- Learn another hosts MAC - ARP, Proxy ARP
- Host discovers its own IP - RARP, BOOTP, DHCP
- RFC826 - ARP
- RFC 1027 - Proxy ARP
- ARP destination of
- No IP header, source and dest IP in same relative position
- Protocol type 0x0806
Proxy ARP
- Same as ARP messages but for MAC not on local subnet
- Router can issue Proxy ARP request on behalf of target
- LAN broadcast, router replies with own MAC
- Before DHCP, proxy ARP relied on, hosts used default masks in networks
- For host to dynamically learn IP
- Broadcast to begin discovery
- All rely on server hearing request
- ARP messages used
- ARP request lists its own MAC as target
- Target IP of
- Preconf'd RARP server (same subnet as client) receives request
- Server looks in config
- ARP reply with configured IP in source IP field
- RFC 951 defined messages
- Commands encap'd in IP and UDP header
- Can go to other subnets
- Can assign subnet mask, def gw, DNS and IP of boot server
- Preconfig required
- Built on BOOTP format
- Messaging allows future changes
- No predefinition of MACs required
- Leasing of IPs
- Pooling of IPs
- Dynamic registration of client DNS FQDN
- LAN broadcasts forwarded to DHCP server by changing request's dest to match DHCP server (relay)
- In relay, routers own IP in gw IP address (giaddr)
- Source address change to LAN broadcast, so reply from server broadcast on LAN
Config DHCP relay with
ip helper-address
Router can be DHCP server
- Config DHCP pool
- Config excluded IPs (eg router IP)
- Disable DHCP conflict logging, or configure DHCP database agent
Pool includes subnet, default gateway and lease time, can have DHCP domain name and options
DHCP address conflicts can log to server. Disabled with no ip dhcp conflict-logging, or confing DHCP db agent server with ip dhcp database
int eth1
ip address
ip helper-address
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool subnet1
lease 0 0 20 (days, hours, minutes)
- Virtual IP and virtual MAC on active router
- Standby routers listen for hellos
- 3s hello, 10s dead by default
- Highest priority wins
- Premption disabled by default
- Default priority of 100
- Tracking
- 255 groups per int
- Virtual MAC of 0000.0C07.ACXX (XX is hex of group)
- Virtual IP must be in same subnet as int IP
- Virtual IP not on router int
- Clear text and MD5 auth
- One active router
- Load sharing with multiple groups
- Cisco proprietary
track 13 int Se0/0.1 line-protocol
int Fa0/0
ip address
standby 21 ip
standby 21 priority 110
standby 21 preempt
standby 21 track 13
standby 22
standby 22 track 13
show standby
- RFC 3768
- Same as HSRP on Ciscos except the following points
- Multicast MAC of 0000.5E00.01xx (hex VRRP group)
- IOS obecting tracking rather than internal tracking
- Defaults to preempt
- Master rather than Active
- Group IP is interface IP on one of the routers
- Cisco proprietary
- Hosts target same IP, different virtual MAcs for different rotuers
- GLBP AVG (Active Virtual Gateway) assigns each rotuer unique MAC
- MAC of 0008.B40X.xxyy, X.xx being 10-bit GLBP group number, YY per router
- GLBP AVG replies to ARP with 1 of 4 virtual MACs
- 1024 groups per interface, four hosts per group
- v3 - RFC 1305 syncs time of day clocks with common source
- NTP client mode on most routers/switches
- NTP defines messages used and algorithms to adjust
- Symmetric active (mutual syncing with another host)
- Servers reference others to find most accurate
- Atomic clocks and GPS provide stratum 1
Server config: -
int Fa0/0
ntp broadcast
ntp authentication-key 1 MD5 13457348957 7
ntp authenticate
ntp trusted-key 1
ntp master 7
If seen in show ntp ass, implies this router is clock source
Static client: -
ntp authentication-key 1 MD5 13457348957 7
ntp authenticate
ntp trusted-key 1
ntp clock-period 23420384 # Auto gen'd during sync
ntp server
Broadcast client: -
int E0/0
ntp broadcast client
Symmetric active client: -
ntp authentication-key 1 MD5 13457348957 7
ntp authenticate
ntp trusted-key 1
ntp clock-period 23420384 # Auto gen'd during sync
ntp peer
- SNMP agents have a database (MIB), holds data how device operates
Four functional areas
- Data definition - Structure Of Management Information (SMI), how to define an agent or manager
- MIBs - COnform to SMI version, some standard, some proprietary
- Protocols - Messages
- Security and admin - How to secure data exchange
