Docker image for DocFX.
Product | Version |
DocFX | 2.56.7 |
- for build docfx-project
cd <docfx_project_dir>
docfx build
- for serve
cd <docfx_project_dir>
docfx docfx.json --serve
$ docker run --rm -it tsgkadot/docker-docfx:latest docfx help
Copyright (C) 2021 ? Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
This is open-source software under MIT License.
Usage1: docfx <docfx.json file path> [-o <output folder path>]
Usage2: docfx <subcommand> [<args>]
See 'docfx help <command> to read about a specific subcommand guide
build : Generate client-only website combining API in YAML files and conceptual files
dependency : Export dependency file
download : Download remote xref map file and create an xref archive in local.
help : Get an overall guide for the command and sub-commands
init : Generate an initial docfx.json following the instructions
merge : Merge .net base API in YAML files and toc files.
metadata : Generate YAML files from source code
pdf : Generate pdf file
serve : Host a local static website
template : List or export existing template