A former member of CTRG, he's an elite British soldier but also a maverick.
He was sent to cryoprison for 50 years after "allegedly" nuking Tibet.
He is brought out of cryo earlier than anticipated.
Miller is sarcastic, quietly cocky and witty.
Nothing gets in his way if its the right call.
Head of NATO' task force. Needs to take out General Fang but is caught up in too much red tape.
Sees Captain Miller and his methods as risky, but one he's willing to make.
A former member of CSAT forces. Went rogue after CSAT entered peace negotiations with NATO.
See's his army as the future for humanity in this brave new world.
Calculating, patient and devious.
Antagonist to Miller.
Honorable and competent, he has a long history with Miller. Will he get in his way?
Can be found throughout the game, can help Miller with tools, weapons and health kits.
Cowardly but smart.
Syndikat paramilitaries were exposed to lots of radiation mutating them.
Very radioactive, but most importantly very Rad!
Leader of the Syndirad
Stubborn and violent.
Volcanologist studying the Tanoan volcano, she believes it has a hidden power that could be harnessed for humanities benefit.
Resourceful and witty.