Versions: -
- 1 - SMIv1, simple auth with comminuties, used MIB-1 originally
- 2 - SMIv2 - removed requirement for communities, added GetBulk and Inform, began with MIB-II originally
- 2c - Same as v2 except communities
- 3 - Same as v2, but better security
- RFC 3416 defines how manager/agents communicate
- Manager Uses three different messages to get data
- SNMP response from agent, supplies MIB data
- SNMP response acks receipt
Messages: -
Name | Initial Version | Reply With | Typically sent by | Description |
Get | 1 | Response | Manager | Request for single variables value |
GetNext | 1 | Response | Manager | Requests next single mib leaf variable in tree |
GetBulk | 2 | Response | Manager | Multiple MIB variables in one request, helps with routing tabels etc |
Response | 1 | Is a response | Any | Responds to Get and Set reqs |
Set | 1 | Response | Manager | Set variable to a value |
Trap | 1 | Response | Agent | Unsolicited info to manager, no reply |
Inform | 1 | Response | Manager | Used between managers |
Successive GetNexts or GetBulks with MIB walk
- Standard generic MIBs in v1 and v2
- RFC 1156 - MIB-1
- RFC 1213 - MIB-2
- MIB2 created between release of v1 and v2
- After MIB-II, IETF stopped working on standard MIBs, set other groups to create MIBs for their tech (hundreds of standardized MIBs)
- RMON MIB (RFC2819) allows SNMP set, capite packets, stats, monitor thresholds etc
- v3 added auth and ecryption
- SHA and MD5 create message digest of each protocol message
- Encrypted with DES and AES (AES not in original v3 specs)
access-list 33 permit
snmp-server community public RW33
snmp-server location HERE
snmp-server contact [email protected]
snmp-server chassis-od 2511
snmp-server enable traps snmp
snmp-server enable traps hsrp
snmp-server enable traps bgp
snmp-server host public
- Ciscos dont log to non-volatile memory by default
- Enable above with logging buffered
- RFC5424 for syslog
- Middle ground between manual log parsing and SNMP
- Real time event noficiation
- Sends messages to syslog servers
- UDP 514 default
- All events that enter log to syslog server by default
- Clear text
- Install syslog server
- Configure to send with logging host
- Config severity levels with logging trap then 0-7
- Routers use caching engines
- Differs from web proxying (hosts unaware0
Following process
- Client sents HTTP get
- Router sees above, redirects to content engine
- Content engine looks if cached a. If cached, HTTP response back b. If not, content engine sends Get to original server
- If 3b taken, server replies to client
- UDP 2048
- Pool of content engines possble (cluster), they are aware of each other
- Pool communicates in WCCP messages
- 32 can communicate with one router using WCCPv1
- If more than one present, lowest IP elected as lead engine
- Info on cluster provided to engines by router in a list
- Lead content engine can use above to distribtue traffic
- If v1, only one router
- v2 has multiple routers and engines in a service group
- v1 for HTTP port 80 only, v2 others
v2 over v1
- Supports TCP and UDP outside of 80 (FTP, FTP proxy, Real Audio, video, telephony etc)
- Segment caches by protocol or protocols, priority system to decide how
- Multicast support
- Multiple routers (32 per cluster)
- MD5 security ip wccp password
- Load distribution
- Transparent error handling
v2 by default in IOS. Conf'd globally, affets all ints. Routers and engines can be in more than one service group
ip wccp web-cache group-address password Cisco
int fa0/0
ip wccp web-cache redirect out
int fa0/1
ip wccp redirect exclude in
WCCP ACLs exist, can filter for certin clients ip wccp web-cache redirect-list. ip wccp web-cache group-list says what traffic router accepts from content engines
- Used to be Service Assurance Agent (SAA), and previously RTR (Response Time Report)
- Probes network
- Built around source-responder
Can measure following: -
- Delay (one way and RTT)
- Jitter (directional)
- Packet loss (directional)
- Packet sequencing
- Path (per hop)
- Connectivity (UDP echo, ICMP echo, ICMP echo, TCP connect)
- Server or website download time
- Voice quality metrics (MOS)
Steps required: -
- Config SLA type
- Configure threshold conditions
- Configure responder
- Schedule/start
- Review results
Must delete to reconfigure options, also deletes schedule.
