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+module Cat.Functor.Adjoint.Solver where
+# A solver for the theory of Adjoint Functors
+Like most of our solvers, this module is split into two distinct halves.
+The first implements an algorithm for normalizing expressions involving
+an [adjunction] between two categories. The latter half consists of the
+usual reflection machinery required to convert Agda expressions into
+our internal expression type.
+[adjunction]: Cat.Functor.Adjoint.html
+module NbE
+ {oc ℓc od ℓd}
+ {C : Precategory oc ℓc} {D : Precategory od ℓd}
+ {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C}
+ (adj : L ⊣ R)
+ where
+## The Normalization Algorithm
+Before diving into specifics, we should sketch out the normalization
+algorithm. As we are normalizing expressions in categories, the natural
+notion of value will be a stack of morphisms. This means that the only
+real eliminator is composition, which will let us eliminate adjacent
+morphisms. With this in mind, let's examine the `zig`{.Agda} and `zag`{.Agda}
+equations, which we reproduce below
+\varepsilon \circ L \eta = id \\
+R \varepsilon \circ \eta = id
+Note that $\varepsilon$ only ever occurs on the left hand side of these
+equations; this means that our evaluation strategy should try to keep
+counits at the bottom of the stacks, and units at the top. This will
+be done by repeatedly applying naturality when composing two values
+to "float" units upwards, and "sink" counits downwards.
+We also need to handle applications of $L$ and $R$ to morphisms; this
+is done by expanding $L (f \circ g)$ to $L f \circ L g$, which allows
+for the aforementioned steps interact with naturality better.
+## Expressions
+With that sketch out of the way, we begin by defining syntax for objects
+in the two categories, as well as their semantics. This is done for a
+rather mundane reason: we will need to index the syntax of morphisms by
+objects, and the unifier will get very confused when trying to unify the
+actions of $L$ and $R$ on objects if we don't encode them as a datatype.
+ data ‶C‶ : Typeω
+ data ‶D‶ : Typeω
+ data ‶C‶ where
+ ‶_‶ : C.Ob → ‶C‶
+ ‶R‶ : ‶D‶ → ‶C‶
+ data ‶D‶ where
+ ‶_‶ : D.Ob → ‶D‶
+ ‶L‶ : ‶C‶ → ‶D‶
+ C-ob : ‶C‶ → C.Ob
+ D-ob : ‶D‶ → D.Ob
+ C-ob ‶ x ‶ = x
+ C-ob (‶R‶ x) = R.₀ (D-ob x)
+ D-ob ‶ x ‶ = x
+ D-ob (‶L‶ x) = L.₀ (C-ob x)
+ instance
+ ‶C‶-⟦-⟧ : ⟦-⟧-notation ‶C‶
+ ‶C‶-⟦-⟧ = has-⟦-⟧ C.Ob C-ob
+ ‶D‶-⟦-⟧ : ⟦-⟧-notation ‶D‶
+ ‶D‶-⟦-⟧ = has-⟦-⟧ D.Ob D-ob
+With that technical hiccup out of the way, we can proceed to define
+syntax for morphisms in $\cC$ and $\cD$, respectively.
+ data CExpr : ‶C‶ → ‶C‶ → Typeω
+ data DExpr : ‶D‶ → ‶D‶ → Typeω
+ data CExpr where
+ ‶id‶ : ∀ {x} → CExpr x x
+ _‶∘‶_ : ∀ {x y z} → CExpr y z → CExpr x y → CExpr x z
+ ‶R‶ : ∀ {x y} → DExpr x y → CExpr (‶R‶ x) (‶R‶ y)
+ ‶η‶ : ∀ x → CExpr x (‶R‶ (‶L‶ x))
+ ‶_‶ : ∀ {x y} → C.Hom ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧ → CExpr x y
+ data DExpr where
+ ‶id‶ : ∀ {x} → DExpr x x
+ _‶∘‶_ : ∀ {x y z} → DExpr y z → DExpr x y → DExpr x z
+ ‶L‶ : ∀ {x y} → CExpr x y → DExpr (‶L‶ x) (‶L‶ y)
+ ‶ε‶ : ∀ x → DExpr (‶L‶ (‶R‶ x)) x
+ ‶_‶ : ∀ {x y} → D.Hom ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧ → DExpr x y
+Next, we define the interpretation of syntax back into morphisms. This
+will be used in the statement of the crucial soundness theorem later on.
+ C-hom : ∀ {x y} → CExpr x y → C.Hom ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧
+ D-hom : ∀ {x y} → DExpr x y → D.Hom ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧
+ C-hom ‶id‶ = C.id
+ C-hom (f ‶∘‶ g) = C-hom f C.∘ C-hom g
+ C-hom (‶R‶ f) = R.₁ (D-hom f)
+ C-hom (‶η‶ x) = unit.η (C-ob x)
+ C-hom ‶ f ‶ = f
+ D-hom ‶id‶ = D.id
+ D-hom (f ‶∘‶ g) = D-hom f D.∘ D-hom g
+ D-hom (‶L‶ f) = L.₁ (C-hom f)
+ D-hom (‶ε‶ x) = counit.ε (D-ob x)
+ D-hom ‶ f ‶ = f
+ instance
+ CExpr-⟦-⟧ : ∀ {x y} → ⟦-⟧-notation (CExpr x y)
+ CExpr-⟦-⟧ {x} {y} = has-⟦-⟧ (C.Hom ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧) C-hom
+ DExpr-⟦-⟧ : ∀ {x y} → ⟦-⟧-notation (DExpr x y)
+ DExpr-⟦-⟧ {x} {y} = has-⟦-⟧ (D.Hom ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧) D-hom
+## Values
+We shall define our values to be lists of morphisms, (co)units, or
+functor applications. We call the elements of the list *frames*, as
+the lists are treated like stacks.
