- [TASK] update dependencies, theme-t3kit v2.9.0 (93d0387)
- [TASK] register icons outside BE if-statement so it can show content element icons in frontend editing (0e84719)
- [TASK] add option to modify CKeditor styles/headers (#9) (fc1fd91)
- [TASK] update dependencies, theme-t3kit v2.8.0 (ee9b763)
- [TASK] update dependencies, theme-t3kit v2.7.0 (ebcd2d5)
- [TASK] update npm devDependencies (e360a44)
- [TASK] update package-lock file (3108f6f)
- [BUGFIX] fix for blank error-report in grunt-stylelint. (#8) (36265f8)
- [TASK] update dependencies, theme-t3kit v2.6.0 (6c2eabd)
- [TASK] add package-lock.json (9591e53)
- [TASK] update FE dependencies (a0b74a4)
- [DOC] update felayout README, update required dependencies (node/npm) (5e4f3d2)
- [TASK] add mynewsdeskLink social icon constants (#4) (242624a)
- [TASK] update ext/composer dependencies, theme-t3kit v2.5.0 (e3a4fe6)
- [TASK] include skipLinks styling (e8406b4)
- [TASK] update variables for button styles (295f4a2)
- [TASK] update composer dependencies, theme-t3kit v2.4.0 (a20df9d)
- [TASK] sync subtheme with theme_t3kit (14faeee)
- [TASK] update IconFonts (a9953d8)
- [TASK] sync subtheme felayout with theme_t3kit 2.4.0 felayout (85512b6)
- [TASK] add XING social icon constants (#2) (92bfed4)
- [TASK] update composer dependencies, theme-t3kit v2.3.0 (46fea02)
- [FEATURE] add XING social icon (83679d8)
- [TASK] sync subtheme felayout with theme_t3kit felayout (8e03c08)
- [TASK] update stylelintrc config (0e9e171)
- [TASK] update felayout npm dependencies (e473433)
- [DOC] update README, add info about t3kit-cli (5d3a0a6)
- [TASK] update dependencies, theme_t3kit to v2.2.1 (0537043)
- [TASK] update main dependency theme-t3kit to v2.2.0 (d76ef30)
- [TASK] change description in felayout package.json (03fb399)
- [DOC] update documentation and description (769c6d9)
- [TASK] Add .DS_Store to gitignore list (959bd66)
- [BUGFIX] fix felayout conf to work with TYPO3 subpages (4fe8ddb)
- [TASK] change @import paths for t3kit Appearance and Layout styling (css) (fd4d722)
- [DOC] update README file (8570837)
❗Breaking Changes:
- [!!!] [TASK] use NPM instead of Bower as a main FE package manager (6df9551)
- [BUGFIX] fix socialmedia ts constants (ef35a89)
- [TASK] cleanup + .editorconfig fixes (1072309)
- [TASK] Gridelements -> add examples how to modify appearance and layout classMappings (b094d0c)
- [TASK] add examples how to modify appearance and layout classMappings (c5cc533)
- [FIX] add theme_t3kit constants including news and solr (adbc5c6)
- [TASK] add iconFonts (1a6007d)
- [TASK] add new fonts, update theme constants (0077f52)
- [TASK] update README, add comments (96c81cf)
- [TASK] add felayout which depends on theme_t3kit/felayout (1d3a3ab)
- [TASK] modify ext. name, update composer config (a99314b)