Supports MD5 with ip sla key-chain
Set up responder with ip sla monitor responder
ip sla monitor 1
type udpEcho dest-ipaddr dest-port 1330
frequency 5
ip sla monitor schedule 1 life 86400 start-time now
Verify with
show ip sla monitor statistics
show ip sla monitor configuration
- Currentl on v9, renamed to Cisco Flexible Netflow
- Used to be seven fixed tuple identifying flow
- Now can have as mahy as you want
Components are: -
- Records - Key fields (predefined or user-defined), dest IP, source IP etc
- Flow monitors - Applied to int, includes records, cache and optional flow export
- Flow exporters - Export cached flow to outside systems
- Flow samplers - Reduces loads on Netflow devices, sample size definable, between 1:2 to 1:32768 packets
flow export ipv4flowexport
dscp 8
transport udp 1333
flow monitor ipv4flow
description Monitors all v4 traffic
record netflow ipv4 original-npurt
cache timeout inactive 600
cache timeout active 180
cache entries 5000
statistics packet protocol
int F0/0
ip address
ip flow monitor ipv4flow input
Verify: -
show flow record
show flow monitor
show flow exporter
show flow interface
- Exports packets to VLAN or LAN
- Only for traffic received on multiple WAN/LAN ints simultaneously (if device being targeted in DoS)
- Used for IDS
- Directly copies packets to MAC of IDS
- Forwards inbound by default, can do outbound or both
- Filter on number of forwarded packets (ACL, one-in-n packets)
ip traffic-export profile export-this
int Fa0/0
mac-address 0018.0fad.df30
incoming sample one-in-every 30
outgoing sample one-in-every 100
int Fa0/0
ip traffic-export apply export-this
Detects events ,provides notification of events
Detectors supported:
- SNMP Objects
- Matching syslog patterns
- Monitoring coutners
- Timers (time-of-day, cron, watchdog etc)
- Screening CLI for match
- Hardware insertion/remvoal
- Routing table change
- IP SLA/netflow events
- Generic On-Line Diagnostic (GOLD) events
- Many others
Actions: -
- Generated prioritized syslog messages
- Reload router
- Switch to secondary sup
- Generate SNMP traps
- Set/modify counter
- Execute IOS command
- Send email
- Request system info
- Read or set track object
event manager applet CLI-cp-run-st
event cli pattern "wr" sync yes
action 1.0 syslog msg "$_cli_msg Command Execited"
set 2.0 _exit_status 1
- Configure thresholds based on SNMP objects (monitor device performance)
- Alarms and events
- Event is number, user config'd threshold for SNMP object
- Events track (CPU, errors etc), set rising and falling thresholds
- Tell RMON alarm to trigger when thresholds cross
- Alarm is what it does (logs event, sends trap)
- For trap, need SNMP community of server
- Event and alarm number locally signficiant
In the below: -
- Error counters
- For first, RMON looks for delta rise in 60 seconds, falling five errors per 60 seconds
- In second, thresholds absolute
rmon event 1 log trap public description Fa0.0RisingErrors owner config
rmon event 2 log trap public description Fa0.0FallingErrors owner config
rmon event 3 log trap public description Se0.0RisingErrors owner config
rmon event 4 log trap public description Se0.0FallingErrors owner config
rmon alarm 11 ifInerrors.1 60 delta rising-threshold 10 1 falling-threshold 5 2 owner config
rmon alarm 20 ifInerrors.2 60 absolute rising-threshold 20 3 falling-threshold 10 4 owner config
show rmon alarm
show rmon event
- Can be TFTP server
- Can't be FTP server
- Transfer files with ip ftp command and options
- ip ftp username
- ip ftp password
- ip ftp source-interface
- copy startup-config ftp:
- Can send dump in crash
ip ftp username Dave
ip ftp password DaveTheFish
exception protocol ftp
exception region-size 65536
exception dump
ip ftp passive # If required
Enable with tftp server, can specify memory region, and ACL for hosts with access.
tftp-server flash:startup-config myconfig.file 11
- Requires AAA
- ip scp server enable
ip http server
ip http port
ip http access-class
ip http client username
ip http client password
ip http authentication [ aaa | local | enable | tacacs ]
ip http secure-server
On 12.4 or later, disables HTTP access
Can specify cipher suite
Show status and cipher suite with show ip http server secure status
- On VTY, login command (eg login local)
- Uses port 23, can be rotary (rotary 33 would be ports 3033, 4033 etc)
- Configure hostname
- Configure ip domain-name
- crypto key generate rsa
- transport input ssh
Can uses rotaries too