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CSC120-A5: Bringing it All Together


In this assignment, we'll explore Association by building a virtual Train!

As before, all the files necessary for this assignment are contained within this repository. When you submit, please remember to include:

  • all files necessary to compile your program
  • containing your reflections and notes
  • where you document which elements of the assignment you have attempted and/or completed.

Program files

For this assignment, you'll be writing four interrelated classes:

  • The Passenger class ( will store information about an individual passenger
  • The Engine class ( will represent the locomotive engine, storing information about its fuel type, level, etc.
  • The Car class ( will be used as a container for Passenger objects
  • and the Train ( class will tie them all together

You'll also notice a 5th file in the repository (, which contains something that looks like an extremely simple class:

public enum FuelType {

In Java, we can use the keyword enum to establish simple type that must take as its value one of a set of predefined constant values. We'll use this in the Engine class instead of a String to keep track of what kind of fuel the Engine uses. You don't need to change this file, but you can use the values it contains like this:

FuelType f = FuelType.ELECTRIC;

Relationships between the Classes

Let's pause a moment to think about the different kinds of relationships we'll want to establish:

  • The Train class should have a composition relationship with the Engine class (if you remove the Engine, it ceases to be a Train, and if you destroy the Train, you get rid of the Engine as well).
  • The Train class has an aggregation relationship with the Car class (the Train has a collection of Cars associated with it at any given time, but you can add / remove Cars without destroying either the Train or the Cars themselves).
  • The Passenger class has association relationships with the Car class (Passengers board Cars as their means of using the Train to move around more efficiently).

Step 1: The Engine class

We recommend you start by implementing the Engine class. Your Engine class will need:

  • a private FuelType attribute to indicate what type of fuel it uses, and doubles to store the current and maximum fuel levels (along with an approproate accessors for each)
  • a constructor, which takes in initial values for the attributes named above and sets them appropriately
  • a method public void refuel() which will reset the Engine's current fuel level to the maximum
  • a method public void go() which will decrease the current fuel level and print some useful information (e.g. remaining fuel level) provided the fuel level is above 0 (otherwise it should throw a RuntimeException containing an informative message)

You can use the main method defined below as a starting point for testing:

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       Engine myEngine = new Engine(FuelType.ELECTRIC, 100.0);
       try {
           while (true) {
       } catch (Exception e) {
           System.err.println(e.getMessage()); // Out of fuel

Step 2: the Car class

Next, we'll set to work on the Car class. The Car class will need:

  • a private ArrayList where it will store the Passengers currently onboard, and an int for the Car's maximum capacity (since ArrayLists will expand as we add objects, we'll need to manually limit their size)
    • a constructor, which takes in an initial value for the Car's maximum capacity and initializes an appropriately-sized ArrayList
  • accessor-like methods public int getCapacity() and public int seatsRemaining() that return the maximum capacity and remaining seats, respectively
  • methods public void addPassenger(Passenger p) and public void removePassenger(Passenger p) to add or remove a Passenger from the Car (Hint: don't forget to check that there are seats available if someone wants to board, and to confirm that the Passenger is actually onboard before trying to remove them! If you encounter a problem, throw a RuntimeException.)
  • and a final method public void printManifest() that prints out a list of all Passengers aboard the car (or "This car is EMPTY." if there is no one on board)

Step 3: completing the Passenger class

Now that you've got a functional Car class, the Passenger class can be expanded to use the Car's methods to implement some of its own:

  • public void boardCar(Car c) can call c.addPassenger(this) to board a given Car (Hint: this method should be ready to catch the RuntimeException that will be thrown by c.addPassenger(...) in the event that the car is full.)
  • public void getOffCar(Car c) can call c.removePassenger(this) to get off a given Car (Hint: this method should be ready to catch the RuntimeException that will be thrown by c.removePassenger(...) in the event that the Passenger wasn't actually onboard.)

Step 4: the Train class

Now we're in the home stretch! To assemble your Train, you'll need (at minimum):

  • a private Engine attribute, which we will mark with the keyword final to establish the composition relationship (e.g. private final Engine engine;)
  • a private ArrayList to keep track of the Cars currently attached
  • a constructor public Train(FuelType fuelType, double fuelCapacity, int nCars, int passengerCapacity) which will initialize the Engine and Cars and store them
  • a couple of accessors:
    • public Engine getEngine()
    • public Car getCar(int i) to return the ith car
    • public int getMaxCapacity() which will return the maximum total capacity across all Cars
    • public int seatsRemaining() which will return the number of remaining open seats across all Cars
  • and finally, its own public void printManifest() that prints a roster of all Passengers onboard (Hint: your Cars can help!)