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Scenario Queries | Value Retrieval Query for Visualization

Scenario Queries

    Study Match: Is there a study that matches this patient on a feature (s)?

    Query 1: SPARQL Query to fetch study titles that match a patient's race and gender
        PREFIX resource: 
        PREFIX rdfs: 
        PREFIX sio: 
        PREFIX dct: 
        PREFIX chear: 
        PREFIX ncit: 
        PREFIX provcare: 
    SELECT DISTINCT ?studyTitle ?study WHERE 
    	?study a ncit:C71104 .
    	?study dct:title ?studyTitle .
    	?study sio:hasParticipant ?studyArm .
    	?studyArm sio:hasProperty [a ?studyIntervention] .
    		?subPatient rdfs:subClassOf ?studyArm .
    		?subPatient rdfs:subClassOf ?restriction .
    		?restriction a owl:Restriction .
    		?restriction owl:someValuesFrom ncit:C16352 .
    	?subPatient1 rdfs:subClassOf ?studyArm .
    	?subPatient1 rdfs:subClassOf ?restriction1 .
    	?restriction1 a owl:Restriction .
    	?restriction1 owl:someValuesFrom sio:Male .

    Result 1: Study titles retrieved from the study match query to find all studies in which African American Males are represented

    Study Title
    10-Year Follow-up of Intensive Glucose Control in Type 2 Diabetes
    New insulin glargine 300 U/ml compared with glargine 100 U/ml in insulin-nave people with type 2 diabetes on oral glucose-lowering drugs: a randomized controlled trial (EDITION 3)
    Efficacy and Safety of Degludec versus Glargine in Type 2 Diabetes
    Patientdirected titration for achieving glycaemic goals using a once daily basal insulin analogue: an assessment of two different fasting plasma glucose targets the TITRATETM study
    Glycaemic control and hypoglycaemia with new insulin glargine 300 U/ml versus insulin glargine 100 U/ml in people with type 2 diabetes using basal insulin and oral antihyperglycaemic drugs: the EDITION 2 randomized 12-month trial including 6-month extension.
    Glycaemic control and hypoglycaemia with new insulin glargine 300 U/ml versus insulin glargine 100 U/ml in people with type 2 diabetes using basal insulin and oral antihyperglycaemic drugs: the EDITION 2 randomized 12-month trial including 6-month extension
    Effects on blood pressure of reduced dietary sodium and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. DASH-Sodium Collaborative Research Group
    Telmisartan, ramipril, or both in patients at high risk for vascular events
    Combined angiotensin inhibition for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy
    Effect of Finerenone on Albuminuria in Patients With Diabetic Nephropathy: A Randomized Clinical Trial
    A randomized trial of therapies for type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease
    Effects of combination lipid therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus
    Randomized controlled trial comparing impact on platelet reactivity of twice-daily with once-daily aspirin in people with Type 2 diabetes
    Cardiovascular outcomes using doxazosin vs. chlorthalidone for the treatment of hypertension in older adults with and without glucose disorders: a report from the ALLHAT study
    Effects of intensive blood-pressure control in type 2 diabetes mellitus

    Study Limitations: Are there absence or underrepresentation of population groups in this study?

    Query 2: SPARQL Query to fetch study titles and range of values reported for Age
    PREFIX sco: 
    PREFIX resource: 
    PREFIX rdfs: 
    PREFIX sio: 
    PREFIX dct: 
    PREFIX chear: 
    PREFIX obo: 

    SELECT DISTINCT ?studyTitle ?propType ?lowerBound ?propVal ?upperBound WHERE {

    ?study a ncit:C71104 . ?study dct:title ?studyTitle . ?study sio:hasParticipant ?studyArm . ?studyArm sio:hasAttribute | sio:hasProperty ?prop .

