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Uber iOS SDK 2.0.0 - Migration Guide

The Uber Rides SDK has been revamped and renamed to the Uber iOS SDK. Among other things, this new release includes a simplified API, better security for mobile OAuth, and updated platform support.

There are a few breaking changes that must be handled when updating the SDK. This guide will help you navigate the major code changes necessary to make the upgrade.

New + Updated Features

Swift Package Manager Support

Swift Package Manager is now the preferred way to integrate the Uber iOS SDK. Support for other third party package managers has been dropped for this release.

Improved API

Authenticating with Uber has now been moved behind a simplified API. Now, less setup and state management is required from the caller.

Auth Code Grant Flow + PKCE

The Authorization Code Grant Flow is now the default method for requesting auth credentials. In addition, support for PKCE and client access token exchange has been added.

Support for the Implicit Grant Flow has been removed.

Prefill User Information

A convenient growth feature has been added for in app authentication. Supply optional user information to be prefilled on the signup + login page when asking the user to authenticate.

Sample App Improvements

A brand new sample app has been provided. Use it as a playground to test your app's functionality.

Migrating from 0.1x

Info.plist Keys

The keys used to identify your app's credentials have changed in this release.

Previously, top-level UberClientID and UberDisplayName keys were used.

<string>[Server Token]</string>
<string>[App Name]</string>

These keys have been moved under a parent Uber key.

Note that LSApplicationQueriesSchemes remains top level, however:

  • UberClientID -> Uber/ClientID
  • UberDisplayName -> Uber/DisplayName
    <string>[Client ID]</string>
    <string>[App Name]</string>


Previously, to initiate auth, the LoginManager was accessed directly. This can no longer be done and auth must now be initiated using the UberAuth.login static method.


let requestedScopes = [UberScope.request, UberScope.allTrips]
let loginManager = LoginManager(...)

    requestedScopes: requestedScopes,
    presentingViewController: self
) { (accessToken, error) -> () in
    // Use access token or handle error


let context = AuthContext(
    authDestination: authDestination, // .native or .inApp
    authProvider: authProvider, // .authorizationCode
    prefill: prefill

    context: context,
    completion: { result in
        // Handle Result<Client>

Response Types

The auth API no longer response directly with an access token. Now, the login response will come in the form of a Result type either containing a value of type Client or an error of type UberAuthError.

The Client type contains the following properties:

Property Type Description
authorizationCode String? The authorization code received from the authorization server. If this property is non-nil, all other properties will be nil.
accessToken String? The access token issued by the authorization server. This property will only be populated if token exchange is enabled.
refreshToken String? The type of the token issued.
tokenType String? The type of the token issued.
expiresIn Int? A token which can be used to obtain new access tokens.
scope [String]? A comma separated list of scopes requested by the client.

and the UberAuthError cases are defined here

To get auth credentials in the login callback, check the authorizationCode or accessToken properties on the client object.


    requestedScopes: requestedScopes,
    presentingViewController: self
) { (accessToken, error) -> () in
    print(accessToken ?? "none") // Prints the access token


UberAuth.login { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let client):
        print(client.accessToken ?? "none")  // Prints the access token
    case .failure(let error):
        // Handle UberAuthError

Handling Responses

Previously, the UberAppDelegate API was used to pass through URLs entering the app. This API has been transitioned to the UberAuth interface.


func application(_ app: UIApplication,
                 open url: URL,
                 options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any]) -> Bool {
    let handledUberURL = UberAppDelegate.shared.application(app, open: url, sourceApplication: options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey.sourceApplication] as? String, annotation: options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey.annotation] as Any)

    return handledUberURL


func application(_ app: UIApplication,
                 open url: URL,
                 options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {

    // If handled == true, UberAuth was able to accept the url
    if let handled = UberAuth.handle(url) {
        return true