+ data CFrame : ‶C‶ → ‶C‶ → Typeω
+ data DFrame : ‶D‶ → ‶D‶ → Typeω
+ data CFrame where
+ khom : ∀ {x y} → C.Hom ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧ → CFrame x y
+ krmap : ∀ {x y} → DFrame x y → CFrame (‶R‶ x) (‶R‶ y)
+ kunit : ∀ x → CFrame x (‶R‶ (‶L‶ x))
+ data DFrame where
+ khom : ∀ {x y} → D.Hom ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧ → DFrame x y
+ klmap : ∀ {x y} → CFrame x y → DFrame (‶L‶ x) (‶L‶ y)
+ kcounit : ∀ x → DFrame (‶L‶ (‶R‶ x)) x
+As mentioned earlier, values are stacks of frames. Note that we opt to
+make the type of $\cD$-values a left-associated list; this is done to
+make sinking counit frames to the bottom of the stack easier.
+ data CValue : ‶C‶ → ‶C‶ → Typeω
+ data DValue : ‶D‶ → ‶D‶ → Typeω
+ data CValue where
+ [] : ∀ {x} → CValue x x
+ _∷_ : ∀ {x y z} → CFrame y z → CValue x y → CValue x z
+ data DValue where
+ [] : ∀ {x} → DValue x x
+ _∷r_ : ∀ {x y z} → DValue y z → DFrame x y → DValue x z
+ infixr 20 _∷_
+ infixl 20 _∷r_
+Semantics of frames and values are what one would expect.
+ C-frame : ∀ {x y} → CFrame x y → C.Hom ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧
+ D-frame : ∀ {x y} → DFrame x y → D.Hom ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧
+ C-frame (khom f) = f
+ C-frame (krmap k) = R.F₁ (D-frame k)
+ C-frame (kunit x) = unit.η ⟦ x ⟧
+ D-frame (khom f) = f
+ D-frame (klmap k) = L.F₁ (C-frame k)
+ D-frame (kcounit x) = counit.ε ⟦ x ⟧
+ instance
+ CFrame-⟦-⟧ : ∀ {x y} → ⟦-⟧-notation (CFrame x y)
+ CFrame-⟦-⟧ {x} {y} = has-⟦-⟧ (C.Hom ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧) C-frame
+ DFrame-⟦-⟧ : ∀ {x y} → ⟦-⟧-notation (DFrame x y)
+ DFrame-⟦-⟧ {x} {y} = has-⟦-⟧ (D.Hom ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧) D-frame
+ C-value : ∀ {x y} → CValue x y → C.Hom ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧
+ C-value [] = C.id
+ C-value (k ∷ v) = ⟦ k ⟧ C.∘ C-value v
+ D-value : ∀ {x y} → DValue x y → D.Hom ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧
+ D-value [] = D.id
+ D-value (v ∷r k) = D-value v D.∘ ⟦ k ⟧
+ instance
+ CValue-⟦-⟧ : ∀ {x y} → ⟦-⟧-notation (CValue x y)
+ CValue-⟦-⟧ {x} {y} = has-⟦-⟧ (C.Hom ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧) C-value
+ DValue-⟦-⟧ : ∀ {x y} → ⟦-⟧-notation (DValue x y)
+ DValue-⟦-⟧ {x} {y} = has-⟦-⟧ (D.Hom ⟦ x ⟧ ⟦ y ⟧) D-value
+## Evaluation
+We begin by defining some small helper functions for manipulating values.
+The first pair of helpers concatenates two values together without
+performing any sort of simplification.
+ _++c_ : ∀ {x y z} → CValue y z → CValue x y → CValue x z
+ [] ++c v2 = v2
+ (k ∷ v1) ++c v2 = k ∷ (v1 ++c v2)
+ _++d_ : ∀ {x y z} → DValue y z → DValue x y → DValue x z
+ v1 ++d [] = v1
+ v1 ++d (v2 ∷r k) = (v1 ++d v2) ∷r k
+Next, a pair of functions for composing functor applications of the form
+$R f \circ g$ and $f \circ L g$, resp. These also perform expansion of the
+functor application: for instance, $R (f \circ g) \circ h$ gets expanded to
+$R f \circ R g \circ h$.
+ do-vrmap : ∀ {x y z} → DValue y z → CValue x (‶R‶ y) → CValue x (‶R‶ z)
+ do-vrmap [] v2 = v2
+ do-vrmap (v1 ∷r k) v2 = do-vrmap v1 (krmap k ∷ v2)
+ do-vlmap : ∀ {x y z} → DValue (‶L‶ y) z → CValue x y → DValue (‶L‶ x) z
+ do-vlmap v1 [] = v1
+ do-vlmap v1 (k ∷ v2) = do-vlmap (v1 ∷r klmap k) v2
+Now, for the meat of the solver. `enact-claws`{.Agda} and `enact-dlaws`{.Agda}
+both take in a frame and a non-empty stack, and push that frame to the
+top/bottom of the stack, respectively. While doing so, they perform the
+following simplifications:
+* They call `do-vrmap`{.Agda} and `do-vlmap`{.Agda} to handle functor
+ expansion.
+* They apply naturality to float `kunit`{.Agda} up the stack and sink
+ `kcounit`{.Agda} down the stack.
+* They enact the `zig`{.Agda} and `zag`{.Agda} equations.
+`push-cframe`{.Agda} and `push-dframe`{.Agda} are small helpers that
+take in a frame and a potentially empty stack, and hand off the
+stack to `enact-claws`{.Agda} and `enact-dlaws`{.Agda} if it is non-empty.
