diff --git a/code/game/objects/items/weapons/blades.dm b/code/game/objects/items/weapons/blades.dm index b7a42fcd73539..a23519dc23941 100644 --- a/code/game/objects/items/weapons/blades.dm +++ b/code/game/objects/items/weapons/blades.dm @@ -239,6 +239,47 @@ span_danger("[user] is slitting [user.p_their()] stomach open with the [name]! It looks like [user.p_theyre()] trying to commit seppuku."))) return (BRUTELOSS) +/obj/item/weapon/brick + name = "\improper Brick" + desc = "It's a brick. By rubbing 2 bricks together, you can get some stones." + icon_state = "brick" + force = 50 + throwforce = 50 + attack_verb = list("smacked", "whacked", "bonked", "bricked", "thwacked", "socked") + hitsound = 'sound/weapons/heavyhit.ogg' + +/obj/item/weapon/brick/attackby(obj/item/I, mob/user, params) + . = ..() + if(istype(I, /obj/item/weapon/brick)) + turn_to_stone(I, user) + +/obj/item/weapon/brick/proc/turn_to_stone(obj/item/itemturningtostone, mob/user) + user.balloon_alert(user, "Making stones...") + if(do_after(user, 5 SECONDS)) + var/obj/new_stone = new /obj/item/stack/throwing_knife/stone(get_turf(src)) + qdel(src) + user.put_in_hands(new_stone) + return + return user.balloon_alert(user, "Cancelled") + +/obj/item/stack/throwing_knife/stone + name = "\improper Stone" + desc = "Capable of doing minor amounts of damage, these stones will annoy the hell out of the recipient." + item_icons = list( + slot_l_hand_str = 'icons/mob/inhands/weapons/melee_left.dmi', + slot_r_hand_str = 'icons/mob/inhands/weapons/melee_right.dmi', + ) + icon_state = "stone" + force = 15 + throwforce = 15 + max_amount = 12 + amount = 12 + throw_delay = 0.3 SECONDS + hitsound = 'sound/weapons/heavyhit.ogg' + singular_name = "stone" + flags_atom = DIRLOCK + sharp = IS_NOT_SHARP_ITEM + /obj/item/weapon/combat_knife/harvester name = "\improper HP-S Harvester knife" desc = "TerraGov Marine Corps' experimental High Point-Singularity 'Harvester' knife. An advanced version of the HP-S Harvester blade, shrunken down to the size of the standard issue boot knife. It trades the harvester blades size and power for a smaller form, with the side effect of a miniscule chemical storage, yet it still keeps its ability to apply debilitating effects to its targets. Activate after loading to prime a single use of an effect. It also harvests substances from alien lifeforms it strikes when connected to the Vali system." @@ -359,6 +400,9 @@ /obj/item/stack/throwing_knife/update_icon() . = ..() var/amount_to_show = amount > max_amount ? max_amount : amount + if(amount_to_show > 8) + setDir(8) + return setDir(amount_to_show + round(amount_to_show / 3)) /obj/item/stack/throwing_knife/equipped(mob/user, slot) @@ -418,7 +462,7 @@ throw_at(current_target, throw_range, throw_speed, living_user, TRUE) current_target = null else - var/obj/item/stack/throwing_knife/knife_to_throw = new(get_turf(src)) + var/obj/item/stack/throwing_knife/knife_to_throw = new type(get_turf(src)) knife_to_throw.amount = 1 knife_to_throw.update_icon() knife_to_throw.throw_at(current_target, throw_range, throw_speed, living_user, TRUE) diff --git a/code/modules/reqs/supplypacks.dm b/code/modules/reqs/supplypacks.dm index 3849f0131c115..8c8669be51e0b 100644 --- a/code/modules/reqs/supplypacks.dm +++ b/code/modules/reqs/supplypacks.dm @@ -417,6 +417,11 @@ WEAPONS contains = list(/obj/item/weapon/gun/rifle/pepperball) cost = 100 +/datum/supply_packs/weapons/bricks + name = "Brick" + contains = list(/obj/item/weapon/brick) + cost = 10 + /datum/supply_packs/weapons/railgun name = "SR-220 Railgun" contains = list(/obj/item/weapon/gun/rifle/railgun) diff --git a/icons/mob/inhands/weapons/melee_left.dmi b/icons/mob/inhands/weapons/melee_left.dmi index aa42c9df2326c..42d66f39c99f4 100644 Binary files a/icons/mob/inhands/weapons/melee_left.dmi and b/icons/mob/inhands/weapons/melee_left.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/mob/inhands/weapons/melee_right.dmi b/icons/mob/inhands/weapons/melee_right.dmi index e11f2fc03b9ca..4287e917beac4 100644 Binary files a/icons/mob/inhands/weapons/melee_right.dmi and b/icons/mob/inhands/weapons/melee_right.dmi differ diff --git a/icons/obj/items/weapons.dmi b/icons/obj/items/weapons.dmi index 00c074d30957b..00d44273f9b7c 100644 Binary files a/icons/obj/items/weapons.dmi and b/icons/obj/items/weapons.dmi differ diff --git a/sound/weapons/heavyhit.ogg b/sound/weapons/heavyhit.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b9c5d7e8d3b2a Binary files /dev/null and b/sound/weapons/heavyhit.ogg differ