       ?prop a ?propType .
       ?prop sio:hasAttribute ?attr .
       ?attr a sio:Mean .
       ?attr sio:hasValue ?propVal .  
       ?prop sio:hasAttribute ?attr2 .
       ?attr2 a sio:StandardDeviation .
       ?attr2 sio:hasValue ?propVal2 .   
       BIND((?propVal2  + 2*?propVal) AS ?upperBound) .
       BIND((?propVal  - 2*?propVal2) AS ?lowerBound) . 
      ?prop a ?propType .
      ?prop sio:hasAttribute ?attr .
      ?attr a sio:Median .
      ?attr sio:hasValue ?propVal .  
      ?prop sio:hasAttribute ?attr2 .
      ?attr2 a stato:0000164 .
      ?prop sio:hasAttribute sio:MaximalValue .
      ?attr2 sio:hasValue ?upperBound .
      ?prop sio:hasAttribute sio:MinimalValue .
      ?attr2 sio:hasValue ?lowerBound .

    FILTER (?upperBound <= 70) .
    FILTER (?propType IN (sio:Age)).


    Result 2: Study Titles and Age Ranges retrieved from the study limitation query to find studies where old adults above 70 are not represented

    Study Title Lower Bound Median/Mean Age Upper Bound
    Effects on blood pressure of reduced dietary sodium and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet., DASH-Sodium Collaborative Research Group 37 47 57
    Effects on blood pressure of reduced dietary sodium and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet., DASH-Sodium Collaborative Research Group 39 49 59
    Patientdirected titration for achieving glycaemic goals using a oncedaily basal insulin analogue: an assessment of two different fasting plasma glucose targets the TITRATETM study 56.6
    Patientdirected titration for achieving glycaemic goals using a oncedaily basal insulin analogue: an assessment of two different fasting plasma glucose targets the TITRATETM study 57.2
    Patientdirected titration for achieving glycaemic goals using a oncedaily basal insulin analogue: an assessment of two different fasting plasma glucose targets the TITRATETM study 56.9
    Randomized controlled trial comparing impact on platelet reactivity of twice-daily with once-daily aspirin in people with Type 2 diabetes 44 51 58
    Cardiovascular outcomes using doxazosin vs. chlorthalidone for the treatment of hypertension in older adults with and without glucose disorders: a report from the ALLHAT study 66
    Cardiovascular outcomes using doxazosin vs. chlorthalidone for the treatment of hypertension in older adults with and without glucose disorders: a report from the ALLHAT study 67
    Cardiovascular outcomes using doxazosin vs. chlorthalidone for the treatment of hypertension in older adults with and without glucose disorders: a report from the ALLHAT study 66
    Cardiovascular outcomes using doxazosin vs. chlorthalidone for the treatment of hypertension in older adults with and without glucose disorders: a report from the ALLHAT study 67
    Cardiovascular outcomes using doxazosin vs. chlorthalidone for the treatment of hypertension in older adults with and without glucose disorders: a report from the ALLHAT study 67
    Cardiovascular outcomes using doxazosin vs. chlorthalidone for the treatment of hypertension in older adults with and without glucose disorders: a report from the ALLHAT study 67

    Study Quality Evaluation: Are there adequate population sizes and is there a heterogeneity of treatment effect among arms?

    Query 3: SPARQL query to find large scale studies with intervention arms size being at least 1/3rd the overall cohort size
    PREFIX sco: 
    PREFIX resource: 
    PREFIX rdfs: 
    PREFIX sio: 
    PREFIX dct: 
    PREFIX chear: 
    PREFIX obo: 
    PREFIX provcare: 