+ enact-claws : ∀ {w x y z} → CFrame y z → CFrame x y → CValue w x → CValue w z
+ enact-dlaws : ∀ {w x y z} → DValue y z → DFrame x y → DFrame w x → DValue w z
+ push-cframe : ∀ {x y z} → CFrame y z → CValue x y → CValue x z
+ push-dframe : ∀ {x y z} → DValue y z → DFrame x y → DValue x z
+ push-cframe k [] = k ∷ []
+ push-cframe k (k' ∷ v) = enact-claws k k' v
+ push-dframe [] k = [] ∷r k
+ push-dframe (v ∷r k') k = enact-dlaws v k' k
+Let's step through `enact-claws`{.Agda} on a case-by-case basis, as it is
+quite delicate. We start out slow: if we are composing an unknown morphism
+$f$ to a stack, we have no hope of simplifying, so we simply stick it on top.
+ enact-claws (khom f) k' v = khom f ∷ k' ∷ v
+The same goes for composing a functor application when the head of the
+stack is an unknown morphism.
+ enact-claws (krmap k) (khom f) v = krmap k ∷ khom f ∷ v
+If we have 2 adjacent functor applications, we perform simplification
+on their composite, and then expand the result via `do-vrmap`. Note that
+we use `++c`{.Agda} to concatenate the stacks, so no further
+simplification is performed. This is done to break infinite loops; for
+instance, consider what happens when we push a `krmap (khom f)` to a
+stack whose head is `krmap (khom g)`.
+ enact-claws (krmap k) (krmap k') v = do-vrmap (enact-dlaws [] k k') [] ++c v
+If we are pushing $R f$ for an unknown morphism $f$, and the head of the
+stack is $\eta$, then no simplification is possible.
+ enact-claws (krmap (khom f)) (kunit _) v = krmap (khom f) ∷ kunit _ ∷ v
+This case enacts naturality, floating the $\eta$ upwards so that it can
+be eliminated by either `zig`{.Agda} or `zag`{.Agda}. We also need to
+keep pushing the `k` frame downwards, so we invoke `push-cframe`{.Agda}
+to keep going.
+ enact-claws (krmap (klmap k)) (kunit _) v = kunit _ ∷ push-cframe k v
+Speaking of which, when we push a $R \varepsilon$ to a $\eta$, we can
+enact the `zag`{.Agda} equation!
+ enact-claws (krmap (kcounit _)) (kunit _) v = v
+Finally, we want to keep $\eta$ on the top of the stack, so pushing
+an $\eta$ leaves it on top.
+ enact-claws (kunit _) k' v = kunit _ ∷ k' ∷ v
+`enact-dlaws`{.Agda} is entirely dual to `enact-claws`, so we do not
+dwell on it too deeply.
+ enact-dlaws v k (khom f) = v ∷r k ∷r khom f
+ enact-dlaws v (khom f) (klmap k) = v ∷r khom f ∷r klmap k
+ enact-dlaws v (klmap k') (klmap k) = v ++d do-vlmap [] (enact-claws k' k [])
+ enact-dlaws v (kcounit _) (klmap (khom f)) = v ∷r kcounit _ ∷r klmap (khom f)
+ enact-dlaws v (kcounit _) (klmap (krmap k)) = push-dframe v k ∷r kcounit _
+ enact-dlaws v (kcounit _) (klmap (kunit _)) = v
+ enact-dlaws v k' (kcounit _) = v ∷r k' ∷r kcounit _
+We can then leverage `enact-claws`{.Agda} and `enact-dlaws{.Agda}` to
+define composition of values, which repeatedly pushes frames from
+one value onto the others, performing simplification each time.
+ do-cvcomp : ∀ {x y z} → CValue y z → CValue x y → CValue x z
+ do-cvcomp [] v2 = v2
+ do-cvcomp (k ∷ v1) v2 = push-cframe k (do-cvcomp v1 v2)
+ do-dvcomp : ∀ {x y z} → DValue y z → DValue x y → DValue x z
+ do-dvcomp v1 [] = v1
+ do-dvcomp v1 (v2 ∷r k) = push-dframe (do-dvcomp v1 v2) k
+Evaluation then interprets syntax into the corresponding operations
+on values.
+ C-eval : ∀ {x y} → CExpr x y → CValue x y
+ D-eval : ∀ {x y} → DExpr x y → DValue x y
+ C-eval ‶id‶ = []
+ C-eval (f ‶∘‶ g) = do-cvcomp (C-eval f) (C-eval g)
+ C-eval (‶R‶ f) = do-vrmap (D-eval f) []
+ C-eval (‶η‶ x) = kunit x ∷ []
+ C-eval ‶ f ‶ = khom f ∷ []
+ D-eval ‶id‶ = []
+ D-eval (f ‶∘‶ g) = do-dvcomp (D-eval f) (D-eval g)
+ D-eval (‶L‶ f) = do-vlmap [] (C-eval f)
+ D-eval (‶ε‶ x) = [] ∷r kcounit x
+ D-eval ‶ f ‶ = [] ∷r khom f
+## Soundness
+We begin by proving soundness lemmas for our helper functions.
