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318 lines (285 loc) · 9.86 KB

File metadata and controls

318 lines (285 loc) · 9.86 KB

Daymap Getter

Gets things from the GIHS Daymap server through the magic of webscraping.


Note: If you're accessing an endpoint, access it with / at the end. It skips an unnecessary redirect!

  • POST /lessons/

    Gets all lessons for the user in the defined time range.

    • JSON Payload:

      Always contains:

      • username (string) The person's username.
      • start (UTC Unix Timestamp) Start date for queried lesson range (time is ignored)
      • end (UTC Unix Timestamp) End date for queried lesson range (time is ignored)

      Then, either:

      • password (string) The person's password, in plaintext. This variant should be used if no session cookies have been stored on the server. It takes about 3x as long to complete a request because of all the authentication that has to occur with Daymap.


      • cookies (object) Daymap's session cookies in a JSON object (key-value pair) *This *
    • Returns:

      • 200 OK - Lesson query successful
      • 402 Bad Gateway - Daymap didn't respond properly
      • 400 Bad Request - JSON Payload was invalid

      Example request with user/pass combo:

          "username": "someuser",
          "password": "PlaintextPassword",
          "from": 1234567,
          "to": 7654321


          "data": [
                  // example lesson
                  "name": "something", // raw Daymap lesson name
                  "id": 12345678, // Daymap internal id
                  "start": 1234567890, // unix timestamp
                  "finish": 9876543210, // unix timestamp
                  "attendance": "NotSet" // Daymap attendance enum
              { /* another lesson */ },
              { /* another lesson */ }
          "cookies": {
              // Daymap identity cookies, keep these
              "name": "value"

      Example request with cookies:

          "username": "someuser",
          "cookies": {
              /* Daymap identity cookies */
          "from": 1234567,
          "to": 7654321


          "data": [
              { /* lesson */ },
              { /* lesson */ },
              { /* lesson */ }
          // notice how no cookies are returned if the passed ones are valid
  • POST /lessons/plans/

    Gets lesson plans for a lesson.

    • JSON Payload:

      Always contains:

      • username (string) The person's username.
      • lesson_id (int) The ID of the lesson to query plans for.

      Then, either:

      • password (string) The person's password, in plaintext. This variant should be used if no session cookies have been stored on the server. It takes about 3x as long to complete a request because of all the authentication that has to occur with Daymap.


      • cookies (object) Daymap's session cookies in a JSON object (key-value pair) *This *
    • Returns:

      • 200 OK - Plan query successful
      • 402 Bad Gateway - Daymap didn't respond properly
      • 400 Bad Request - JSON Payload was invalid

      Example request with user/pass combo:

          "username": "someuser",
          "password": "PlaintextPassword",
          "lesson_id": 123456


          "data": {
              "notes": [
                      // fields can disappear from here if they're not set in daymap
                      "title": "Note Title",
                      "content": "Blah blah blah, we're doing learning today...",
                      "links": {
                          // links fished out from content
                          "Video You Should Watch": "",
                      "files": {
                          // this is a daymap attachment id, a download url can be constructed using it
                          "CoolDocument.docx": 123456
                  { /* another note on same lesson */ },
                  { /* another note on same lesson */ },
              "extra_files": {
                  // files not belonging to any specific note, just placed out in the void
                  "ExtraDocument.pdf": 111222
          "cookies": {
              // Daymap identity cookies, keep these
              "name": "value"

      Example request with cookies:

          "username": "someuser",
          "cookies": {
              /* Daymap identity cookies */
          "lesson_id": 123456


          "data": { 
              /* same as above */
          // notice how no cookies are returned if the passed ones are valid
  • POST /messages/

    Gets all messages for the user, ever.

    • JSON Payload:

      Always contains:

      • username (string) The person's username.

      Then, either:

      • password (string) The person's password, in plaintext. This variant should be used if no session cookies have been stored on the server. It takes about 3x as long to complete a request because of all the authentication that has to occur with Daymap.


      • cookies (object) Daymap's session cookies in a JSON object (key-value pair) *This *
    • Returns:

      • 200 OK - Message query successful
      • 402 Bad Gateway - Daymap didn't respond properly
      • 400 Bad Request - JSON Payload was invalid

      Example request with user/pass combo:

          "username": "someuser",
          "password": "PlaintextPassword",


          "data": [
                  "id": "123456",
                  "sender": "John DOE (doej)",
                  "date": "Tue 7:30 PM",
                  "subject": "This is the subject of a test message!"
              { /* another message */ },
              { /* another message */ }
          "cookies": {
              // Daymap identity cookies, keep these
              "name": "value"

      Example request with cookies:

          "username": "someuser",
          "cookies": {
              /* Daymap identity cookies */


          "data": [
              { /* message */ },
              { /* message */ },
              { /* message */ }
          // notice how no cookies are returned if the passed ones are valid
  • POST /tasks/

    Gets all current tasks for the user.

    • JSON Payload:

      Always contains:

      • username (string) The person's username.

      Then, either:

      • password (string) The person's password, in plaintext. This variant should be used if no session cookies have been stored on the server. It takes about 3x as long to complete a request because of all the authentication that has to occur with Daymap.


      • cookies (object) Daymap's session cookies in a JSON object (key-value pair) *This *
    • Returns:

      • 200 OK - Tasks query successful
      • 402 Bad Gateway - Daymap didn't respond properly
      • 400 Bad Request - JSON Payload was invalid

      Example request with user/pass combo:

          "username": "someuser",
          "password": "PlaintextPassword",


          "data": [
                  "id": "12345",
                  "title": "Example Task",
                  "lessonName": "10 Digital Technology1A",
                  "type": "summative", // can be: "summative", "formative", "(something else)"
                  "dueDate": 1624924800, // unix timestamp of duedate
                  // now, there will either be an "alert" field, a "grades" field, or neither. not both.
                  "alert": "Overdue. Work has not been received",
                  // or
                  "grades": {
                      // these fields may or may not spontaneously disappear, idk
                      "grade": "E-",
                      "mark": "1 / 100",
                      "comments": "This is the worst assignment I've ever seen."
              { /* another task */ },
              { /* another task */ }
          "cookies": {
              // Daymap identity cookies, keep these
              "name": "value"

      Example request with cookies:

          "username": "someuser",
          "cookies": {
              /* Daymap identity cookies */


          "data": [
              { /* task */ },
              { /* task */ },
              { /* task */ }
          // notice how no cookies are returned if the passed ones are valid