- Clean some lints
- Add an assert in bisectionSolver to check that the function changes signs at the range end
- Add a cumProd function
- Fix multi-linear interpolator bug
- Bump up dependencies, fixed some lints
- Get rid of all the warnings
- Separate some of the code from LinearModelSummary to be available outside the toString() method
- Added indexOfMin, indexOfMax to Iterable extensions.
- Bump the sdk upper limit to 4.0.0
- Implement moving mean and variance in one pass.
- Restrict Interval class to be only extending numerical values. Add a fromJson static method and a toJson method.
- Modify MultiLinearInterpolator to work with +/-Infinity on the x axis. Show and example of discontinuous function.
- Provide MultiLinearInterpolator and deprecate LinearInterpolator.
- Require Dart 2.14, add lints, remove more hash dependency
- Null safety version, with package table
- Null safety version, without package table
- Last version before null safety
- Added loess and quadratic interpolators.
- Make the package Dart 2 compatible