+ vrmap-sound
+ : ∀ {x y z} (v1 : DValue y z) (v2 : CValue x (‶R‶ y))
+ → ⟦ do-vrmap v1 v2 ⟧ ≡ R.₁ ⟦ v1 ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ v2 ⟧
+ vrmap-sound [] v2 = C.introl R.F-id
+ vrmap-sound (v1 ∷r k) v2 =
+ ⟦ do-vrmap v1 (krmap k ∷ v2) ⟧ ≡⟨ vrmap-sound v1 (krmap k ∷ v2) ⟩
+ R.₁ ⟦ v1 ⟧ C.∘ R.₁ ⟦ k ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ v2 ⟧ ≡⟨ C.pulll (sym (R.F-∘ _ _)) ⟩
+ R.₁ (⟦ v1 ⟧ D.∘ ⟦ k ⟧) C.∘ ⟦ v2 ⟧ ∎
+ vlmap-sound
+ : ∀ {x y z} (v1 : DValue (‶L‶ y) z) (v2 : CValue x y)
+ → ⟦ do-vlmap v1 v2 ⟧ ≡ ⟦ v1 ⟧ D.∘ L.₁ ⟦ v2 ⟧
+ vlmap-sound v1 [] = D.intror L.F-id
+ vlmap-sound v1 (k ∷ v2) =
+ ⟦ do-vlmap (v1 ∷r klmap k) v2 ⟧ ≡⟨ vlmap-sound (v1 ∷r klmap k) v2 ⟩
+ (⟦ v1 ⟧ D.∘ L.₁ ⟦ k ⟧) D.∘ L.₁ ⟦ v2 ⟧ ≡⟨ D.pullr (sym (L.F-∘ _ _)) ⟩
+ ⟦ v1 ⟧ D.∘ L.₁ (⟦ k ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ v2 ⟧) ∎
+ cvconcat-sound
+ : ∀ {x y z}
+ → (v1 : CValue y z) (v2 : CValue x y)
+ → ⟦ v1 ++c v2 ⟧ ≡ ⟦ v1 ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ v2 ⟧
+ cvconcat-sound [] v2 = sym (C.idl _)
+ cvconcat-sound (k ∷ v1) v2 = C.pushr (cvconcat-sound v1 v2)
+ dvconcat-sound
+ : ∀ {x y z}
+ → (v1 : DValue y z) (v2 : DValue x y)
+ → ⟦ v1 ++d v2 ⟧ ≡ ⟦ v1 ⟧ D.∘ ⟦ v2 ⟧
+ dvconcat-sound v1 [] = sym (D.idr _)
+ dvconcat-sound v1 (v2 ∷r k) = D.pushl (dvconcat-sound v1 v2)
+Now, time for the crux: proving soundness for `enact-claws`{.Agda} and
+ push-cframe-sound
+ : ∀ {x y z} → (k : CFrame y z) (v : CValue x y)
+ → ⟦ push-cframe k v ⟧ ≡ ⟦ k ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ v ⟧
+ push-dframe-sound
+ : ∀ {x y z} → (v : DValue y z) (k : DFrame x y)
+ → ⟦ push-dframe v k ⟧ ≡ ⟦ v ⟧ D.∘ ⟦ k ⟧
+ enact-claws-sound
+ : ∀ {w x y z} (k1 : CFrame y z) (k2 : CFrame x y) (v : CValue w x)
+ → ⟦ enact-claws k1 k2 v ⟧ ≡ ⟦ k1 ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ k2 ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ v ⟧
+ enact-dlaws-sound
+ : ∀ {w x y z} (v : DValue y z) (k1 : DFrame x y) (k2 : DFrame w x)
+ → ⟦ enact-dlaws v k1 k2 ⟧ ≡ (⟦ v ⟧ D.∘ ⟦ k1 ⟧) D.∘ ⟦ k2 ⟧
+We start off easy: `push-cframe`{.Agda} and `push-dframe`{.Agda} are
+obviously sound if `enact-claws`{.Agda} and `enact-dlaws`{.Agda} are!
+ push-cframe-sound k [] = refl
+ push-cframe-sound k (k' ∷ v) = enact-claws-sound k k' v
+ push-dframe-sound [] k = refl
+ push-dframe-sound (v ∷r k') k = enact-dlaws-sound v k' k
+Now, time for `enact-claws`{.Agda}. Let's step through each interesting
+case, and omit the ones where no simplification occurs
+The `krmap`/`krmap` case is a bit of a pain, but this is mostly due
+to the amount of lemmas we need to invoke.
+ enact-claws-sound (krmap k1) (krmap k2) v =
+ ⟦ do-vrmap (enact-dlaws [] k1 k2) [] ++c v ⟧ ≡⟨ cvconcat-sound (do-vrmap (enact-dlaws [] k1 k2) []) v ⟩
+ ⟦ do-vrmap (enact-dlaws [] k1 k2) [] ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ v ⟧ ≡⟨ vrmap-sound (enact-dlaws [] k1 k2) [] C.⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
+ (R.₁ ⟦ enact-dlaws [] k1 k2 ⟧ C.∘ C.id) C.∘ ⟦ v ⟧ ≡⟨ (C.idr _) C.⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
+ R.₁ ⟦ enact-dlaws [] k1 k2 ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ v ⟧ ≡⟨ R.pushl (enact-dlaws-sound [] k1 k2) ⟩
+ R.₁ ⌜ D.id D.∘ ⟦ k1 ⟧ ⌝ C.∘ R.₁ ⟦ k2 ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ v ⟧ ≡⟨ ap! (D.idl _) ⟩
+ R.₁ ⟦ k1 ⟧ C.∘ R.₁ ⟦ k2 ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ v ⟧ ∎
+When we enact naturality, we appeal to unsurprisingly appeal to naturality.
