- A local OPC UA Server with an instance model according to a companion specification, which is supported by the Dashboard-OPCUA-Client. You can find an overview of all supported specification here: README
- Admin privileges
- Internet connection for the Dashboard-OPCUA-Client and a open Port between the Client and the OPC UA Server
- Credentials for connecting to the umati.app MQTT broker, please register at [email protected] to obtain those.
"Mqtt": {
"Hostname": "staging.umati.app", // MQTT Broker umati.app for Prod or staging.umati.app for staging environment
"Port": 443,
"Username": "<SUPPLIED-USERNAME>", // This is formatted like this: <CompanyName>/<ClientName>
"Prefix": "umati/v2",
"ClientId": "<SUPPLIED-ClientID>", // Identical to Username on umati.app
"Protocol": "wss"
The credentials and and clientId will be provided by umati.app administration.
Hostname: staging.umati.app or umati.app
Port: 443
Path: /ws
Protocol: wss
Topic: umati/v2/#
Username: umatiApp
Password: _request at umati team_
- Prepare the
MQTT part according to above information and supplied information - Deploy the client in Standalone or Container mode.
- Subscribe to the MQTT broker of the
environment and check that data is published.