diff --git a/cookbook/custom-page-data-provider.rst b/cookbook/custom-page-data-provider.rst
index 4c3d7237..44ed265a 100644
--- a/cookbook/custom-page-data-provider.rst
+++ b/cookbook/custom-page-data-provider.rst
@@ -103,3 +103,88 @@ is implemented, which filters the pages for a specific author:
+Adding custom sorting
+You can implement custom sorting criteria by creating a new ``DataProvider`` class that extends from the ``PageDataProvider`` class and using it instead.
+That way, you can sort by a property that isn't provided by the ``PageDataProvider``.
+When a lot of business logic it is probably better to create a custom entity instead.
+**1. Create a custom** ``DataProvider`` **class that overrides the** ``PageDataProvider`` **configuration.**
+.. code-block:: php
+ initConfiguration();
+ }
+ private function initConfiguration(): ProviderConfigurationInterface
+ {
+ /** @var ProviderConfiguration $configuration */
+ $configuration = parent::getConfiguration();
+ $configuration->setSorting([
+ ...$configuration->getSorting(),
+ ['column' => 'datetimeFrom', 'title' => 'sulu_admin.datetime_from'],
+ ]);
+ return $configuration;
+ }
+ }
+Other configuration settings can be overriden as well. The available options are:
+.. list-table::
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Method
+ - Parameters
+ - Description
+ * - `setTags`
+ - bool
+ - Enable tags to be selecteable for smart_content.
+ * - `setTags`
+ - bool
+ - Enable categories.
+ * - `setLimit`
+ - bool
+ - Enable limit.
+ * - `setPaginated`
+ - bool
+ - Enable pagination.
+ * - `setPresentAs`
+ - bool
+ - Enable present as.
+ * - `setAudienceTargeting`
+ - bool
+ - Enable audience targeting.
+ * - `setSorting`
+ - collection
+ - Accepts a nested array of two-dimensional arrays. Each two-dimensional array should include a `column` key with the property to sort by, and a `title` key with the label to display in the sorting dropdown menu.
+ * - `setView`
+ - `array $resultToView`
+ - Defines where the deep link when clicking on a smart content item should navigate to.
+**2. Use the custom** ``DataProvider`` **in the** ``services.yaml`` **.**
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ app.smart_content.data_provider.author_pages:
+ class: App\SmartContent\EventPageDataProvider
+All other parameters remain the same as you would register a ``PageDataProvider`` service that uses a custom ``QueryBuilder`` implementation.