+ enact-claws-sound (krmap (klmap k1)) (kunit _) v =
+ unit.η _ C.∘ ⟦ push-cframe k1 v ⟧ ≡⟨ C.refl⟩∘⟨ push-cframe-sound k1 v ⟩
+ unit.η _ C.∘ ⟦ k1 ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ v ⟧ ≡⟨ C.extendl (unit.is-natural _ _ _) ⟩
+ R.₁ (L.₁ ⟦ k1 ⟧) C.∘ unit.η _ C.∘ ⟦ v ⟧ ∎
+Enacting `zag`{.Agda} is thankfully very easy.
+ enact-claws-sound (krmap (kcounit _)) (kunit _) v =
+ ⟦ v ⟧ ≡⟨ C.insertl zag ⟩
+ R.₁ (counit.ε _) C.∘ unit.η _ C.∘ ⟦ v ⟧ ∎
+The soundess proof for `enact-dlaws-sound`{.Agda} is dual, so
+we omit it.
+ enact-dlaws-sound v k1 (khom f) = refl
+ enact-dlaws-sound v (khom f) (klmap k2) = refl
+ enact-dlaws-sound v (klmap k1) (klmap k2) =
+ ⟦ v ++d do-vlmap [] (enact-claws k1 k2 []) ⟧ ≡⟨ dvconcat-sound v (do-vlmap [] (enact-claws k1 k2 [])) ⟩
+ ⟦ v ⟧ D.∘ ⟦ do-vlmap [] (enact-claws k1 k2 []) ⟧ ≡⟨ D.refl⟩∘⟨ vlmap-sound [] (enact-claws k1 k2 []) ⟩
+ ⟦ v ⟧ D.∘ D.id D.∘ L.₁ ⟦ enact-claws k1 k2 [] ⟧ ≡⟨ D.refl⟩∘⟨ D.idl _ ⟩
+ ⟦ v ⟧ D.∘ L.₁ ⟦ enact-claws k1 k2 [] ⟧ ≡⟨ L.pushr (enact-claws-sound k1 k2 []) ⟩
+ (⟦ v ⟧ D.∘ L.₁ ⟦ k1 ⟧) D.∘ L.₁ ⌜ ⟦ k2 ⟧ C.∘ C.id ⌝ ≡⟨ ap! (C.idr _) ⟩
+ (⟦ v ⟧ D.∘ L.₁ ⟦ k1 ⟧) D.∘ L.₁ ⟦ k2 ⟧ ∎
+ enact-dlaws-sound v (kcounit _) (klmap (khom f)) = refl
+ enact-dlaws-sound v (kcounit _) (klmap (krmap k2)) =
+ ⟦ push-dframe v k2 ⟧ D.∘ counit.ε _ ≡⟨ push-dframe-sound v k2 D.⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
+ (⟦ v ⟧ D.∘ ⟦ k2 ⟧) D.∘ counit.ε _ ≡⟨ D.extendr (sym (counit.is-natural _ _ _)) ⟩
+ (⟦ v ⟧ D.∘ counit.ε _) D.∘ L.₁ (R.₁ ⟦ k2 ⟧) ∎
+ enact-dlaws-sound v (kcounit _) (klmap (kunit _)) =
+ ⟦ v ⟧ ≡⟨ D.insertr zig ⟩
+ ((⟦ v ⟧ D.∘ counit.ε _) D.∘ L.₁ (unit.η _)) ∎
+ enact-dlaws-sound v k1 (kcounit _) = refl
+Winding down, soundness of composition follows from soundness of enacting
+the laws.
+ cvcomp-sound
+ : ∀ {x y z} (v1 : CValue y z) (v2 : CValue x y)
+ → ⟦ do-cvcomp v1 v2 ⟧ ≡ ⟦ v1 ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ v2 ⟧
+ cvcomp-sound [] v2 = sym (C.idl _)
+ cvcomp-sound (k ∷ v1) v2 =
+ ⟦ push-cframe k (do-cvcomp v1 v2) ⟧ ≡⟨ push-cframe-sound k (do-cvcomp v1 v2) ⟩
+ ⟦ k ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ do-cvcomp v1 v2 ⟧ ≡⟨ C.pushr (cvcomp-sound v1 v2) ⟩
+ (⟦ k ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ v1 ⟧) C.∘ ⟦ v2 ⟧ ∎
+ dvcomp-sound
+ : ∀ {x y z} (v1 : DValue y z) (v2 : DValue x y)
+ → ⟦ do-dvcomp v1 v2 ⟧ ≡ ⟦ v1 ⟧ D.∘ ⟦ v2 ⟧
+ dvcomp-sound v1 [] = sym (D.idr _)
+ dvcomp-sound v1 (v2 ∷r k) =
+ ⟦ push-dframe (do-dvcomp v1 v2) k ⟧ ≡⟨ push-dframe-sound (do-dvcomp v1 v2) k ⟩
+ (⟦ do-dvcomp v1 v2 ⟧ D.∘ ⟦ k ⟧) ≡⟨ D.pushl (dvcomp-sound v1 v2) ⟩
+ ⟦ v1 ⟧ D.∘ ⟦ v2 ⟧ D.∘ ⟦ k ⟧ ∎
+Finally, soundness of evaluation is one big case bash.
