We need to get credentials from the android app. We will retrieve this information:
- client-id and client-secret for the api
- some url to login
1.1 Download the app on your computer, the original MyPeugeot app can be downloaded here for example (please download version 1.27).
1.2 Install requirements :
You need python >= 3.6
On debian based distribution you can install some requirement from repos, it's faster than installtion with pip:
sudo apt-get install python3-typing-extensions python3-pandas python3-plotly python3-paho-mqtt python3-six python3-dateutil python3-brotli libblas-dev liblapack-dev gfortran python3-pycryptodome libatlas3-base python3-cryptography
- For everyone :
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
1.3 start the app:
Start the app with charge control enabled :
python3 server.py --web-conf
At the first launch you will be asked to connect and give a code that you will receive by SMS and also give your pin code (the four-digit code that your use on the android app). If it failed you can remove the file otp.bin and retry.
You can see all options available with :
python3 server.py -h