    SELECT DISTINCT ?studyTitle ?medicationLabel ?popSize ?totalCohortSize WHERE { ?study a ncit:C71104 . ?study dct:title ?studyTitle . ?study sio:hasParticipant ?studyArm . ?studyArm sio:hasProperty ?intervention . ?intervention a ?interventionType . ?intervention prov:used ?medication . ?medication rdfs:label ?medicationLabel . ?studyArm sio:hasAttribute ?prop . ?prop a sco:PopulationSize . ?prop sio:hasValue ?popSize . { SELECT DISTINCT ?study (SUM(?popSize) AS ?totalCohortSize) WHERE {
    ?study sio:hasParticipant ?studyArm .
    ?studyArm sio:hasAttribute ?prop . ?prop a sco:PopulationSize . ?prop sio:hasValue ?popSize .
    GROUP BY ?study HAVING (?totalCohortSize > 1000) } FILTER (?popSize >= (?totalCohortSize/3)) . FILTER ((?interventionType rdfs:subClassOf* provcare:Intervention ) && (?medication rdfs:subClassOf* chebi:24436 )). }

    Result 3: Cohort sizes and individual study arm sizes of clinical trials retrieved from a query to find the studies having a cohort population 1000 and individual study arm population sizes are at least 1rd 3 the cohort size
    Study Title Cohort Size Study Arm Arm Size
    Long-term Metformin Use and Vitamin B12 Deficiency in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study 1800 Metformin 753
    Long-term Metformin Use and Vitamin B12 Deficiency in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study 1800 Metformin 859
    Effects of combination lipid therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus 5518 Metformin 2765
    Effects of combination lipid therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus 5518 Metformin 2753
    Efficacy and Safety of Degludec versus Glargine in Type 2 Diabetes 7637 Metformin 3818
    Efficacy and Safety of Degludec versus Glargine in Type 2 Diabetes 7637 Metformin 3819

Value Retrieval Query for Visualization 

    Star Plot Code

    We present a query below that is used to retrieve the central value, and upper and lower bounds for continuous characteristics of a study arm. The characteristics are those that overlap with the patient features that we gather for diabetic patients in NHANES, i.e. age, body mass index, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, Hemoglobin A1C. This query is triggered in the faceted browser to generate the visualization.
    This query can flexibly retrieve values for both mean +/- standard deviation, median and interquartile range representations with being agnostic of the expression of the characteristic. Also, if we were to constrain the query for values of other parameters, we would just included them in the filter clause. Hence, this query is a generalized faceted browser query.

    	To run the code, please follow the steps as below:
    	1. cd study-cohort-ontology 
    	2. python3 -m venv env 
    	3. source env/bin/activate
    	4. pip install -r ../requirements.txt
    	5. python3

    The star plot code can be browsed at:


    PREFIX sco: PREFIX resource: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX sio: PREFIX dct: PREFIX chear: PREFIX obo: PREFIX stato: PREFIX ncit:

    SELECT DISTINCT ?studyTitle ?propType ?lowerBound ?propVal ?upperBound WHERE {

    ?study a ncit:C71104 . ?study dct:title ?studyTitle . ?study sio:hasParticipant ?studyArm . ?studyArm sio:hasAttribute | sio:hasProperty ?prop . { ?prop a ?propType . ?prop sio:hasAttribute ?attr . ?attr a sio:Mean . ?attr sio:hasValue ?propVal .
    ?prop sio:hasAttribute ?attr2 . ?attr2 a sio:StandardDeviation . ?attr2 sio:hasValue ?propVal2 .
    BIND((?propVal2 + ?propVal) AS ?upperBound) . BIND((?propVal - ?propVal2) AS ?lowerBound) . } UNION { ?prop a ?propType . ?prop sio:hasAttribute ?attr . ?attr a sio:Median . ?attr sio:hasValue ?propVal .
    ?prop sio:hasAttribute ?attr2 . ?attr2 a stato:0000164 . ?prop sio:hasAttribute sio:MaximalValue . ?attr2 sio:hasValue ?upperBound . ?prop sio:hasAttribute sio:MinimalValue . ?attr2 sio:hasValue ?lowerBound .
    } FILTER ( ?propType IN ( sio:Age, ncit:C64796, sco:SystolicBloodPressure, sco:DiastolicBloodPressure ) ).