+ C-eval-sound : ∀ {x y} (e : CExpr x y) → ⟦ C-eval e ⟧ ≡ ⟦ e ⟧
+ D-eval-sound : ∀ {x y} (e : DExpr x y) → ⟦ D-eval e ⟧ ≡ ⟦ e ⟧
+ C-eval-sound ‶id‶ = refl
+ C-eval-sound (e1 ‶∘‶ e2) =
+ ⟦ do-cvcomp (C-eval e1) (C-eval e2) ⟧ ≡⟨ cvcomp-sound (C-eval e1) (C-eval e2) ⟩
+ (⟦ C-eval e1 ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ C-eval e2 ⟧) ≡⟨ ap₂ C._∘_ (C-eval-sound e1) (C-eval-sound e2) ⟩
+ ⟦ e1 ⟧ C.∘ ⟦ e2 ⟧ ∎
+ C-eval-sound (‶R‶ e) =
+ ⟦ do-vrmap (D-eval e) [] ⟧ ≡⟨ vrmap-sound (D-eval e) [] ⟩
+ R.₁ ⟦ D-eval e ⟧ C.∘ C.id ≡⟨ C.idr _ ⟩
+ R.₁ ⟦ D-eval e ⟧ ≡⟨ ap R.₁ (D-eval-sound e) ⟩
+ R.₁ ⟦ e ⟧ ∎
+ C-eval-sound (‶η‶ _) = C.idr _
+ C-eval-sound ‶ x ‶ = C.idr _
+ D-eval-sound ‶id‶ = refl
+ D-eval-sound (e1 ‶∘‶ e2) =
+ ⟦ do-dvcomp (D-eval e1) (D-eval e2) ⟧ ≡⟨ dvcomp-sound (D-eval e1) (D-eval e2) ⟩
+ (⟦ D-eval e1 ⟧ D.∘ ⟦ D-eval e2 ⟧) ≡⟨ ap₂ D._∘_ (D-eval-sound e1) (D-eval-sound e2) ⟩
+ ⟦ e1 ⟧ D.∘ ⟦ e2 ⟧ ∎
+ D-eval-sound (‶L‶ e) =
+ ⟦ do-vlmap [] (C-eval e) ⟧ ≡⟨ vlmap-sound [] (C-eval e) ⟩
+ D.id D.∘ L.₁ ⟦ C-eval e ⟧ ≡⟨ D.idl _ ⟩
+ L.₁ ⟦ C-eval e ⟧ ≡⟨ ap L.₁ (C-eval-sound e) ⟩
+ L.₁ ⟦ e ⟧ ∎
+ D-eval-sound (‶ε‶ _) = D.idl _
+ D-eval-sound ‶ x ‶ = D.idl _
+## Solver Interface
+In order to make the reflection easier later, we bundle up the soundness
+proof. Marking this as abstract is *very important*. This prevents
+agda from unfolding into an absolutely enormous proof when used as
+a macro, which is critical for performance.
+ abstract
+ C-solve : ∀ {x y} (e1 e2 : CExpr x y) → ⟦ C-eval e1 ⟧ ≡ ⟦ C-eval e2 ⟧ → ⟦ e1 ⟧ ≡ ⟦ e2 ⟧
+ C-solve e1 e2 p = sym (C-eval-sound e1) ·· p ·· C-eval-sound e2
+ D-solve : ∀ {x y} (e1 e2 : DExpr x y) → ⟦ D-eval e1 ⟧ ≡ ⟦ D-eval e2 ⟧ → ⟦ e1 ⟧ ≡ ⟦ e2 ⟧
+ D-solve e1 e2 p = sym (D-eval-sound e1) ·· p ·· D-eval-sound e2
+## Reflection
+This place is not a place of honor...
+no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here...
+nothing valued is here.
+What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
+The danger is in a particular location...
+it increases towards the center...
+the center of danger is here...
+of a particular size and shape, and below us.
+The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
+The danger is to the mind and it can kill.
+The form of the danger is Agda reflection code.
+The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically.
+This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
+The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this
+place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
+module Reflection where
+ pattern category-args cat args =
+ _ hm∷ _ hm∷ cat v∷ args
+ pattern functor-args functor args =
+ _ hm∷ _ hm∷ _ hm∷ _ hm∷ _ hm∷ _ hm∷ functor v∷ args
+ pattern nat-trans-args nt args =
+ _ hm∷ _ hm∷ _ hm∷ _ hm∷
+ _ hm∷ _ hm∷
+ _ hm∷ _ hm∷
+ nt v∷ args
+ pattern adjoint-args adj args =
+ _ hm∷ _ hm∷ _ hm∷ _ hm∷
+ _ hm∷ _ hm∷
+ _ hm∷ _ hm∷
+ adj v∷ args
+ pattern “id” C =
+ def (quote Precategory.id) (category-args C (_ h∷ []))
+ pattern “∘” C f g =
+ def (quote Precategory._∘_) (category-args C (_ h∷ _ h∷ _ h∷ f v∷ g v∷ []))
+ pattern “F₀” F x =
+ def (quote Functor.F₀) (functor-args F (x v∷ []))
+ pattern “F₁” F f =
+ def (quote Functor.F₁) (functor-args F (_ h∷ _ h∷ f v∷ []))
+ pattern “η” adj x =
+ def (quote _=>_.η) (nat-trans-args (def (quote _⊣_.unit) (adjoint-args adj [])) (x v∷ []))
+ pattern “ε” adj x =
+ def (quote _=>_.η) (nat-trans-args (def (quote _⊣_.counit) (adjoint-args adj [])) (x v∷ []))
+ pattern “Hom” C x y =
+ def (quote Precategory.Hom) (category-args C (x v∷ y v∷ []))
+ mk-nbe-args : Term → List (Arg Term) → List (Arg Term)
+ mk-nbe-args adj args =
+ unknown h∷ unknown h∷ unknown h∷ unknown h∷
+ unknown h∷ unknown h∷
+ unknown h∷ unknown h∷
+ adj v∷ args
+ unapply-hom : Term → TC (Maybe (Term × Term × Term))
+ unapply-hom red@(“Hom” C x y) = do
+ pure (just (C , x , y))
+ unapply-hom tm = reduce tm >>= λ where
+ tm@(meta _ _) → do
+ C ← new-meta (def (quote Precategory) (unknown v∷ unknown v∷ []))
+ x ← new-meta (def (quote Precategory.Ob) (infer-hidden 2 (C v∷ [])))
+ y ← new-meta (def (quote Precategory.Ob) (infer-hidden 2 (C v∷ [])))
+ unify tm (def (quote Precategory.Hom) (infer-hidden 2 (C v∷ x v∷ y v∷ [])))
+ traverse wait-for-type (x ∷ y ∷ [])
+ pure (just (C , x , y))
+ tm@(“Hom” C x y) →
+ pure (just (C , x , y))
+ _ → returnTC nothing
+ get-hom-boundary : Term → TC (Term × Term)
+ get-hom-boundary tm = unapply-hom tm >>= λ where
+ (just (_ , src , tgt)) → pure (src , tgt)
+ nothing → typeError "Couldn't get hom boundary."
