour
policy-map police-all
class class-default
police cir 96000 bc 12000 be 6000 conform-action transmit exceed-action set-dscp-transmit 0 violate-action drop
Policing subset
class-map match-all match-web
match protocol http
policy-map police-web
class match-web
police cir 80000 bc 10000 bc 5000 conform-action transmit exceed-action transmit violate-drop
class class-default
police cir 16000 bc 2000 be 1000 conform-action transmit exceed-action set-dscp-transmit 0 violate-action set-dscp-transmit 0
- If Bc not config'd, equivalent in bytes for 1/4 send at police rate
- Bc = ((CIR * 0.25s)/8 bits = CIR/32
Default Be based on policy: -
Type of config | Defaults |
Single rate, two colour | Bc = CIR/32, Be = 0 |
Single rate, three colour | Bc = CIR/32, Be = Bc |
Dual Rate three colour | Bc=Cir/32, Be = PIR/32 |
- police {cir CIR} [bc CONFORM-BURST] {pir PIR} [be PEAK-BURST] [conform-action ACTION exceed-action ACTION [violate-action ACTION]]
- Requires PIR and CIR to be confirmed, can set with only these two
- Mark multiple fields in same packet
- Slightly different syntax, places in policing subconfig mode
policy-map testpol1
class class-default
police 128000 256000
conform-actionb transmit
exceed-action transmit
violate-action set-dscp-transmit
violate-action set-frde-transmit
- Bc and Be config'd as number of Ms
- IOS calcs Bc and Be based on how many bits sent in that many ms
Dual rate example:-
policy-map test-pol6
class class-default
police cir percent 25 bc 500 ms pir percent 50 be 500 ms conform transmit exceed transmit violate drop
Single rate two colour
Set rate in bps, Bc and Be bytes
CAR differs from CB policing
Uses rate-limit command
Cascaded/nested rate limits (multiple on interface)
Does support Be, but no violate categeory
When Be config'd, internal logic for monitoring differs from CB
rate-limit {input | output| [access-group [rate-limit] acl-index] bps burst-normal burst-max conform-action action exceed-action action
Can use normal ACL or rate limit ACL, which can match MPLS EXP, IPP or MAC. For other fields, ACL
int Se0/0
rate-limit input 496000 62000 62000 conform-action continue exceed-action drop
rate-limit input access-group 101 400000 50000 50000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
rate-limit input access-group 102 160000 20000 20000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
rate-limit input access-group 101 200000 25000 25000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
- Continue means go through and potentially match others
- MQC mechanism used for HQC for queueing and shaping
- Local engine to support QoS features
- Tree structure built using policy maps
- When data through interface using HQF, data classified so it traveres tree branches
- Data arrives at top of tree, classified on one of leaves
policy-map class
class c1
bandwidth 14
class c2
bandwidth 18
policy-map map1
class class-default
shape average 64000
service-policy class
policy-map map2
class class-default
shape average 96000
map-class frame-relay fr1
service-policy output map1
map-class frame fr2
service-policy output map2
int Se4/1
encapsulation frame-relay
frame-relay interface-dlci 16
class fr1
frame-relay interface-dlci 17
class fr2
- Fast deployment of QoS queueing and shaping
- Consisitent queueing behaviour with common MQC
- HQF supports distributed and non-distributed implementations
- Includes levels of scheduling and support for integrated CB shaping and queueing
- Placement of hierarchical policies and queueing features at every level of structure
- means can apply queueing to any traffic class in parent or child level of policy
- discrete service levels for different sessions/subscribers
policy-map class
class c1
bandwidth 14
class c2
bandwidth 18
policy-map map1
policy-map child
class child-c1
bandwidth 400
class child-c2
bandwidth 400
policy-map parent
class parent-c1
bandwidth 1000
service-policy child
class parent-c2
service-policy child
- Rather than WFQ, flow based used
- Flow queues scheduled equally instead of weight based (ipp or dscp)
- Default FIFO when no policy-map
- Can use bandwidth, fair queue or service policy to change
- Bandwidth assigned is unused int bandwidth not in other user-defined classes
- Minimum 1% of int by default
- Default FIFO rather than WFQ for Shape Class
- Can reserve 100% of int bandwidth
- If no explciti bandwidth guarantee in class-default, can assign max of 99% of int bandwidth
- Error appears when going to 12.4(20)T if 100% to user classes
- When fair queue enabled, default per flow queue limit is 1/4 of class queue limit
- If not enabled in class, default is 16 packets
- When shaping policy added to multiple logical ints (including sub int), and sum of all above physical in tbandwidth
- Congestion at physical gives back pressure to each logical int policy
- Each policy reduces output rate to its fair share of int bandwidth
- In HQF, shapping after Encap with hierarchical service policy
- When shape in parent policy applied to tunnel, can use class-default only
- Cannot configure user defined class in parent
- Can apply service policy with queueing at tunnel/virtual int and service policy with queueing at physical, but not at same time
- When nested policy config'd with child queueing policy under parent
- Ref bw for child taken from following
- Minimum (parent shaper rate, parent class's implicit/explicit bandwidth guarantee)
- when not defined for parent, int bandwidth devices among all parents as implicit bandwidth guarantee
- If int configurured with policy map full of heavy traffic,
- Implicitly defined polcier allows traffic as defined in bandwidth statement at each class
- Policer activated whenevr traffic congestion on interface
- Lack of planning for qos requirements
- Failure to track changes in apps and traffic
- Lack of good documentation
- Ensure enough bandwidth for application
- Check bw, latency and drop requirements
- IP SLA can help, show ip sla statistics
- show policy-map
- show class-map
- show policy-map interface
- show mls qos
- show policy-map
- show class-map
- show policy-map interface
Switch techniques
- show mls qos input-queue ingress
- show mls qos INTERFACE queuing egress
- show mls qos maps cos-input-q - mapping for CoS to Queue
- show mls qos maps cos-output-q
- show mls qos maps cos-dscp
- As above but dscp-cos
Rotuers also have
- show mls qos maps - COS and DSCP mappings
- If traffic shaping enabled, tune Tc to 10ms
- SP may have different service levels, check mapping
- Remove config if something like a printer on an interface that used to be a user (eg AutoQoS for voice)
- default interface INTERFACE
Problem | Approach | Helpful IOS Commands |
Troubleshooting QoS misconfig | Verify QoS is enabled, class map config, policy map config, and service policy operation | show mls qos, show class-map, show policy-map, show policy-map interface |
Possible switch QoS misconfig | show commands to determine how input/egress queueing configured | show mls qos input-queue, show mls qos interface interface queueing, show mls qos maps cos-input-q, show mls qos maps cos-output-q, show mls qos maps cos-dscp, show mls qos maps dscp-cos |
Possible router Qos | show commands to determine how queueing configured | show mls qos maps, show traffic-shape |