+ “C-solve” : Term → Term → Term → Term
+ “C-solve” adj lhs rhs =
+ def (quote NbE.C-solve) (mk-nbe-args adj $ infer-hidden 2 (lhs v∷ rhs v∷ “refl” v∷ []))
+ “D-solve” : Term → Term → Term → Term
+ “D-solve” adj lhs rhs =
+ def (quote NbE.D-solve) (mk-nbe-args adj $ infer-hidden 2 (lhs v∷ rhs v∷ “refl” v∷ []))
+ record Adj-terms : Type where
+ field
+ C : Term
+ D : Term
+ L : Term
+ R : Term
+ adjoint : Term
+ open Adj-terms
+ build-C-obj-expr : Adj-terms → Term → TC Term
+ build-D-obj-expr : Adj-terms → Term → TC Term
+ build-C-obj-expr tms t@(“F₀” F x) =
+ catchTC
+ (do unify (tms .R) F
+ x ← build-D-obj-expr tms x
+ returnTC $ con (quote NbE.‶C‶.‶R‶) (x v∷ []))
+ (returnTC $ con (quote NbE.‶C‶.‶_‶) (t v∷ []))
+ build-C-obj-expr tms x =
+ returnTC $ con (quote NbE.‶C‶.‶_‶) (x v∷ [])
+ build-D-obj-expr tms t@(“F₀” F x) =
+ catchTC
+ (do unify (tms .L) F
+ x ← build-C-obj-expr tms x
+ returnTC $ con (quote NbE.‶D‶.‶L‶) (x v∷ []))
+ (returnTC $ con (quote NbE.‶D‶.‶_‶) (t v∷ []))
+ build-D-obj-expr tms x = do
+ returnTC $ con (quote NbE.‶D‶.‶_‶) (x v∷ [])
+ build-C-expr : Adj-terms → Term → TC Term
+ build-D-expr : Adj-terms → Term → TC Term
+ build-C-expr tms (“id” cat) =
+ returnTC $ con (quote NbE.CExpr.‶id‶) []
+ build-C-expr tms (“∘” cat f g) = do
+ f ← build-C-expr tms f
+ g ← build-C-expr tms g
+ returnTC $ con (quote NbE.CExpr._‶∘‶_) (f v∷ g v∷ [])
+ build-C-expr tms t@(“F₁” F f) =
+ catchTC
+ (do unify (tms .R) F
+ f ← build-D-expr tms f
+ returnTC $ con (quote NbE.CExpr.‶R‶) (f v∷ []))
+ (returnTC $ con (quote NbE.CExpr.‶_‶) (t v∷ []))
+ build-C-expr tms t@(“η” adj x) =
+ catchTC
+ (do unify (tms .adjoint) adj
+ x ← build-C-obj-expr tms x
+ returnTC $ con (quote NbE.CExpr.‶η‶) (x v∷ []))
+ (returnTC $ con (quote NbE.CExpr.‶_‶) (t v∷ []))
+ build-C-expr tms f = do
+ x , y ← get-hom-boundary =<< inferType f
+ x ← build-C-obj-expr tms =<< normalise x
+ y ← build-C-obj-expr tms =<< normalise y
+ returnTC $ con (quote NbE.CExpr.‶_‶) (infer-hidden 9 $ (x h∷ y h∷ f v∷ []))
+ build-D-expr tms (“id” cat) =
+ returnTC $ con (quote NbE.DExpr.‶id‶) []
+ build-D-expr tms (“∘” cat f g) = do
+ f ← build-D-expr tms f
+ g ← build-D-expr tms g
+ returnTC $ con (quote NbE.DExpr._‶∘‶_) (f v∷ g v∷ [])
+ build-D-expr tms t@(“F₁” F f) =
+ catchTC
+ (do unify (tms .L) F
+ f ← build-C-expr tms f
+ returnTC $ con (quote NbE.DExpr.‶L‶) (f v∷ []))
+ (returnTC $ con (quote NbE.DExpr.‶_‶) (t v∷ []))
+ build-D-expr tms t@(“ε” adj x) =
+ catchTC
+ (do unify (tms .adjoint) adj
+ x ← build-D-obj-expr tms x
+ returnTC $ con (quote NbE.DExpr.‶ε‶) (x v∷ []))
+ (returnTC $ con (quote NbE.DExpr.‶_‶) (t v∷ []))
+ build-D-expr tms f = do
+ x , y ← get-hom-boundary =<< inferType f
+ x ← build-D-obj-expr tms =<< normalise x
+ y ← build-D-obj-expr tms =<< normalise y
+ returnTC $ con (quote NbE.DExpr.‶_‶) (infer-hidden 9 $ (x h∷ y h∷ f v∷ []))
+ -- We are conservative when blocking reduction, and unfold on-demand
+ -- in the expression builder.
+ dont-reduce : List Name
+ dont-reduce =
+ quote Precategory.id ∷ quote Precategory._∘_ ∷
+ quote Functor.F₀ ∷ quote Functor.F₁ ∷
+ quote _=>_.η ∷
+ quote _⊣_.unit ∷ quote _⊣_.counit ∷ []
+ solve-left-macro
+ : ∀ {oc ℓc od ℓd} {C : Precategory oc ℓc} {D : Precategory od ℓd}
+ → {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C}
+ → L ⊣ R
+ → Term → TC ⊤
+ solve-left-macro {C = C} {D = D} {L = L} {R = R} adj hole =
+ withNormalisation false $
+ withReduceDefs (false , dont-reduce) $ do
+ C-tm ← quoteTC C
+ D-tm ← quoteTC D
+ L-tm ← quoteTC L
+ R-tm ← quoteTC R
+ adj-tm ← quoteTC adj
+ goal ← inferType hole >>= reduce
+ just (lhs , rhs) ← get-boundary goal
+ where nothing → typeError $ strErr "Can't determine boundary: " ∷
+ termErr goal ∷ []
+ let tms = record { C = C-tm ; D = D-tm ; L = L-tm ; R = R-tm ; adjoint = adj-tm }
+ elhs ← build-D-expr tms =<< normalise lhs
+ erhs ← build-D-expr tms =<< normalise rhs
+ noConstraints $ unify hole (“D-solve” adj-tm elhs erhs)
+ solve-right-macro
+ : ∀ {oc ℓc od ℓd} {C : Precategory oc ℓc} {D : Precategory od ℓd}
+ → {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C}
+ → L ⊣ R
+ → Term → TC ⊤
+ solve-right-macro {C = C} {D = D} {L = L} {R = R} adj hole =
+ withNormalisation false $
+ withReduceDefs (false , dont-reduce) $ do
+ C-tm ← quoteTC C
+ D-tm ← quoteTC D
+ L-tm ← quoteTC L
+ R-tm ← quoteTC R
+ adj-tm ← quoteTC adj
+ goal ← inferType hole >>= reduce
+ just (lhs , rhs) ← get-boundary goal
+ where nothing → typeError $ strErr "Can't determine boundary: " ∷
+ termErr goal ∷ []
+ let tms = record { C = C-tm ; D = D-tm ; L = L-tm ; R = R-tm ; adjoint = adj-tm }
+ elhs ← build-C-expr tms =<< normalise lhs
+ erhs ← build-C-expr tms =<< normalise rhs
+ noConstraints $ unify hole (“C-solve” adj-tm elhs erhs)
+With that out of the way, we expose the solver as a pair of macros,
+that solve equations in $\cD$ and $\cC$, respectively.
+ left-adjoint!
+ : ∀ {oc ℓc od ℓd} {C : Precategory oc ℓc} {D : Precategory od ℓd}
+ → {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C}
+ → L ⊣ R
+ → Term → TC ⊤
+ left-adjoint! = Reflection.solve-left-macro
+ right-adjoint!
+ : ∀ {oc ℓc od ℓd} {C : Precategory oc ℓc} {D : Precategory od ℓd}
+ → {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C}
+ → L ⊣ R
+ → Term → TC ⊤
+ right-adjoint! = Reflection.solve-right-macro
+## Demo
+Wow, that was a lot of hard work! Let's marvel at the fruits of our labor.
+ module _
+ {oc ℓc od ℓd} {C : Precategory oc ℓc} {D : Precategory od ℓd}
+ {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C}
+ (adj : L ⊣ R) where
+ module C = Precategory C
+ module D = Precategory D
+ module L = Functor L
+ module R = Functor R
+ open _⊣_ adj
+ reflection-test' : ∀ {x y} → (f : D.Hom (L.₀ x) y) → R-adjunct adj (L-adjunct adj f) ≡ f
+ reflection-test' f = left-adjoint! adj
+ R-adjunct-natural₂'
+ : ∀ {a b c d} (f : D.Hom a b) (g : C.Hom c d) (x : C.Hom d (R.F₀ a))
+ → R-adjunct adj (R.₁ f C.∘ x C.∘ g) ≡ f D.∘ R-adjunct adj x D.∘ L.₁ g
+ R-adjunct-natural₂' _ _ _ = left-adjoint! adj
diff --git a/src/Meta/Brackets.lagda.md b/src/Meta/Brackets.lagda.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d650c23d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Meta/Brackets.lagda.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+module Meta.Brackets where
+# Brackets notation
+record ⟦-⟧-notation (Syn : Typeω) : Typeω where
+ constructor has-⟦-⟧
+ no-eta-equality
+ field
+ {lvl} : Level
+ Sem : Type lvl
+ interpret : Syn → Sem
+open ⟦-⟧-notation
+⟦_⟧ : ∀ {Syn : Typeω} ⦃ not : ⟦-⟧-notation Syn ⦄ → Syn → not .Sem
+⟦_⟧ ⦃ not ⦄ = not .interpret
diff --git a/src/index.lagda.md b/src/index.lagda.md
index 4c2d18e61..a572bdbe3 100644
--- a/src/index.lagda.md
+++ b/src/index.lagda.md
@@ -423,6 +423,7 @@ open import Cat.Functor.Adjoint.Monadic -- Monadic adjunctions
open import Cat.Functor.Adjoint.Compose -- Adjunctions compose
open import Cat.Functor.Adjoint.Continuous -- Right adjoints preserve limits
open import Cat.Functor.Adjoint.Reflective -- Reflective subcategories
+open import Cat.Functor.Adjoint.Solver -- Automatic solver for adjoints
Monadicity theorems: